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Daniel's prov~

I would be lying if I said I wasn't hurt when Corbyn started talking about Loren maybe with this other boy. At first I was mad at loren for not even being up his name to me but when Zach told me she likes me, that feeling went away. I want to fight for her. I really like her and now I know she likes me back, what's a better reason than that?

I need to talk to loren about this hrvy boy and see if she is gonna talk to him about us. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and text her.

Even with all of this happening, I'm happy loren is being honest with me

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Even with all of this happening, I'm happy loren is being honest with me. It makes me trust her more now, she doesn't have to be honest with me because we aren't actually going out yet but she is.

Loren's prov~

I can't believe all of this is happening to me. I was having the best time with Daniel, Zach and Brooke. Everything was amazing and now it's all blown up. I need to talk to hrvy before anything else happens.

I decide to give hrvy a call because it will be easier to explain how I feel

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I decide to give hrvy a call because it will be easier to explain how I feel.

Phone call:

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Phone call:

H-"hi" he says in a small voice
L-"hi... I don't really want to have this conversation but I'm gonna have to"
H-"ye I already know how this is gonna do..."
L-"right hrvy you know I love you so much and I will always be your best friend no matter what...but I like Daniel."
H-"...I thought you might say that but Loren I can't give up on you. Ik we tried to be together and it didn't work for you but this time I will show you anything I have to offer... please just give me a chance" he sounds almost upset saying that
L-"hrvy I can't... I'm sorry. We are just too good of friends to be able to love each other in that way. Ik this is hard for you to understand but please, Daniel makes me happy." I'm almost in tears
H-"no I won't let this boy you have known for 5 minutes come and take you away from me" he is started to get annoyed
L-"he won't take me away from you, I will still be your friend and be here for you"
H-"I can't just stop how I'm feeling... I think I need sometime to myself without you..."
L-"hrvy no... don't do this please" I start to cry at the thought of not having hrvy as my best friend anymore
H-"Loren I have to, I can't be around you when I feel like this... just know that I'm happy for you and I love you"

He ends the call.

That's it's I have lost my longest best friend in the matter of seconds... I suddenly start crying my eyes out. I have never felt pain like this... I'm heartbroken. I starts hyperventilating to the point where I actually stop breathing... everything suddenly goes black...

2 and a half hours later:
Loren's prov~

My head is killing and I can feel something in my arm. I open my eyes slowly and see all these bright lights shining down at me... where am I? The pain in my head is horrific, unlike any other pain I have felt in my life. My vision becomes clearer and I can see I'm in a hospital. I quickly sit up, confused as to why I'm here.

D-"Loren babe you need to lie down otherwise you will get head rush and pass out again" he says in a caring voice
L-"Daniel... your here?" I'm so unsure of my surroundings that I have to ask if it's really him
D-"yes I'm right here"
L-"why am I here?" I need to know why

Daniel looks over to the other side of the room where my mom is sat holding my head... I didn't even feel it.

Lm-"darling you passed out... you fell and banged your head, that's why your here"

Suddenly the memory of what happened come flooding back to me... hrvy. I was so upset about him it caused me to pass out and hurt myself.

D-"but your going to be fine, you just need to rest" he says with his gorgeous smile
L-"thank you for being here" I try smiling but I have no energy
D-"i wouldn't want to be anywhere else... I'm gonna do get some water for you, I will leave you two to talk" he looks between me and my mom and smiles small before leaving the room
Lm-"honey what happened? What caused you to pass out?" She says in a worried voice
L-"me and hrvy got into a big fight... we are no longer friends" oh no, tears come flooding in my eyes
Lm-"what why?!"
L-"basically you know when me and hrvy tried to be more than friends but it didn't work..."
L-"well he still has them feelings for me. He wanted me to give him another chance but I like Daniel mom" I start crying again
Lm-"Awh baby it's okay, you can't help the way you feel. I understand it will be hard without him but it will get earlier" she gives me a hug, just want I need. "Daniel seems like a really sweet boy, just what you need and if hrvy can't except that then maybe this is for the best"

My mom always knows what to say to make even the worst of situations better.

L-"thanks mom... it's just gonna be so hard not having him around, we have been mates for years" I swipe away my tears
Lm-"Ik darling but you have Daniel now. He also tells me he is in a band which is cool so you have them boys to help you too" she smiles
L-"ye they're cool and I see you and Daniel have been getting along" I put all my energy into smiling
Lm-"ye we have... I like him"

Yay she likes him! Before anything else could be said, Daniel comes through the door with the rest of the boys and water. Thank god! I'm so thirsty.

L-"hey guys" I say taking the water off Daniel and drinking it all in seconds
J-"omg I'm so happy your okay!" He gives me a small side hug, not squeezing me too hard
Jo-"don't do that again! We all nearly had a heart attack when Zach got off the phone to Brooke"
L-"where is Brooke?" I turn to Daniel
D-"she has been here since you got her but just before you woke up she went to get Lydia so she should be back soon" he smiles at me
Z-"she was crying pretty much the whole time she was here, she was so worried about you"

Awh my brookie... I just want to see her face and Lydia's.

C-"I'm glad your okay, I have so much more I want to tell you about space... the boys no long care about it" he rolls him eyes at the fact they don't care
L-"I can't wait to hear more, don't worry I don't plan on going anywhere just yet" I chuckle but it hurts and you can tell by my face it does
D-"okay that's enough now, lets leave to get some rest" he looks at the boys and they all walk out saying bye to me. Daniel turn back to me "get some sleep babe. Me, the boys and your mom will be here when you wake up" he smiles at me
L-"alright but wake me up when Brooke and Lydia get here"
D-"okay but if your fast asleep then I won't"
L-"ugh you are so caring" I smile at how much he cares about me
D-"right sleep" he says in a strict voice before walking towards the door
L-"no Daniel wait! Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?"
D-"yes of course I can"

He walks back to me and pulls one of the chairs closer to my bed. He grabs my hand and waits for me to fall asleep. I'm so happy he is here, my mind starts to wonder and I'm asleep again...

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