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Corbyn's prov~

I seen the picture of Daniel and Loren hugging outside the bus before we left Las Vegas, it was cute. I find myself looking through the comments to see what everyone thinks about them. I can't help but notice people talking and mentioning a boy called hrvy. Who is he? Is he Loren's boyfriend? Ex? I don't know how he is but I going to find out... we are in the hotel in San Francisco and we are all just chilling before the show tonight. I go to find jack because he might know something about this hrvy boy. I walk into jack and Zach room and see them both sat there playing fortnight together.

J-"hey bro do you want to play?" He moves his controller in the direction of the tv
C-"nah I wanted to have a chat about this boy called hrvy... do you know him?"
J-"nah never heard of him why?"

I show him the picture of loren and Daniel. I go onto the comments and show him that people are saying his name quite abit.

J-"do you think he has something to do with loren? Like maybe a boyfriend or ex"
C-"i don't know but I don't think he is a boyfriend because loren doesn't seem like the girl to do that"
Z-"Loren doesn't have a boyfriend, Brooke would of told me"
C-"has Brooke said anything about him?"
J-"let's find him on instagram and look at it, maybe we will find something more about him"
C-"good idea"

I go back onto the post and click on his name. As soon as we go on it we see a picture of him and Loren. My heart drops for Daniel. Have we got this girl so wrong? I click on the picture and read the caption, they seem to be more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend.

J-"they don't look like they are in a relationship"
C-"nah they look like brother and sister" I say with a laugh
Z-"well I can ask Brooke if you want, she would tell me"

Me and jack both say yes quickly. Zach texts her and we all wait for her to text back. Of course the boys go back to their game. Brooke text back 5 minutes later but it feel like hours.

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J-"well at least they ain't going out now and she said Loren is gonna talk to him" C-"ye that's good, I was just worried about Daniel because he has already had trouble with girls so I don't want it to happen with loren" Z-" nah I know it wouldn't...

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J-"well at least they ain't going out now and she said Loren is gonna talk to him"
C-"ye that's good, I was just worried about Daniel because he has already had trouble with girls so I don't want it to happen with loren"
Z-" nah I know it wouldn't loren is lovely, trust me I have spent a lot of time with her"
C-"do we tell Daniel about this or do we wait for loren to explain it?"
J-"I think we should tell him because if it comes out that we knew Daniel is not gonna be happy with us"
C-"ye you have a point. I will go get him"

I walk out to find Daniel. Lucky for me Daniel and ebens room is opposite Zach and jacks room. I walk in.

C-"hey dani you in here?"
D-"ye bro what's up?"
C-"can you come into Zach and Jacks room please"
D-"um ye okay" he looks confused

We walk back to Zach and Jack's room and I'm not looking forward to telling him. I have no idea how he is going to react...

D-"what is going on?"
J-"it's about Loren" he looks over at me
D-"what about her?" Daniel looks even more confused than he did walking over here
C-"why don't know if any of this is gonna mean anything to you but we feel as your best mates we need to tell you" I give him a small smile hoping it will make this less intense
D-"I'm so confused please just tell me what is going on"
C-"right you know that picture that's going round of you and Loren"
D-"ye I seen it earlier, what about it?"
C-"well I seen it earlier too and I looked at the comments which is where I saw people talking about this other boy named hrvy..."

Daniel's face suddenly drops when I say 'boys name'. He looks like he is about to cry.

C-"so Zach text Brooke and asked her what's going on with them like if they are going out or whatever, she said they ain't"
D-"okay so what's the big deal"
C-"Brooke also said they tried being more than friends and it didn't work so Loren called it off but hrvy never got over his feelings for Loren and wants to win her over. He wants to take you out the picture basically"
D-"well that's shit. I can promise you right now he ain't taking Loren away from me, she means a lot to me. I'm also abit confused as to why loren hasn't told me about him... he is clearly a big part of her life."
J-"yes bro go win over that girl!" He says excitedly
Z-"Brooke said Loren was gonna talk to hrvy and tell him she doesn't want anything to happen and she likes you... oh shit! I wasn't meant to say that part!" He suddenly got annoyed at himself for letting that slip out
D-"w-what did you just say... Loren likes me?"
Z-"ye but I wants meant to tell you because Loren was gonna wait till you told her as she didn't want to reck anything"
D-"well that gives me all the more reason to flight for her"

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