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Loren's prov~

I'm down the road from the restaurant so I text Daniel to tell him to meet me outside. A minute later a blue eyed boy walks out and in gulfs me in a hug. I missed this. All of a sudden his lips are on mine... we have never kissed before... his lips are so soft. My heart are in my throat. Our kiss only lasts a few seconds but it feels like a lifetime, I never want it to end. He pulls away and smiles at me.

We walk inside and over to their table. It's at the back so no one can see us through the window. As we approach the table Daniel turns around to check if I'm okay, I'm abit red but I'm okay. I look over at the table and Anna is the first one to see me, she knocks her elbow on her brothers arm.

Christian- " ouch Anna! What the hell!" He cries
A-"look Christian" she whispers

They both look up from each other and look at me then Daniel then back to me. Suddenly everyone on the table looks at me and Daniel. I can feel myself going for red now.

K-"hello sweetie I'm Keri, it's lovely to meet you!" She says with a big smile
L-"um hi I'm loren" I stutter abit back with a smile
Jeff- "hiya I'm Jeffrey but you can call me Jeff" he smiles
L-"hi" I smile.

I'm becoming abit more confident because they are all so lovely. I turn to say hi to one of Daniel's brothers but suddenly I feel someone hug me, it's Anna (I think that's her name, I hope she tells me because that will be awkward if I get it wrong)

A-"hey girl! I'm Anna! I have wanted to meet you for so long!" She smiles letting go of me.
Christian- "hey Loren I'm Christian, you can call me chris if you want" he gives me a warm smile
Tyler- hey I'm Tyler"

Finally I met everyone... it felt like it was never going to end😂 I can feel my cheeks are still red, I just want to sit down because I can feel everyone looking at me. Daniel sits down next to his mom and I sit next to him, I'm sat opposite Anna which is good as I really like her.

K-"your so gorgeous loren, I don't know how Daniel managed to get a girl like you" she smiles cheekily and Daniel gives her the death look
L-"Awh thank you!" I say chuckling after what she said
D-"are we ready to order now?" He looks at everyone
All-" yes"

Time lapse~

They order food and whilst they wait, they all talk between themselves. Loren was talking to Anna and Christian, Daniel was talking to his mom and Tyler was talking to his dad. The food came and they all stay in conversations. Loren actually felt so welcomed and feels like she is part of the family. After the food they get up to leave when Daniel asks Loren to get a picture of them all.

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Loren's prov~

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Loren's prov~

I follow them all on Instagram after Daniel and his mom tagged me in their posts, they all follow me back. Before we go I need to go to the toilet.

L-"Daniel I'm just going to the toilet I will be back in a minute" I smile saying it loud enough for him just to hear
A-"I'm coming!" She jumps over

We walk to the toilet together and we do our business. When we come out, we wash our hands and Anna starts talking to me

A-"I'm so happy my brother found someone like you" she smiles at me
L-"Awh thank you"
A-"his last girlfriend just used him for his fame so he hasn't been interested in having a girlfriend since but now he has you so you must be special"
L-"ye we haven't actually talked back that girl, Sydney I think her name was. Daniel makes me happy and I'm so happy I can do the same to him"
A-"I have never seen him this happy with a girl... maybe you're the one" her smile gets even bigger
L-"um i don't know, I hope so"

We walk out together and I'm so happy. I can't believe they have just let me their family with open arms, I love it. Before I say goodbye to all of them, we plan to meet up tomorrow to spend the day together. I say a special goodbye to Daniel (with a hug and kiss) then leave to go back to my hotel to spend time with my girls.


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