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3rd person~

They all get to the restaurant and sit down at a table by the stage. They order their food and eat. After they all finished eating the waiter takes the plates and they all get into a deep conversation. Suddenly the lights turn down a little bit and the stage lights come on.

L-"ooo there is going to be a show yay!" She smiles looking at all 3 of them

A member of staff goes up and gives a speech.

Staff-"hello everyone welcome! I hope y'all are having a good night! We have some very special people about to perform so sit back and relax and enjoy!" He smiles

He walks off the stage and everyone claps. Everyone is sat and wait for the people to come on stage. Little does loren and Brooke know that's its why don't we and little does loren know that Daniel has an important question to ask her. The stage lights go off and 5 figures walk along the stage. The lights suddenly come on and there stood 5 boys with big smiles on their faces looking at Loren's table.

L-"o-m-g!" She says quietly
B-"what is going on? Am I dreaming?"

Brooke and Loren face each other in shock then look back at the boys. They start singing one of their songs (just to see you smile because it goes with what Daniel wants to do next) when the song comes to an end Daniel walks down to Loren's table, puts his hand out for Loren to grab it and get up. The other 4 boys stand together with the biggest smile watching what Daniel is about to do.

D-"Loren I know we haven't know each other for a long time but the way I feel about you is crazy and the thought of you not being in my life makes me want to cry. You make me a better person and I'm so happy I met you. So loren will you be my girlfriend?" He says holding her hands with a nervous smile

B-"omg my heart" you can hear the happiness in her voice

L-"of course I will!" She excitedly hugs him
All the boys-"awhhhh"
D-"I'm so happy!"
L-"me too!"

They both stood there smiles at each other. On the inside loren is still in shock... DANIEL SEAVEY JUST ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! She gives herself a little pinch just to make sure it's real.

Daniel's prov~

The staff member walked off the stage and we could hear the clapping from back stage. I'm so nervous, I hope she likes it and says yes. The lights turn off which means it's time for us to perform.

D-"here we go" I say quietly to myself with a sigh

Jonah walks on first then Corbyn, me, jack and then Zach. I'm in the middle because I'm going to go up to loren at the end and she is sat right by the middle of the stage. The lights suddenly come back on and I can see my (hopefully) soon to be girlfriend in shock. She looks beautiful as ever. We start singing our song and I can tell Zach is showing off abit for Brooke, it's cute. We finish the song and it's my time to shine. Everyone is looking at me as I walk towards Loren, put my hand out for her to grab and lift herself up to her feet. She is still in shock that I'm here but she has a gorgeous smile on her face, her smile is my favourite thing. After I asked her, we just stood there for a few seconds waiting for an answer... THEN SHE SAID YES! My heart skipped a beat. Loren is my girlfriend! She is mine! I can't believe it! I have never been this happy in my life! We have also just finished tour so I have 5 weeks to spend with my girlfriend and my family.

I called my mom before coming to New York to tell her what I was doing and that I would be staying here for Christmas with loren and she said her, my dad, my sister and my two brothers will come to New York so we are all together for Christmas.

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