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Time lapse~

Loren, her mom, Brooke and Brooke's mom all got on the flight back to la at 1pm. They all went back to their houses and it was now 3pm.

Loren's prov~

Brooke and her home went home to spend the together and to unpack. I don't really want to unpack but I don't have anything better to do. I put some music on and starts putting all my stuff away. I suddenly my music stops and my phone rings, it's Daniel. I quickly pick up after reading his name.

Phone call:

D-"hey gorgeous! I have AMAZING NEWS!" He shouts the last bit
L-"omg what!" I get excited
D-"ME AND THE BOYS ARE GOING TO HAWAII!!!" He is basically screaming down the phone
L-"THATS INCREDIBLE! When do you go?"
D-"4 weeks... We get a week off to chill then we start tour there"
L-"I'm so happy for you"
D-"I'm so happy I never expected to go somewhere like Hawaii for tour"
L-"I bet"
D-"anyway I'm just leaving to get food I will text you later"
L-"alright bye"

I'm so happy for Daniel and the boys at the fact they get to go to Hawaii for their jobs but I'm also sad. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and I'm going to miss Daniel so much. I guess I'm just gonna have to spend as much time with him as possible.

Time lapse to a day before wdw go to Hawaii~

Loren has dyed her hair back to blonde because she thought she looked too different😂. Loren and Daniel have just been spending time together, going to dates and stuff like that. Zach came to see Brooke a few times but they are still not a couple which Loren hates. The boys have all been going crazy about the fact they are going to Hawaii and have been no stop packing.

Daniel's prov~

Its 6:30 in the morning and Loren is not awake yet. I crawl out of bed without waking her, get dressed and leave. I'm meeting the boys, some of Loren's friends and all the boys girlfriends at the why don't we house. Once I arrive everyone is sat in the living room watching tv.

Jack-"finally your here bro we have been waiting like 30 minutes"
Corbyn-"it doesn't matter he is here now, lets just talking about what's going to happen with Hawaii"
Brooke-"what do you mean? Y'all are going that's all we need to know right?" She looks confused
D-"not exactly" I look down at my head making them think it's bad news
Zach-"we are bring all of you along with us!" He says excited
Christina, gabbie and Tate-"OMG NO WAY!!" They all scream
B-"I CANT BELIEVE IT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO HAWAII! ... but what about Loren" she looks straight at me
D-"ye about that... I wanted to keep it a secret until like 2 hours before we leave" I smile small hoping she thinks it's a good idea
B-"yes that's totally at good idea she has been so upset at the thought of you going for like 4 weeks" she smiles
D-"okay great! I will need you to pack all her stuff tomorrow night whilst I take her out for dinner then she will be ready to leave with us in the morning"
Gabbie-"ooo yay I'm so excited to finally meet loren! She looks like such a nice girl" she smiles at me
Zach-"ye she is alright I guess" he has in a sarcastic voice
B-"she has wanted to meet all of you girls ever since Daniel told her about y'all" she smiles looking at all of them
Tate-"this is going to be the best trip ever!"
Lydia-"it sure is!"

Our manager job walks in and tells everyone when the flight is, what time to be at the airport and stuff like that. The flight is at 4am which is so early, I'm going to be so jet lagged I can already feel it. After everyone knows what they are doing, I run back out to my car and drive back to Loren's before she wakes up. Once there I crawl back in bed with loren (it's now 8am) and fall back asleep until she wakes up.

Loren's prov~

I wake up with Daniel's arms around my waist. I roll over to face him and his eyes flutter open.

D-"good morning beautiful" he says in his morning voice
L-"good morning" I smiles at him

He leans in a kisses me, normally I would feel weird about kissing someone in the morning because of morning breath but with him I don't care. I pull away and look into his ocean eyes.

L-"sooo what are we doing today?"
D-"well we have some bits and bobs we need to do today then later I'm taking us out to your favourite restaurant" he smiles big
L-"ooo the Hard Rock Cafe... I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you" I give him a quick kiss and get up
D-"hey can't we have 5 more minutes in bed" he gives me the puppy dog eyes
L-"okay 5 more minutes but then we get up"

I get back into bed and rest my head on his chest, I could just stay like this forever. I then start thinking about how he is leaving tomorrow and it makes me sad. I get up because I know if I stay like that for much longer I will start crying. Daniel get up after me and we get ready for the day. We spend the whole day just going to different shops getting different bits like swim stuff for Daniel, snacks for me and snacks for him on the plane.

We get back to mine and because Daniel has pretty much been living at my house since he got back from New York all his stuff is at mine. We get ready for our last date and we leave.

Daniel's prov~

It's been so hard not telling loren that she is coming with me to Hawaii but I know it's going to be worth it tomorrow morning. We have just being shopping all day and we are now getting ready for our date, Loren thinks it our last date for a few weeks but she is wrong. I can see the sadness in her eyes which makes it so much harder. I just push through and try to ignore it. We leave and get into my car to drive to the Hard Rock Cafe. Once we are there I get a text from Brooke.

Me and loren spend the night eating and talking about a lot of crap when I finally get a text from Brooke saying she is done

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Me and loren spend the night eating and talking about a lot of crap when I finally get a text from Brooke saying she is done. We get the bill and leave. I spend the night at Loren's and I set my alarm for 1:30am, great.

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