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Daniel's prov~

The past 2 days since loren got out of hospital we have just been eating, sleeping and watching Netflix together... it's been good actually. I did have to leave loren for a couple of hours yesterday to meet the why don't we management team about the tour. We had to change our dates for the tour because I wanted to stay with loren until she was 100% again. The team were all good with that and it's only an America tour so it's not that much of a big deal. We only pushed the dates back by 3 days. We tell all our fans about it through our instagram story and all the fans seem cool with it. As much as I love tour and my fans, I want to be with loren and make sure she is good.

Me and Loren have been in her house for 2 days in a row now and I leave to go on back on tour tomorrow morning so I decided I want to treat Loren with a surprise... nothing too much as I don't want her to pass out again😂

It's currently 11am and I have only been awake for like 20 minutes, Loren is still asleep so I think it would be cute to make her breakfast in bed to start the amazing day together. I slow get out of bed, trying not to wake loren up and quietly shut the door behind me. I walk downstairs and see Loren's mom sat on the couch with the dogs watching a cooking show.

D-"good morning! I was just gonna make loren breakfast in bed, would you like me to make you some?" I smile at her
Lm-"ooo ye go on then" she get happy at the thought of breakfast
D-"alright a Daniel special coming right up" I laugh and Loren's mom joins me

I make a bacon and egg sandwich as everyone loves them. I give Loren's mom hers first and I quickly sit with her and eat mine before taking Loren's up to her with a glass of milk... Loren loves milk. I walk back into Loren's room and see she is still asleep but when I shut the door behind me it wakes her.

D-"good morning gorgeous, I made you breakfast" I give her a big smile
L-"Awh that's so cute! Breakfast in bed... I could get used to this" she gives me that look as if to say she wants me to do it all the time😂
D-"I have something planned for us to do today but it's not till later"
L-"ooo what are we doing?"
D-"it's a surprise"
L-"alright what time are we gonna leave for this surprise"
D-"about 5:30pm"
L-"okay so I will start getting ready at 4:30pm then. I'm excited" she has the biggest smile on her face, it's one of my favourite things about her.

Loren eats her breakfast and gets up. Loren wants to take her dogs for a walk so that's what we are going to do to kill some time. We both get changed and get into Loren's car, we are taking the dogs to a near by park. Loren told me she used to come to this park every Saturday with her mom and would play for hours. We spend about 2 hours walking the dogs and just talking, we did stop at a small coffee shop which is in the park. We drive back to the house and it's now 2:30pm. I need to leave to get all of the stuff ready for Loren's surprise and also to get changed so I head to the hotel where all the boys are staying at. I get an Uber to target and get all the stuff needed. What I have in mind for Loren is not a one man job so I need one of the boys to help me... I call Corbyn.

Loren's prov~

After I got out of hospital, Daniel has been really sweet to me. We have spent everyday together since I came out and I just want it to stay like this forever! He told me that he has something planned for us tonight and I'm really excited. The only information he gave me was "not to wear heels and to wear comfy clothes" I have no idea what this boy has me doing but I don't care because I will be with him.

It's now 4:25pm and I started getting ready. I put on some makeup and get into a nice but comfortable outfit.

3rd person~

Daniel texts loren where to meet him, it's at the beach. Luck for Loren it's only a 10 minutes drive away so she won't have long till she will be with Daniel again. Loren gets in her car and drives to the beach. When she gets there, Daniel is stood by the stairs that lead down to the sand and water.

D-"hi gorgeous! You ready?" He has the biggest smile on his face
L-"ye I think so" I smile back
D-"okay put this on for me" he hands her a blindfold
L-"um ye sure" she puts it over her eyes so she is unable to see, still with a smile on her face

Daniel holds Loren's arm and back to help her walk down the stairs and to where he has set up the surprise.

D-"3...2...1" he takes off her blindfold

Loren's eye take a second to adjust but when she sees what is in front of her, she is surprised. Daniel had made a cute little picnic on the beach with candles, a towel to sit on, flowers and food in a basket. It's so cute.

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They sit on the beach and eat the food Daniel had prepared for them

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They sit on the beach and eat the food Daniel had prepared for them. They sit and talk for about an hour and a half until it became dark enough for Daniel to add a little something... fairy lights above them. Daniel gets up and turns them on which makes it more cosy.

L-"it just gets better and better" she looks up at the cute lights
D-"well I had to go all out for our first date" the grin on his face slow got bigger after saying date
L-"as far as first dates go, this is perfect"

Not long after turning the lights on, the stars start to show. Daniel and Loren sit and look up at the beautiful night sky, talking about all the different shapes they can make with them. It came to 9pm and they pack everything up to leave. As it's Daniel's last night with loren, stays with her again.

Loren's prov~

I have had the best night of my life! Daniel took me on our first proper date! I can't believe this is my life! When Daniel told me he had a surprise, never in a million years did I think it would be something as romantic as that. I can't get over how this blue eyed boy makes me feel... I haven't even known him for that long but i now can't remember what my life was like without him. I have fallen for him... HARD!

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