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Brooke's prov~

ITS CHRISTMAS! I'm like a big kid when it comes to Christmas and I honestly don't care. It's my favourite time of year because everyone comes together and everyone is happy. I roll over expecting to see loren there but she wasn't. "hmm maybe she already got up... but she would wake me up" I thought in my head. That's so unlike Loren... anyway I roll over to the other side where I see a present. I suddenly get really excited, so excited that I don't even read who it's from I just open it. It's a Tiffany's box! Omg! I'm going to die! Tiffany's is my favourite shop, it's expensive but their stuff is just so nice. I open the little blue bag and inside was the gorgeous iconic Tiffany's necklace that we do. I have wanted this for so long and just from opening it I know who it's from... Loren. I have told her so many times that I'm going to buy it for myself and I never did but now I don't have to. I feel so lucky.

I get up and put my necklace on in the mirror, it's so pretty. I head out of my room to find loren to say thank you but I don't see her anywhere... maybe she met Daniel? It's 9am surely not. I see a piece of paper on the cabinet by the door and I know that was not there yesterday. I go over and pick it up. I said start reading and my heart sinks.

B-"No no no" I say quietly almost in tears "this can't be happening!" I'm now crying my eyes out

My best friend has gone... on Christmas. She was the only person I wanted to spend this day with. I can't help but just cry. I hear someone come out of the bedroom and walk towards me, it's my mom.

Bm-"omg sweetie what's wrong?" She look worried
B-"l-l-loren is g-gone" I cried barely managing to get words out
Bm-"what do you mean gone?" She looks even more worried and now Loren's mom has woken up from the noise
Lm-"what's going on? Brooke are you okay?"

I say nothing and just hand my mom the letter Loren left. My mom stands so both her and Loren's mom can read it together. A few seconds later Loren's mom starts crying. This is officially that worst Christmas ever. It was mean to be special because we are in New York but now my best friend has just left.
My mom gives us both a hug and walks us to the couch to sit down. She gets up puts some breakfast on for us, I'm not even hungry I just want loren to come back. I text Daniel to see if he knows anything about it.

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Daniel's prov~

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Daniel's prov~

I met my family at reception and they check into a 3 rooms. We go up the their room and they have a look around and stuff. I'm sat on the couch in my mom and dads room when I get a text, hopefully it's loren. I look and see that it's Brooke... well if she is awake then surely Loren is too. I click onto it read the message, I start to panic... what if something bad has happened omg. I stay calm because I don't want my mom or dad to ask any questions until I know what's happening. Brooke tells me everything and I'm so confused. Is it because of me? Is it hrvy? Is it her dad? I have so many questions and Loren is the only person that can answer them. I don't even want to go out with my family anymore because I'm upset at the fact I won't see loren on Christmas and she won't meet my family... maybe that's why she went.

My mom and dad come out from their rooms and they see that I'm not okay.

K-"are you okay?" She says with a smile
D-"ye I'm alright mom just something has happened with loren" I give her a small smile back
K-"what's happened if you don't mind me asking"
D-"she has gone to California for a day or two so we won't be able to see her later"
K-"oh how come she has left?"
D-"she wanted to clear her head, she has a lot going on"
K-"if she is not back by tomorrow then maybe you should go see her" she grabs my hand as she can tell I'm upset
D-"I would but she didn't tell us where" I'm almost crying, I don't even know why it's not like she is dead
K-"oh... she will come back darling don't worry too much about it" she smiles and pulls me in for a hug
D-" I really wanted to spend Christmas with my girlfriend and family but I can't"
K-"I understood love but we are all here so let's get out and enjoy the day. It will help get loren off your mind" she stands up

I get up and go to the restroom quickly to freshen myself back up. I try looking on the brighter side, loren is happy and is okay that's all that matters. She will come back in a few days and she will be happier. I decide to go out with my family and just enjoy Christmas with them, I never get to spend time with them really so I need to make the most of it.

Loren's prov~

I have just woken up and it's 2pm. I feel abit better but my thoughts are still running wild. I decide the best way to get everything together is by writing it down. I quickly run to the shop and get some A3 papers and coloured pens then i run back home. Once I'm home I set everything out and write down the first thing that I think about, my dad. I'm going to do it abit like a spider diagram with 'dad' in the middle and the things I feel and why around it.

• I hate him for leaving me and my mum. He just got up and left didn't even try and make it work or make sure he could see me. He just didn't care enough about us.
• He is a horrible person
• I never want to see him again because what he has done to me has hurt me. I will never forget about it... ever
• my mom loved him so much which makes it worse

I start crying just thinking about everything. Next is hrvy

• he did the same thing as my dad and he knew how much I hated my dad for doing it to me
• he was my best friend that I loved so much and he just left like it was nothing
• he was alway there for me even when I didn't want anyone and I miss it
• I miss him
• I hate him
• I do want to be his friend again but I just feel like it will be awkward now with Daniel in the picture

• he has made me so happy ever since we met
• he is like the most perfect man ever
• I think I'm in love with him but he doesn't know yet
• I feel like things are going very fast like I just want a normal relationship but we are not normal
• he will go off on tour and I won't see him for months at a time
• I'm scared he might find someone better than me

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