Today is the day. The day that I will remember for the rest of my life. The day that I have been scared of for months. But today, I am ready. Today I am going back home after running from it for months.
Okay, I wasn't exactly 'running' from it, I just stayed at my grandparents. I still can't believe I left everything behind. I left my brother, my sister, my friends, my home... But I had no choice.
After my mom and dad died in a car accident, I broke down. I got depressed. Me, my brother Jeremy and my sister Elena were on our own. I could not see how we could live anymore. I was 15, how could I live without my parents?
Although, we weren't totally alone. Our aunt Jenna, my mom's sister, moved in with us. She did her best to take care of us, but she doesn't have kids. She had no clue how to raise us. I never blamed her. How do you raise three teenagers? And we weren't the easiest teenagers either.
Especially me. Like I said, I got depressed when my parents died. Jenna, Jeremy and Elena saw it happening, but they had no clue what to do. Again, I never blamed them. I didn't talk. Not to anyone. Not to them, not to my friends, not to all the people who wanted to help me, no one.
I didn't go to school. At first Jenna, Jeremy and Elena tried to force me, but when they realised I wasn't gonna go anyway, they gave up.
That was when they decided they couldn't help me anymore. They tried everything they could - believe me, they did try everything - but nothing helped. So they called our grandparents and asked them to pick me up.
At first, I was mad that they did that. Who were they to decide that I had to leave?! So I first tried to fight them. There was no way in hell I would get in that car with them and drive away. But after a huge fight, I gave up. I packed my bags and left.
When I was away from everyone and everything, I got better. Not at first, but after a few weeks. I talked with my grandparents a lot. They taught me how to deal with the pain I was feeling. It wasn't an easy process, but I got through it. I even went to school again! Not my old school, but a - temporary - new one. I made some friends and actually had a great time.
"Are you still alive back there?" My grandfather, Owen, says from behind the wheel. I laugh, "I am." "Are you thinking about the things you will say to your friends?" my grandmother, Alice, asks. "No, I was just looking back at the last few months," I say. She turns around in her chair and smiles warmly. "We both are very proud of you, darling, we all are." I smile, "I know, thank you. I wouldn't be where I am today without you."
I see tears forming in her eyes. "Anytime, darling." "Well, not anytime, we have a life too, you know," my grandpa jokes. I laugh, "I love you too, grandpa." I look at him through the mirror and see his eyes water as well. He isn't the emotional type of guy. I haven't seen him cry, like ever. So I am kind of confused to see him like this.
Before he actually starts to cry, he smiles. "We're here." My nerves immediately kick in. Yes, I was scared to come home. I didn't actually leave that easily. That's what makes it so scary to be back.
The day my grandparents arrived and told me they came to pick me up, something inside of me snapped. I was so angry and said the worst things I've ever said. I said I hated everyone and I wanted everyone to die.
I still hate myself for saying that. Of course I didn't mean any of it, but I still said it. Luckily, when I got better, I called home. I spoke with everyone and apologized a million times. They said they forgave me, but I never believed them.
I mean, it is easy to forgive someone over the phone, but would they actually forgive me when I am right in front of them? After all the horrible things I said? I guess today is the day I'll find out...

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...