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I hold Damon in my arms. I can't believe it. The last thing I remember, I lay in his arms, ready to die. Well, not actually ready, but I had no choice. Damon said these increadibly sweet things to me, what made closing my eyes easier.

But here I am! Holding Damon again, but this time, there is no goodbye. This is more like a 'I am back, bitches!'

Damon and I let go and smile at each other. I see the tears rolling down his face. Never in a milion years did I think I would see Damon cry. Let alone cry over me. I reach out and touch is cheek. I wipe away his tears and smile at him. "I love you," I tell him.

Is it just me or did I actually see his heart melt? "I love you too," he says. He holds my hand and smiles wide. I can't even imagine where he went through the last... days? I don't even know how long I was gone.

I can see by the look in his eyes that it wasn't easy. If I didn't know better, I would say it was the worst time of his life. But, maybe it actually was. I can't even imagine what it would feel like for me to see him die. I would lose my mind. I don't ever want to see him die! Not ever!

But he went through it all. I can see in every single move, every single word that leaves his mouth and every single look that he thought he'd lost me forever. Just the thought of him losing his mind while he thought I was gone, gives me a weird feeling. I somehow feel confidend, yet scared. But it actually proofs me how much he cares about me.

I hold his hand and smile at him again. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it softly. His eyes are staring into mine while he kisses my hand once again. I feel my body starts to shake. I feel an excitement I haven't felt in a while.

Damon seems to notice and laughs softly. "I missed you too," he smiles. He moves my hand away from his face and lets it rest on the bed, but not a single moment letting go of it.

I take a breath and take a look at the room. It is a small room with not much in it. Just a bed, a sink, a window and two chairs. When I see the person sitting in the chair on my right, I nearly faint.

I was focussing on Damon all this time while Jeremy is here too? I want to scream of happiness, but then I see he sleeps. He looks so peacefully, so relaxed...

"He has been asleep for just two hours now," Damon explains, "he was way too stressed to fall asleep." I look over to him and smile. "What time is it anyway?" I ask. Damon looks at his phone. "Nearly four in the morning," he says.

I smile and look back at Jeremy. "Do you want me to wake him?" Damon asks. I laugh, "hell yeah! I wanted to see him for so long, he can sleep later." Damon laughs with me and stands up. He walks over to Jeremy, but looks back at me.

"Shall I just throw cold water at him?" he asks with a grin. I laugh but shake my head. "Be nice," I tell him. Damon rolls his eyes, "nice is so boring!" "Just wake him already," I tell him.

I can't actually believe he is still asleep. Damon and I have been talking with a normal volume. Apperantly Jeremy was really tired...

"Jer," Damon says. He touches Jeremy's arm. "Hey! Little Gilbert, wake up," he says. Jeremy starts to move a bit, but his eyes stay closed. "There is someone who really wants to say hi," Damon says.

Jeremy moves even more and then his eyes slowly open. "What?" he asks Damon with a cute morning voice. Damon doesn't say anything. He just smiles and looks over to me. Jeremy follows his look and his eyes meet mine.

I can see it takes him just a second to realize what he is seeing. "Abby!" He screams. He jumps up and runs towards me. I open my arms for him and welcome him with a smile. We wrap our arms around each other and hug each other tight. I feel his body against mine and I smell the smell of shampoo in his hair, almost overruled by his deodorant.

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