I sit in the waiting room with Damon, Stefan, Elena, Jeremy, Alaric and Jenna. Everyone insisted to come with me. I don't really think it's necessary. I mean, I just have to do some tests. But still, everybody is here and wants to hold my hand.
The only one that is actually holding my hand, is Damon. Of course, who else? But even Damon is worried. The one other time I have seen him like this was when we were locked up and I was about to die. Here we are again, finding out if I am about to die all over again...
I know I shouldn't think like that, but I am. Who can blame me? Yesterday, I heard I have cancer, how can I stay calm and not think about dying? Right, I can't.
I look over at Jenna and Alaric. They found out about it all over the phone. Elena called them last night to tell them about it. They were at Alaric's place and came over this morning. Jenna told me they both didn't sleep at all.
Neither have I... I begged Damon to stay with me. Well, I didn't have to beg, of course he wanted to stay with me as well. But we both didn't get any sleep. We just cuddled and talked a bit. It was nice, though. Just laying there and bringing up memories.
Jeremy sits next to me. I know he freaks out about all of this. I mean, everyone is freaking out, but I have never seen him like this. Yes, I told him to check himself too. If I have cancer, maybe he has it too.
Jeremy keeps telling me he should be the one to have it, not me. I appreciate it, but I don't agree. Nobody should, but I would rather have it than see my brother go through it all. But I guess he feels it the other way around.
The door opens. We all look up and see doctor Williams smile at us. It is not a genuine smile, it is a smile of concern. "Are you ready, Abby?" He asks. Like that is a real question. Of course I am not ready!
We all stand up. "It will take about an hour," doctor Williams tells everyone but me. This is his way of telling them they can't come with me and they shouldn't wait here. "Okay, we will be back then," Jenna says.
She walks over to me and hugs me tight. I feel how she wants to cry, but she also wants to be strong for me. Then Alaric hugs me. He tells me to stay strong and not to worry that much, but I bet he does just that.
Then Stefan hugs me. We don't hug that often, but it still feels nice to hold him. Elena hugs me tighter than anyone else. A few tears drop down when she lets go of me. "We will be right here when you get back," she says. I smile and nod.
Then I turn to Jeremy. He is already crying like this is our last goodbye. I smile and hug him tight. "I love you," he says. "I love you too, Jer. I will see you in just an hour," I tell him. "I am so proud of you," he says when we let go. I smile and nod, "I am so proud of you too."
I am not ready to say my final goodbye to him at all, so I won't even pretend that that is what I am doing right now.
Last but not least, I turn to Damon. He tries to be strong for me, just like everyone else. The only thing is, he is actually strong for me. He smiles at me and doesn't cry at all. I smile back at him and hug him tight.
"I could compel my way in, you know?" He says. I smile, "it's okay. I need to do this on my own." We let go of each other and smile. "I love you," he says, "and I keep my promise." I smile, "so do I. I love you too, so much."
Damon puts his hand on my cheek and kisses my lips. I hold him close to me and don't ever want to let him go, even though I know I have to.
We both lean back and smile. "See you in a bit," he says. I smile and nod. I let go of him and walk to doctor Williams. I look back one last second. Everyone stares at me. Some with tears on their cheeks, some trying to hold them back for just another second.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...