The door opens. I don't think I have ever been this scared before. Of course, when I heard my parents had an accident, I got scared, but this is different. Now, I am actually scared for my life.
Damon appears from behind the door. His blue eyes are the first thing I see. Other than I had expected they are full with worry. He seems kind of relieved when his eyes meet mine. Of course he is, he has searched for me for two days!
"Abby..." he says with a sigh. "Get away from me," I tell him, ready to cry of fear. Damon moves his hands, what only makes me scared even more. "I am not gonna hurt you," he says. He puts his hands up to confirm his words. I shake my head while the first tears leave my eyes. "Get away from me," I tell him again.
But he won't. He just stands there. Is this part of the game to him? Getting me as scared as he possibly can? "Abby, listen to me. I am here to safe you," he says. I shake my head again, "I was perfectly safe without you."
Damon takes a step towards me. I try to get further away from him, but I am already standing with my back against the wall. "Please don't" I beg. I close my eyes, trying to make it less awful for myself.
I hear Damon takes another step and another. I can actually feel his breath against my cheek. "Don't be afraid, trust me," he says. I keep my eyes closed, "leave me alone." Then I feel a hand under my chin. My eyes pop open and I look right into Damon's blue eyes.
"Trust me," he says. Am I actually going crazy or are his pupils growing? I shake my head to make him to let go of my chin. "I am not trusting you," I tell him. Damon takes a step back. I hear him say "shit" under his breath.
"Would you actually think I wouldn't give her vervain?" I hear a familiar voice say. Damon turns around and walks back out of the bathroom. "Really, Stefan? You couldn't stall her for another five minutes?" Damon asks angrily.
I slowly walk out of the bathroom. I feel my fear devide when I see Stefan and Elena standing in the door opening from the motelroom. "Elena," I sigh of relieve.
"Abby! Did he hurt you?" she asks. I shake my head and want to walk towards her, but then Damon grabs my arm. "Not so fast," he says. I look at his hand on my arm and then to his eyes. I can see the anger in there, but also a glimp of worry.
"Damon, let her go," Elena says. "Not a chance," he says. "What are you gonna do? There is no way out of here for you, Abby won't leave with you and best of all, you can't compel her othewise," Elena says, kind of proud. Where is she talking about?
"I just need you out of the way," Damon says. My fear returns within seconds. What is he planning? Elena walks towards us, but then Stefan grabs her arm to stop her. "Don't even try," he says. I feel like I'm getting sick... Stefan is helping Damon?!
"Stefan..." I say scared. They all look at me. Stefan and Damon with fear in their eyes and Elena with a grin on her face. This is weird...
"See? You have no chance against me!" Elena says. "What did you compel her to do?" Damon asks her. Elena laughs, "did you really think I had to compel her? I didn't! Isn't that great? I didn't have to compel her to come with me! I just told her that you were coming after her and she ran with me, easy as that!"
Why is Elena talking so...weird? It creeps me out... "How great is that? She believed you would do all the awful things I told her. No doubt," Elena says proudly. "Do you really think you are hurting me? I know that! But you know what, I don't care! I don't care that she is scared of me! I don't care that she is freaking out just by seeing me!" Damon says.
"Fine, be proud of it. That's the reason she's in this mess in the first place," Elena says. I look at her, then at Stefan, who I thought I could trust. But again, Elena freaks me out right now as well... I feel like I can't trust her anymore... But why? She is my sister!
"Is this what you wanted? A sister? Someone who would trust you?" Damon asks, "well, the only reason she trusts you is because she doesn't know about all the awfull things you did!" Elena just grins, "just keep talking, Damon. We all know she's coming with me when we are done here."
She looks at me again, but the safe feelings are gone. All of a sudden I don't feel safe anymore. I feel like I can't trust anyone in this room! Damon, the guy with the mystery fibe, Stefan, the guy I thought would always be the helping hand, and Elena, my sister who I don't reconize anymore...
I start to freak out. Who can I trust? For some reason I trust Elena the least of everyone in here. But I also don't trust Stefan. Why is he so cold towards Elena? Then I look at Damon. He is actually the only one who acts like he always has. Damon acts like the Damon that I know. Although, he was actually worried about me back there in the bathroom...
Am I actually trusting Damon the most right now? My head tells me that that's wrong, but my heart doesn't. I close my eyes for a second and try to think straight.
When I open my eyes again, I made up my mind. I decided not to follow my head, but my heart.
When I see Elena and Stefan talking to each other, I look down at Damon's hand on my arm. My head tells me to pull my arm out of it, but I won't. I actually do the opposite. I put my hand on his hand to get his attention.
His head turns to me and his eyes meet mine. 'I trust you' I form with my lips without making a sound, so Elena and Stefan won't notice. I see a confused look in Damon's eyes, but he recovers quickly and smiles. 'Run when I say so' he forms with his lips, also without making a sound. I smile and nod.
Damon turns back to Elena and Stefan and let's go of my arm. Immediatelly my head tells me to run back into the bathroom and hide, but I won't.
Damon takes a few steps towards Stefan and Elena. "Do you really think you're clever?" He asks Elena. Elena grins at him, "didn't you learn from me at all, Damon? I am always one step ahead of you." Damon smiles, "until now." He grabs her by her neck and pushes her against the wall, away from the door.
My eyes turn big as Elena tries to fight Damon. Stefan grabs her arms and pushes her against the wall as well. Damon turns his head around to me and nods. I nod back at him and start to run. I open the door and run out of the room. I hear Elena scream for me, but I run. I fight every muscle in my body and run away.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...