How could this happen? Why did this happen? Abby just decided she didn't need us anymore and just left. WITH DAMON! How could she be this stupid? She doesn't know Damon! She thinks she does, but there is a lot she doesn't know!
I sit with Stefan, Alaric, Jenna and Jeremy in the living room. We are silent think about the rediculous thing that Abby did. And she just let us know by text! How stupid is that?
"Well, I think she made it clear she is not coming back," Alaric says after trying to call Abby and Demon for the milionth time. "I don't thnk she is coming back for a month, maybe longer," Jeremy says. "She will! She will realise that this is ridiculous, right?" Jenna says.
Alaric puts his arm around her. "This is just her way of showing us she is grown up," Alaric says. "Well, she isn't! She is stupid!" I say. "She was just done with all the comments we had on her and Damon being a thing," Jeremy says. "Still, this isn't okay," Jenna says.
We all agree with her. "Can't we just find them?" Stefan asks. He is as furious as I am about all of this. We both don't understand why Damon would let something like this happen. He is supposed to be the grownup! Why can't he act like it, just for once?
I bet it was his idea. This doesn't sound like something Abby would do. Maybe she would, but she would plan it out for weeks. She wouldn't leave like this...
"But if we do find them, Abby will be furious. She said she won't come home if we would search for her," Jeremy says. "I don't care! She is sixteen. She is supposed to be at home and go to school! I am her guardian and I decide she needs to come home," Jenna says.
"Can't we just tell the police?" Alaric suggests. "No, she will figure that out and won't come back home," I tell them. At least, Damon won't let her go home.
Stefan puts his arm around me. "Why don't we just let it go for a moment? They will not come back today and they don't want to be found," Stefan says. "Stefan is right, we can just sit here and worry about them, but they are not coming back. Let's try to go on with our lives," Alaric says. "Ric, Abby is like a child to me. That's not something I can let go," Jenna says.
Alaric hugs her. "I know, but we can't do anything about the situation. I will talk to Liz and ask her to keep an eye out for them. If they want to have this life, let them. They will come back eventually," he says, "I know I did."
We are all confused. "Did you ran away from home?" Jeremy asks. Alaric laughs, "I did. I was young and thought I could run the world by myself. So when I bought a car, I left." We all laugh. "How long did it take you to come home?" I ask him. "Not even a week," Alaric laughs and we all laugh with him.
"You're right. They will probably come back sooner if we don't look for them," Jeremy says. Even though none of us really want to, we agree. If we try to find them, there is no way we will get Abby home with us. The best we can do, is wait for them to come home themselves.
Everything is black. My head hurts and I feel cold. Like, really cold. It feels like I am lying on a cold floor. It takes me a moment to open my eyes. My whole body feels like it was all shut down and it needs to take a moment to restart.
When I can finally open my eyes, I don't understand what I see. I lay on a concrete floor in a room with walls of bars all around me. The room is dark and I feel cold.
"Abby?" I hear Damon's voice say. I try to sit straight, but it is harder than I thought. When I finally sit, I look around. I scare when I see Damon laying on the floor on the other side of the wall of bars. "Damon?" I ask, even though I know it's him.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...