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I wake up and open my eyes. The bright light of the sun, shines right into my eyes. I close my eyes again and cover it with my hand. I open my eyes and move with my head out of the sunlight. When my eyes are used to the light, I look around.

The room I am in, doesn't ring a bell at first. But then I remember what happened last night. I am in Damon's room... I look down, but sigh gladly when I see I am still wearing my clothes.

I get out of the bed and walk around in the room. I find my shoes on the side of the bed and put them on. Did I remove them last night? I can't even remember...

I look around in the room. It is a big room with not that much stuff in it, just a huge bed. The other side of the room is turned into a bathroom, with a shower, a bath and a washingtable. It all looks really modern, other than the rest of the style in the house.

I walk out of the room and end up in a hallway. On the floor is a red, kind of old, carpet. The walls are from wood and also look old.

I walk through the house, past all the different doors. I open a few, but after every one of them is another bedroom. Not as big as Damon's, but still bigger than mine. But then I hear the sound of a firepit. I walk towards it and end up in a huge kitchen. I look around and when I see Damon standing there baking pancakes, I smile. "Good morning," he says.

I walk closer to him. "Good morning," I say. "Had a few wrong doors?" Damon jokes. I look at him with a confused look on my face. "Super hearing, remember?" He asks. I laugh, "right. I forgot."

I look around in the kitchen. The kitchen counter is huge! There is a huge fridge and a huge table. Everything in this house is huge, just like the house on it's own.

"I made you some pancakes," Damon says. I turn around to him and see a smile on his face. "You made me pancakes?" I ask, confused. Damon laughs, "can you be less impressed?" He takes the plates of pancakes and walks around me to the table. I notice it's already dressed, just now.

"Sorry," I laugh and take a seat at the table. Damon smiles and takes a seat in front of me. "I just didn't see that coming, okay," I admit. I look down at the pancakes. There are already blueberries on them, which forms a smiley.

I laugh, "deffinetly didn't see that coming!" Damon smiles wide, "that's because you don't really know me." I nod, "and yet I spend the night with you." Damon grabs the sirup and pores some of it over his pancakes. "You did," he says, proudly.

I take the sirup after him and pore some of it over mine. I grab my knife and fork and take a piece of the pancake. When I put it in my mouth, it is better than I thought it would be. Who knew Damon could cook like this?

"I have to warn you, if you keep doing this, I will show up at your house every morning," I joke. "Why not spend the night, then?" Damon winks. I laugh, "keep on dreaming."

After we both finished our breakfast, I start to clean up the table. It may be Damon's house, but I won't let him do all the work. "You didn't have to do that," Damon says, when I'm done. I look at him and smile, "see it as a thank you."

Damon walks to me and stops barely a foot away. "You're welcome," he says. I look from his eyes to his lips. I know I've kissed him yesterday, but I don't know if I should do it again. I mean, Damon is hot and not as bad as everyone thinks he is, but still...

Damon seems to see the look on my face. He steps away from me. "Elena called again today," he says. I lift my eyebrow. "What did she say?" I ask. "She wants to know where you are," he says, "I told her I couldn't tell her."

I sigh relieved, "thank you." "But if Elena won't speak to me ever again, it's your fault!" He jokes. I roll my eyes, "sure." Then Damon turns serious. "What are your plans, tho?" He asks. I sigh again, but this time not from relieve. "I don't know. I don't want to go home. Everyone lied to me! Even after we made a pact," I tell him. Damon nods, "I get it. It was a dick move from them."

I narrow my eyes, "you lied to me too." Damon nods, "I did, but I didn't promise you I wouldn't." I nod, "true." "Look, if you don't want to go home, don't," he tells me. I look at him and grin, "you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Damon laughs, "I am serious!"

I nod, "okay, sorry. But I need to go home some day. And maybe it's better do go now when nobody can compel me." Damon nods in agreement. "You're right."

I sigh and take a seat at the table again. "But I don't wanna go home," I tell him. Damon laughs and stands right in front of me. "Then don't," he says. I laugh, but Damon goes on. "I mean not forever, but just for now. You can also go home in a few hours or tonight," he says.

"How long will it take till the Vervain is out of my system?" I ask him. "About three days," he says. I nod, "I'm glad." Damon squads down in front of me. "You know, if you are that scared to be compelled, you should take some Vervain, just every day," he says. I nod, "maybe I should. Now I know how easy it is for you to remove my bracelet."

Damon smiles, "it is actually." He stands up again and walks away from me. "Damon?" I ask. He turns back around to me. "What are we? I mean, what is going on here?" I ask. Damon looks unsure. "I don't know," he says. I stand up and walk towards him.

"We need to talk about it, you know," I say. Damon nods. "Oh, I know. I just don't know what to say," he says. I nod in agreement. Then he puts his hand on my chin and cares my cheek with his thumb. "I guess we need to find out," he says.

A grin appears on my face, "or we don't." Damon looks worried. "You know it's wrong, right? I am 16, Damon," I tell him. "Yeah and I am 175," he says. My eyes go big. "175?" I ask. Damon smiles and nods. "In that case, no way!" I laugh and walk away from him.

Damon runs with hight speed around me and stands in front of me within a second. "Backing down now?" He asks. His eyes are wild again, which makes my heart go faster and faster. "Damon..." I start. "Abby..." He mocks. I roll my eyes. "There is a lot to process for me, okay?" I tell him.

Damon's face turns serious. "I understand," he says, "I can just make it easier to take for you. You know, take a step away from it for a moment?" The words sound so simple. But they are not... I know what I felt yesterday. I liked every second of it. But it's wrong...

Damon takes a step closer to me. "Don't overthink it," he says. I look in his blue eyes and it feels like my brain just stopped working. His hand touches my cheek again. "Your head is already so full," he says.

"Damon..." I try to stop him without saying too much. I know that if I would say more, I would tell him to kiss me. I can't do that! Can I? No, I can't!

Damon lets go of me. "Okay, your call," he says. He walks away from me, but I can see the grin on his face. A part of me screams to go after him and kiss is beautiful lips, but I won't. If I give in now, he knows how weak I am. I don't know him that much... But he was so sweet last night...

"Damon?" I ask. He turns around to me again. His eyes are full hope, or maybe I am seeing things now...

At the same time, we walk towards each other. Our bodies collide and our lips find each other again. Within seconds our mouths open and our tongs find each other and start to dance.

"This is a bad idea," I tell him when his mouth leaves mine. "Such a bad idea," Damon says, but then he kisses me again. I don't have the nerve in me to tell him to stop. I just can't.

There is just one small part of my brain screaming to stop, but it is a really small part who can't win against the rest of my body.

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