When it's finally time to go home, I gather my things and walk out of the school with Luke, Emma and Macy. We start to form some kind of gang with the four of us. We always hang out with each other at school. I think it's fun. We are good friends and we can have a laugh with each other.
When we walk towards the parking lot, I already see a familiar blue car. Damon gets out of the car and smiles wide as soon as he sees me. I smile to Emma, Macy and Luke. "See you later," I tell them. "Bye" they all say and walk away.
I walk towards Damon with a huge smile on my face. "Hey baby," He says. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. I feel a thousand butterflies go crazy in my belly.
"How was school?" Damon asks as we get into the car. "It was good," I tell him, "I'm glad they fixed your car." Damon smiles wide and starts it. "Me too. It was a bit of a project, but it looks great," he says. I can see a sparkle in his eyes. He really loves this car.
Even though I think it's just an old car, I see why he likes it. Besides, it belongs with Damon. Whenever you think of this car, you think of Damon. Or is that just me?
"I am taking you out for dinner today," Damon says. I smile wide and feel my cheeks heat up. "I'd like that," I tell him. Damon smiles at me and moves his hand to my tigh. "Then I will drive you home so you can get dressed and we're ready to go," he says. I smile and nod.
So a few minutes later, we arrive at my house. Damon parks his car at the side of the road and we walk to the door. Elena sits on the sofa in the living room and greets us with a smile. "Hey, how was school?" She asks. I smile, "it was fun."
I turn to Damon. "I will be down in a few minutes," I tell him. Damon grins, "I can come up with you." I laugh and shake my head, "no way. Stay here." Before he can try to change my mind, I run upstairs. I walk into my bedroom and try to find something nice to wear.
A few minutes later, I have two dresses laying on my bed. A black one and a red one. The black one is strapless and the red one isn't. I look outside. It is not that warm outside. Maybe I should go for the red one.
When I hear Elena talk loudly, I know she and Damon are discussing something with each other and it's not going well. So I quickly decide to wear the red one. I grab a pair of black high heels and black tights and get dressed.
I quickly put on some make-up and fix my hear. Luckily, I curled it this morning and it still looks good, otherwise I had to do that again now. I grab a small black bag and walk downstairs. I sigh when I hear Damon and Elena shouting at each other.
"Don't be rediculous, Damon!" Elena shouts, "you know you are wrong for her!" "Don't be stupid. She is happy with me," Damon shouts. "You think? She could be way happier with someone nice!" "She doesn't want someone nice. That's way too boring for her!" "You don't know what she wants!" Elena shouts.
I sigh, but wait a moment before I walk in. I know I should stop them, but they have to have this fight sometime. Maybe after a few shouts it's out of their system and they can be normal with each other. But mostly, respect each other.
"Clearly I know it better than you do!" Damon shouts. "I can already see how this is going down. You will hurt her, she decides it is too much or you crossed a line and she will run away from you. She will come back to me and cry while she tells me I was right all along," Elena says. She sounds so secure.
"That is not gonna happen. I will never hurt her!" "Really? Not even when you leave her for someone else? Or when you sleep with someone else?" Elena asks. I feel anger burning in my veins. How can she say all these things about him?

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...