I walk through the school with Luke. He stayed with me the entire day. Of course, I also stayed with Emma and Macy, but Luke stayed with me as well. He was constantly talking to me.
Not that that's weird, we were really good friends a year ago, but it hasn't happened in a while. The last time I talked with him was at the party where Damon and I got busted, but before then we didn't talk at all.
At least, not after he broke my heart. I still remember that day like yesterday. Also because it was the day my parents died...
But something happened between Luke and me as well. That day, I kissed him. We were hanging out a lot that entire month. We did a lot of great things and I was crushing on him big time.
That day, I kissed him. I thought he felt the same for me, but he didn't. He told me I was crazy and he had a crush on Linsy, the one person I disgusted the most.
He told me horrible things and called me the most awful things for kissing him.
But now, we are friends again. Of course he apologized after that day. I forgave him, but he never continued to be my crush again.
"So, what are you gonna do today?" Luke asks as we walk out of the school. "I think I will just chill for a little bit, maybe even take a nap," I tell him. I am way too tired. I forgot how much energy it takes to go to school.
"Do you want me to drop you off at home?" He asks. I look around at the parking lot, but I don't see Elena somewhere. She is supposed to pick me up...
"Abby!" I hear. I turn around and see Elena walking towards me. "Sorry, it took longer than I expected," she says. She looks over to Luke. "Hey Luke, how are you?" she asks. "I'm good, thanks," he says.
Luke looks over to me. "So, I guess you don't need a ride home anymore?" he asks. I smile, "no thanks. I will see you tomorrow." Luke nods, "see you tomorrow. If you need a ride to school, just call me." I smile thankfully and he walks away.
Elena and I walk towards her car. "So, you're back to Luke?" She asks. I roll my eyes. "I am still with Damon, we are just on a break," I tell her. Elena smiles and gets in the car. "He is into you, I can tell," she says. I get in the car as well. "Damon? I sure hope so," I laugh. I now she means Luke.
"No, Luke! He is sweet and he is into you," she says. I just roll my eyes and put my seatbelt on. "Just saying," she says. "No, you are not just saying. You want me to run to Luke, just because you don't like Damon," I tell her.
Elena starts the car and drives away. "Not just because I don't like Damon. Also because Luke is so much better for you. He will never get you into danger," she says. "No, but he breaks my heart," I tell her. Elena sighs, "Damon will too."
The rest of the ride, I just stare out the window. I don't want to talk to her if all she will say is how happy she is that I am on a break with Damon. Damon and I aren't over. I just need a break from him while I get over my trauma.
Speaking of, did he text me yet? I grab my phone out of my bag and open it. I see I don't have a single text from him since this morning.
So, I decide to text him instead. I doubt if I should tell him about Luke. I know Damon hates the guy, just because Luke is into me. Should I tell Damon Luke is all over me? Maybe not right now.
Me: Hey Damon, I am on my way home from school. It was a tough day, but I got through it! :D How are you?
Immediately he respons.
Damon: Good to hear! I had a productive day.
Me: Productive how?
I know he is looking for doctor Martin. He wants nothing more than to kill the guy. But the thought of Damon looking for doctor Martin, makes me scared. What if Damon can't fight him? What if doctor Martin is smarter and will take Damon all over again?

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...