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The next day, I am back at school. The school opened again, today. Everyone is still shaking up by the idea that our principal is killed by some animal attack. Why wouldn't we be?

I walk through the hall. There weren't any classes today, just a speech from the major. The rest of the day is about mister Miller. We are allowed to spend the whole day here. A few classrooms are open so we can sit and talk to teachers or each other.

I am not in the mood. The last minutes I saw him alive, I wished him the most terrible things. I don't want to cry over him. I didn't even drop one single tear for him.

When a few crying students pass me in the hall, I sigh annoyed. Every single person in this school knew what a horrible person mister Miller was. But apperently, everybody cries over his death!

I walk outside. The fresh air fills my lungs. I felt like a crazy person today. Everybody kept an extra eye out for me. Apperently, everybody knows how I broke down after my parents died and apperently everybody is scared I will break down again!

Well, don't worry. I will not break down for an jackass like mister Miller! While everyone is saying all these nice things about him - which isn't a lot, but everyone just repeats the few nice things he did in his life - I call him all the horrible things I can think of in my head. Am I a horrible person for doing that? Well, fine. I'll be a horrible person today, but he was one his entire life!

"Crying out here on your own?" I hear from behind me. I turn around, only to be welcomed by the most adoreble faces of Lincy, Rosita and Wendy. Of freaking course!

"Yes, so why don't you just leave me alone?" I ask them. I turn my back on them and walk on. "Ah, poor Abby, she lost somebody again!" Lincy says, laughing. I force myself not to listen to them and walk on, but they follow me.

"Lincy, do you think we need to bring her some tissues?" Rosita jokes. Wendy laughs, "or maybe some towels! She is crying a river!" Lincy laughs even louder, "poor old thing! The last person that liked her is dead! Well at least he is together with her parents, in hell!"

I turn around to her and slap Lincy on her cheek, hard. They clearly did not see that coming. They all look at me with shocked faces. Lincy's face slowly turns red. When her eyes meet mine, they spit fire.

"You bitch!" She screams. She grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me against the wall. "Why didn't that animal attack you instead? Nobody would even notice!" she says. My breathing speeds up. "You're one to talk," I fire back.

Lincy grabs my hair and pulls, hard. I fall on the ground, but luckily I catch myself. "Oh sorry, I forgot, even that animal wouldn't want to be around you!" Lincy says evily. "I bet that animal saw you first, but was like: 'nah, she is already fucked up!'" Rosita says. I stand up again and walk away. I have no intention to fight back, because that's what they want.

"I bet your parents told the animal not to attack you, so they wouldn't have to be in hell with you!" Lincy laughs. I stop walking and turn around to her. "At least my parents cared for me, which is more than you can ever say," I tell her.

I kind of feel bad as soon as the words leave my mouth. Lincy's parents are buisy people. Lincy once told me she barely saw them. She was always home with their housemade. Using this against her, is actually a dick move, but she deserves it!

"Well, your parents died because they didn't want to see you anymore!" Lincy says. I roll my eyes, "come up with some new ones." I walk away again. "At least I am not running away from my problems, like you always do!" Lincy calls. I roll my eyes again and walk on.

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