All the air seems to be sucked away out of my body when Damon's body turns weak. When Katherine lets him go, he falls on the floor, lifeless...
My whole body starts to shake. My eyes start to water and I feel like I get sick all over again...
Katherine looks over to me, smiles proudly and walks upstairs. My body comes back to life. I run towards Damon as fast as I can and kneel beside him.
I put my hands on his face. But his entire skin feels cold. Colder than usual... "Damon..." I say. Tears start rolling out of my eyes. My hands move to his neck. I feel my stomach turn when I feel his neck is actually broken... I don't feel a heartbeat, nothing... Is he dead? No, he can't be! Or can he? I know he told me he couldn't get killed that easily, but maybe this is an exception?
I hear footsteps behind me again. "Awh, poor thing..." Katherine says. I turn back around to her. My cheeks are wet because of my tears, but I don't care. Katherine's smile grows a bit. "Don't worry, he will be on his feet in a few minutes.
I get angry. Who does she think she is?! First she pretends to be my sister and kidnaps me and now she kills Damon?!
I stand up and face her. I bet I look ridiculous with the tears all over my face and the angry look in my eyes. With a simple move, she grabs my throat and pushes me with my back against the wall. "Where is it?" she asks.
"Where is what?" I ask, trying to breathe even though my throat is almost closed. "The necklace, where is it? I know you have it somewhere!" She says.
She lifts me up from the ground, just a few inches, but I can't reach it anymore. "Tell me now, before I kill you too!" She threatens. "I don't know where you're talking about. I don't have it!" I tell her. She lifts me even higher and closes my throat even more. I can't even breathe anymore.
"Tell me now! I will kill you, little girl! And you won't come back to life like Damon!" She threatens. I close my eyes, feeling my body breaking down. Is my body really gonna die this slowly?
"Get the hell away from her!" I open my eyes again and Damon stands behind Katherine. He grabs her and pulls her away from me. I land on my feet. I feel lightheaded and fall against the wall. I get dizzy, what makes me feel sick all over again.
"What are you trying, Damon? I am stronger than you," I hear Katherine say, proudly. "I don't care. I am angrier and ready to eat you alive," Damon says. The way he talks to her spreads goosebumps all over my body.
When everything stops spinning, I look up to Damon and Katherine. I see fear in Katherine's eyes. She looks from Damon to me. "Don't even dare. I swear to you Katherine: take one step towards her and you're dead," Damon threatens. Katherine looks over to Damon. "This isn't over," she says. And within a second, she disappears.
Damon sighs relieved and turns around to me. When he sees me leaning against the wall, he runs over to me. His hands move to my hips and he lifts me up and carries me to the couch. He lays me down and takes a seat beside me himself.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I look at him and see the worried look in his eyes. It's a look I haven't seen a lot. "I am," I say, still catching my breath. Damon puts his hand on my cheek. "I am so sorry she attacked you," he says. It makes me smile. "I am glad you are okay," I tell him honestly.
Damon laughs, "why?" "Because she killed you! Do you know how scary that was to see?" I tell him. Damon smiles big, "you knew I would come back to life." I shake my head. "I didn't. You told me you couldn't die that easily, but I had no idea if this was an exception or not," I tell him.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...