When I arrive at school again, I am late. Jeremy was supposed to drive me, but he decided today was the perfect day to get ill. Okay, I can't really blame him for that, but I am still late because of it.
Luckily, my first class is Alaric's. I run through the hall, looking for the right classroom. When I finally find it, I almost run through the door into the classroom.
Everyone looks at me with a scared look on their faces as I run into the room. "Sorry," I say under my breath. I slowly close the door behind me and take a seat. "Welcome, Abby, thanks for not interrupting my class," Alaric says. I smile, "anytime!"
Emma, who is sitting next to me, turns around to me. "Why are you so late?" She wiper. "Jer has the flue," I whisper. Emma smiles, "how did you come here?" "I had to ask Jenna, but that took a while," I tell her. "Why won't she let you drive yourself?" She asks. "You'd say I was allowed by now! Jer has his license too!" I tell her.
"Miss Gilbert, it would be nice if you even pretended to be interested in my class," Alaric calls. I smile and look back at him. "I will, sure go on," I tell him. Alaric smiles and goes on with his class.
"Psst," Emma calls. I turn around to her again. "Do you need a ride back home?" She whispers. I nod, "please." Emma smiles, "you can ride with me then." I smile and form a 'thanks' with my lips without making a sound. Emma forms a 'no problem' and we both focus on the class again.
Finally, it's the end of the day. It's almost five P.M. and I have no concentration left. Gladly, we are allowed to go home. I still haven't told anyone about my moment with Damon. But to be honest, I don't want anyone to know. Damon hurt my feelings. Did I like our kiss? Yes, until he ruined the moment. Now I don't want anything to do with him. He sure is the horrible person everyone said he was...
I walk outside with Emma. "Before I bring you home, I need to drop something off at my mom's work. Do you mind?" Emma asks. "No, of course. I'm not in a rush," I smile. Emma smiles back, "great!"
So, we did just that. We both get out of the car and walk inside the police station. I follow Emma through the halls and doors. Finally we arrive in an office, the sheriff's office I assume. I've never been here before.
Emma puts a piece of paper at the desk. "That was it?" I ask her. Emma smiles, "you're not in a rush, right?" I cross my arms, "why?" Emma comes closer to me. "There is a guy in here who is really cute and I really want to say hi," she says. I laugh. "Do you mind?" she begs. I shake my head, "no, but don't take hours, please!" Emma jumps up, "thank you! I won't take long! I promise you!"
She leaves the room and I am left alone. I take a seat and look around. The office is quite formal. There is only one family photo, that's it. I would almost say that I am not in the sheriff's office. I've known her for my whole life, but I wouldn't say this was her office.
When she isn't at work, she is all happy and she loves family photo's, but here she just got one. I take a look at it and smile. It's a photo of just Emma, Caroline and their mom. They smile and look really happy.
I am glad that Liz, Emma's mom, made it to where she is now. I remember how sad she was when her formal husband left her. She had a hard time recovering, but she did. And now she is the most important person in the city. Who knows what this city would look like without her?
"Abby?" I turn around and see Liz standing in front of me with a confused smile. "I didn't expect you to be here," she says. She walks in and smiles. "Yeah, Emma promised me a ride home, but something came up. She will be back in a minute," I tell her. Liz smiles, "typical Emma."

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...