Damon walks over to me with a grin on his face. "We need to talk about this too," I tell him. Damon laughs, "we will, but not now." I laugh with him and his body collides with mine again. I try to push him off of me, without actually trying to. Because my body is screaming for it. "I am serious, Damon," I tell him. Damon removes his smile from his face, "so am I. I just want to be a little less serious, for just a moment."
I want to tell him again, but he pushes his lips on mine. My muscles are weakening. My head is spinning, but it feels good. I place my hands in his neck and decide to forget about everything. I am not thinking clearly and I won't for a while, so why not give in?
Damon removes his lips from mine and moves them to my neck. "Tell me that this is not what you want," he says and starts sucking in my neck. I close my eyes and feel my whole body shake.
As an answer a moan rolls from my lips. I feel Damon smile against my skin. I open my eyes again and smile as well. "That's what I thought," he says. He lets go of my neck and looks me in the eye. "You are so mean," I tell him.
I push myself against him again and let my lips touch his. He opens his mouth and so do I. Our tongs dance together again and I feel the excitement rush through my body again.
This is what I imagine being high feels like. Reckless, not thinking clearly and doing what feels right.
Damon moves away from me. I open my eyes and look into his blue, wild eyes. Then he puts his hand on my cheek.
"Do you trust me?" He asks, his breathing is heavy, just like mine. I nod without thinking twice. Damon grins and within a second he picks me up. I am laying in his arms, with his head inches away from mine.
"I told you we can high speed, right?" He asks. I nod, not being able to speak. "Here you go," he says. Before I can ask what he means, he starts running. But not just running, high speed running, like he called it.
Within ten seconds we are at the other side of the building. In a bedroom, to be exact.
Damon stops and grins. He doesn't let me go, but walks to his bed with me. I feel his heart beating in his chest. It matches the fast speed of mine, just like his breathing.
He lets me go to lay on his bed. He climbs on top of me and starts to kiss me again. I put my hands on the back of his head. My fingers care through his hair and tug a little, which makes him moan.
The sound of it sends fire through my veins. "I need you," he says under his breath. His lips let go of mine and Damon moves away from me.
His hands move to his shirt and before I realise what he is doing, his shirt is on the floor.
Damon climbs on top of me again and I feel his hands reach down to my shirt. My brain starts to work again and finally I am able to speak. "Wait," I say. Damon stops immediately and looks at me with a worried look in his eyes.
"I can't do this," I tell him. I hear a sigh fall from his lips. "What?" He asks. I try to catch my breath and move a bit away from him. "I'm sorry, but I am not ready for this," I tell him.
Damon's eyes are still wild and I see his head is trying to think clearly after our wild moment.
"Is it..." he starts, "is it your first time?" I suspect he would look at me with judgy eyes, but he doesn't. He seems to be careful and understanding.
I nod and look away. "Yeah, sorry, but I really want to be ready for it," I tell him. Damon moves closer again and puts his hand on mine. "I understand," he says.
I look into his eyes again. They are less wild then seconds ago, which makes me smile.
"Thank you," I tell him. Damon smiles and takes a seat on the bed. "So, what are we gonna do?" He asks.
I sit next to him and move a tiny bit closer. "I want to know more," I tell him. Damon nods. It feels kind of weird to sit and talk to him after the intimate moment we just had.
"What do you want to know?" He asks. "Jack said something about Katherine. He told me I already met her. When?" I ask him.
Damon sighs, "do you remember when you got lost and I came to get you?" I nod, "that was like a week ago." Damon nods as well, "that never happened."
I get confused, "what do you mean?" "That was the one time I compelled you," he says. I look confused, "why? Who is Katherine?"
Damon sighs, "Katherine is the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me." Now I am even more confused, "what?"
"Elena is Katherine's doppelganger," Damon says. "Her what?" "Her doppelganger. She looks exactly the same as Elena, but her character is nothing like Elena's. Katherine is a mulliputive bitch that will do whatever and hurt who ever to get what she wants," Damon tells me.
I narrow my eyes, trying to figure him out. "I dated her," he admits, "I was in love with her... But I was blind for the person she really was." I nod in understanding, "what did she want from me?" "You were leverage. She wanted something from Stefan, but she needed a way to get it," he tells me.
I try to process what Damon is telling me. "Look, if the Vervain is out of your system, I can compel you to remember it," he tells me. I look at him, "you can do that?" Damon nods, so I smile with him. "Thank you. For everything," I say and I really mean it. Damon is the only one who makes me feel safe, even though he shouldn't since he killed people...
I can't help it. He is my weak spot...
"What else do you want to know?" He asks. "What happened with Jack?" I ask. Damon grins, "he died, I assume." "You assume? You don't know?" I ask, worried. "Look, vampires can't walk in the sun. The sun burns our skin. But thanks to some witches Stefan, me and Caroline have daylight-rings," he says, pointing at the huge ring on his finger. "But not all vampires have that. That's why Jack wanted Bonnie. He needed her to make him a daylight-ring. But Bonnie didn't make a daylight-ring for him. She made him think she did, but actually she did nothing to the ring."
"So, it was just a normal ring?" I ask, trying to understand. Damon nods, "so when he put it on his finger and walked into the sun, he burned to death." I nod. A part of me, a huge part, is screaming to run. Damon killed another person today... But on the other hand, that person tried to kill me...
I can't help but laugh. "So he tried to burn me in a house, but instead he burned himself?" I ask. Damon laughs, "yep!" For a moment we just sit there and laugh. I got a lot of information today and had a lot of feelings I never had before... It's all a lot to process...
I rest my head on Damon's shoulder. "Tell me more," I tell him. "Like what?" He asks. "Like how you turned." Damon laughs, "okay. Well, I told you I was in love with Katherine. So much that I wanted our love to last forever, because I thought it was mutual. So she gave me vampire blood. But then the hell broke lose..."
He continues talking, but I can't follow anymore. My eyes close, my breathing slows down and I fall asleep. With my head on his shoulder.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...