We're all sitting in the kitchen. Elena and Jeremy made dinner, lasagna. Man, it's been a long time since I ate this! My grandmother tried to make it for me a few times, bot nobody's lasagna is as good as theirs!
"Shall I clean this up?" I ask, pointing at the two extra plates at the table. My grandparents already left. They had a drive of two hours a head and they didn't want to drive in the dark. But there still are seven plates on the table.
"No, just leave them there" Jenna says. I am confused, "why? We're with five people." Elena, who is standing at the other side of the room with Stefan, smiles. "We have a present for you" she says. Right before I can ask her what she meant, the doorbell rings.
"Perfect timing" Alaric laughs. Everyone's looking at me. "Go get it" Jeremy smiles. I feel some kind of excitement and walk to the door. Before I open it, I take a breath to calm my nerves. Why am I so scared to open a door? Well, the second I opened the door, I knew why.
I start screaming and jumping as soon as the door opened. Right in front of me, are my two of my favourite people in this town: Macy and Emma. Also known as my best friends. Also known as my friends who I haven't seen in a way too long time.
"Abby!" they both scream. "Girls!" I scream. We all jump up and down in excitement before we hug each other. I both hold them tight, like I imagine I'd do as soon as I drove away from this town.
"I can't believe I'm holding you right now" Emma cries in my arms. I start tearing up myself when I hug her even tighter. "I missed you so much" I whisper. "I missed you too! Don't ever leave us again" Macy cries. "I won't, I promise" I laugh.
When we let go of each other, I feel the tears running down my cheeks. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this" I cry. They both laugh, "I think as long as we waited for this, as well." I smile and hug them again. "I can't stop hugging you," I laugh. "Please don't," Emma laughs.
"Please do, we're hungry!" Jeremy laughs. I let them go again and turn around. When I see the happiness in his eyes, I feel like I want to cry all over again. He is so happy for me! "Jer is right, let's eat!" Macy says. Emma and I agree and we all walk inside.
The dinner party - as I like to call it - is everything I've ever wanted, and more. We all talk and laugh and enjoy the delicious food. When I look around the table, I feel like there is a whole in my body. A hole that is been there for a few months now. The hole where my parents used to be...
I imagine how it would be if they were here right now. I can almost see my dad in the kitchen. He would make a sarcastic comment about the lasagna and how he could make it a hundred times better. Then my mom would tell him to be nice, which he would wave of with another sarcastic comment.
Jeremy and I would laugh at him, what would only motivate him to go on. So he would make more and more comments, just enough till it really annoys my mom and she tells him to stop. He would listen to her and stop, but not before he made one last joke that would make us all laugh.
"Are you still with us, Abby?" I come back from my imagination and see that everyone's looking at me. "Yes, sorry," I say and finish my plate. "You were far away, weren't you?" Elena asks with a smile. I nod, "I was, sorry." Jeremy laughs, "stop apologizing and just tell us where you were thinking about."
I stay quiet for a second. "About mom and dad," I say. Everyone gets tense. For a moment, nobody says anything. "Where were you thinking about?" Jeremy asks fearful. "About what they would do if they were here," I say.
Again, everyone is quiet. Nobody knows what to say. It feels like everyone is scared that I will break down again.
"Dad would probably have some things to say about the lasagna," Elena is the first one to break the silence. Everyone tenses again, but I smile. "That's what I thought." Then Jer starts to laugh, "he would probably say he could make it a hundred times better."
We all laugh and the fear disappears from the room. Everyone starts to share a crazy story about my parents. In almost every story, I am the one who laughs the loudest.
The happiness I feel about sharing our memories, is greater than I would ever imagine. I honestly didn't think I could ever be like this: sharing amazing memories about our parents without crying, but just laugh together.
"Do you remember when dad came home, all mad and dirty?" Elena laughs. "Yes! He went for a bike ride, but crashed!" Jeremy laughs. "Did he really lost his bike in the tall grass?" I laugh. Jenna cries with laughter, "yes! I still remember when your mom called me about it. She was so mad at him, but laughed so hard!" "Did she really make him go find it in the middle of the night?" Jeremy asks. "Yes, she did! It took him an hour to find it and it wasn't even damaged!" Elena laughed.
Everyone at the table joins us. "He was one crazy man" Jenna laughs. "He was, but he was also the sweetest" Emma says. I smile at her and nod in agreement. "He really was. One time my parents weren't home and you guys were at your grandparents, your dad stayed the night over at my place, because he didn't think I should be home alone at an age of 13" Macy says.
"Well, he was right" Alaric says. Macy laughs, "he was, but my parents disagreed." "He never told me that," I notice. Macy smiles, "he told me he'd keep it a secret. He would tell everyone I stayed home alone that night, so people would think I was a big girl." I laugh, "I do remember him saying that!" "Yeah, and then you wanted to stay home alone too and dad regretted he told you that," Elena laughs.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Elena asks me as I take a seat on the sofa. I smile and shake my head. "No, it wasn't too bad." I just said goodnight to Emma and Macy, who went home. And Elena just said goodnight to Stefan. Alaric, however, is staying over. Apparently he and Jenna are so close that he practically lives here.
Not that I mind, tho. I really like him. He is nice, funny and sweet. But it is kind of weird now I know he is my history teacher...
"How do you do it?" I ask Elena, "how do you live with Alaric, but also have him as your teacher?" Elena smiles, "it's easier than you may think. You just need to remind yourself to call him mister Saltzman at school."
I laugh, "noted!". Elena takes a seat next to me. "Are you ready to go to school tomorrow?" she asks. I take a second to think about it and nod, "I am. I already went to school the last few months." Elena nods, "I know, but it's different here. You will see everyone again. It will bring up a lot of memories." I smile for her concern, "I am ready."
Elena looks at me with pride in her eyes, "I know you are. You proved that tonight." She puts her arm around me. "I am so proud of you" she tells me. If I didn't cry so much today, I would cry now. "Thank you. I am proud of myself too."
"As you should!" Jeremy says as he takes a seat on my other side. I smile thankful at him. "And if something goes wrong tomorrow or you're freaking out, you can always come to us. We'll be right there with you!" he says. I put my arm around him. "Thanks Jer. As much as I would keep you beside me the entire day for help, I need to do this on my own" I tell him.
He smiles, "you can do it." I look at him, then at Elena. They're right. They will both be in the same building as me. Even Alaric will be there if I need him! Even though it will be tough and it won't be as fun as it used to be, I am ready.
Watch out people! Abby Gilbert is back!

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...