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I run away from the motel and run towards the road. Luckily, the road is empty, so I run on the road back from where I've come from, I guess. I am not sure anymore... I stop running and turn around. Nobody is following me. I don't know if I should be thankful or scared...

When I walk even furthur and catch my breath, I see a car parked on the side of the road. I feel my heart beating of happiness when I see it's Damon's car. I've never been so happy to see that old thing!

I walk towards it and lean against it, while I still try to catch my breath. Maybe I should exercise more?

"Abby!" I turn around quickly and see Damon running towards me. I sigh and smile when he comes closer. Before I can think what I am doing, I put my arms around him and hug him. The last minutes were the most scary ones in my entire life! I just need to hug somebody...

Damon is a bit confused, but then hugs me back. "Thank you for trusting me," he says. I let go of him. "Don't you dare make me regret it," I tell him. Damon smiles, "I won't. I will drive you back home now." I nod and he unlocks his car.

I turn back around and see the motel like a small dot. "She's not coming after you," Damon says. I turn around and see him standing a few feet away from me. I am still deciding if I made the right choice or not. Did I really pick Damon over Elena?

"Listen, Elena wasn't herself. She was trying to kidnap you," Damon says. I laugh, not because it's funny, but because of this whole, crazy situation. "You do know how crazy that shounds, don't you?" I ask him. Damon smiles, "I do. Why don't we get in the car and I'll tell you everything?" I smile and nod.

When we drive away, Damon stays quiet. "Are you gonna tell me?" I ask him. Damon nods, "what do you want to know?"

I stare to road in front of me. What do I want to know? My head is a mess right now, how do I know what I want to know first?

"How did you find us?" I ask him. I don't know why I ask that first, but I did. Damon seems to be confused by my question, just like me.

"Let's just say Bonnie helped with that," he tells me. I wait for him to explain, but he won't.

"What do you mean?" I ask him. I cross my arms. "Well..." he starts, but doesn't continue. I want to tell him to go on, but he hits the breaks of the car. I put my hands on the dasboard to steady myself.

In a few seconds the car stops in the middle of the road. "What the hell?" I ask him, "are you out of your mind?!"

Damon turns around to me, "give me your wrist." I want to scream at him again, but when I see his worried eyes, I sigh and give him my wrist.

He grabs my arm and looks at my bracelet. "Where did you get this?" He asks. He moves my arm to his head and... shiffs my bracelet. What?

"Elena gave it to me..." I answer slowly. Why is he acting so crazy? "Take it off," he says, letting go of my arm. "Why?" I ask before doing anything.

Damon sighs, "you trusted me, right?" I nod, "I still do... I think." "Then take it off," he says again.

Without asking anything, I take it off. I look back at Damon, who is just looking at me with a focused face.

I want to ask him what is going on, but then he puts his hands on my cheeks and make me look him in the eye. "Damon, what...?" Damon shushes me.

"Look at me," he says, so I do. I get scared when his pupils grow. "You went to the grill to study, but then you wanted to take a walk. You got lost and found a motel. You didn't know where you were, but I found you. And now I am bringing you home," he says, "and every time you think you see Elena with curled hair, you double check if it's really her."

His pupils shrink again and he let's go of me. I close my eyes for a second and when I open them again, Damon is looking at me with a worried look in his eyes.

"How do you feel?" He asks. I look around. I'm in the car with Damon, but we're standing still in the middle of the road. "Why did we stop?" I ask him. "You said you weren't feeling well. Are you okay?" He asks.

I start to think. Why wouldn't I feel fine? I am finally going home after a whole day of walking around. "I'm fine. I just want to go home," I tell him.

Damon smiles weakly, "great." He starts the car again and we drive away again.

"How did you find me?" I ask him a few minutes later. "It wasn't that hard, actually. You described the motel to Elena and I knew where it was. So I came to get you," he explains.

I laugh, "I don't even remember calling her." Damon looks at me and smiles, "you called her last night. You were tired of walking and you were scared."

I smile back at him, "well, anyway, I am glad you found me." Damon smiles, "me too."

A while later, Damon and I arrive at my house. Damon parks the car and we both get out. We walk towards the front door, what opens as soon as we get closer.

Elena appears and smiles when she sees me. "Abby! Thank god!" Elena says and hugs me tight. "Well, it's Damon, actually, but sure, call me god," Damon jokes.

Elena and I let go and look at Damon. "Funny," Elena says. Then she turns to me, "are you okay?" I nod, "I am." Elena smiles and hugs me again.

"Why don't you go inside? You must be exhausted from your little adventure," Elena says when she let's go of me. I smile and nod, "I am actually."

"I'll check on you in a minute, okay?" Elena says. I nod and look at Damon.

He looks kind of awkward standing beside Elena and me. "Thank you, Damon," I tell him. As much as I hated him - and still kind of do - I am thankful he came to safe me.

"No problem. Are we cool now?" He asks. I smile, "well, you threatened me." "You didn't forget that, I see," he says. I shake my head, "nope." "I kind of hoped I made it up to you by saving you," he says.

I smile, "not even close." Damon smiles as well. Even though this is a really serious subject that we're talking about, we both smile. "But, you're getting there," I finally tell him. Damon smiles, "I'm glad."

"Maybe in a few decades, we can be friendly to each other," I joke. Damon laughs, "that's fair."

I thank Damon one last time and walk inside. Elena closes the door behind me, but stays outside. I walk to my bedroom and take a seat at my bed. Why am I so exhausted? I didn't do much today...

I decide to stop thinking about it and close my eyes for a second. I find myself thinking about what I would've done if Damon wasn't there to safe me. As much as I hated him, I am kind of thankful for him now. Maybe he isn't as bad as everyone made me think he is...

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