The next day I wake up with the best feeling I could ever imagine. I wake up by my alarm - okay, not so great - with Damon's arms around me. I hear a upset groan, what makes me laugh. "Good morning, sunshine," I laugh. "Turn it off, you can skip school," he says. I wiggle and turn around in his arms to face him. His eyes are still closed.
"I actually can't. I have missed too many days lately," tell him. Damon sighs, "none of these days were your fault." I smile and put my hand on his face. "I know, but the school doesn't really understand when I tell them I was kidnapped for a month and then my boyfriend was kidnapped who I had to safe," I say.
Damon smiles, still keeping his eyes closed. "I can always compel them," he says. I roll my eyes, even though he can't see it. I press a quick kiss at his nose and get out of bed. Damon turns around again and groans once more.
I laugh, "get out of bed, grumpy. You can sleep the rest of the day." "Why don't you stay with me?" He asks. I shake my head and walk over to my closet. "If I stay in bed, you can't get to school so you can stay with me," Damon says. I start to laugh, "don't worry, I will ask Luke to drive me. I am sure he will like that. At least, I know I would like that."
Within a second Damon is out of bed. He pushes me with my back against the wall. He grabs my wrists and presses them against the wall above my head. His blue eyes spit with jealousy, but I see he is just kidding as well.
"You don't mean that," he says. He looks serious, what makes me laugh. "Oh, I do. I really like Luke and he likes me as well," I smile. I notice his breathing is getting heavier by the second. "You don't like him," Damon says.
I doubt if I should go on, but I know how much he hates Luke, just because he is into me. So, I smile wide. "Of course I don't like him like that," I tell him, "I only like you like that." Damon grins and leaves out some breathe I didn't know he was holding. "You are such a bully," he says.
I laugh, "at least you're out of bed." Damon laughs with me, "what a nice way to get me out of bed." I smile proudly, "that's what I thought."
Damon leans in and kisses my lips. I open my mouth, inviting him, but he moves away and starts kissing my neck. "Tell me, Abby," he says against my neck. "Tell you what?" I ask him. I close my eyes and feel my whole body starts to shake when his lips meet my neck again. "Tell me who you love," he says.
I grin, of course he wants me to say that right now. "You," I say, "I only love you." I feel a smile against my neck. He presses his lips in my neck again and starts to suck. My entire body shakes and my breathing quickens. "Babe..." I moan.
Damon's lips let go of my neck. "Baby, you're turning me on," he says. I smile and open my eyes. He lets go of my wrists and I immediatelly move them to his neck. "I love you, babe, only you," I tell him. Damon smiles and presses his lips on mine.
During our kiss, I feel how Damon puts his hands on my hips and lifts me up. He walks back to my bed and lays me down. I break our kiss immediatelly. "No, Damon, we can't," I tell him. "Why not?" He asks. I start to laugh, "I have to get to school!"
Damon rolls his eyes and crawls on the bad. He hangs on top of me and grins. "We have time," he says. I shake my head, "no, we don't. I need to get dressed." Damon rolls his eyes and sighs. He drops himself on the bed next to me.
"Stop being so formal and good," he sighs. I smile and climb on top of him. "I will make it up to you, okay?" I ask. Damon grins before he answers. I smile proudly and get off of him. "You better," Damon laughs. I laugh with him and get dressed.
Not even an hour later, Damon parks his car in front of the school. I smile and turn around to him. "Thank you for driving me," I tell him. "No problem, baby," he says. I see a grin form at his face. He leans in and kisses my lips guently. I smile and put my hands on his face.
When his hands move to my hips. I start to laugh and break our kiss. "Don't be needy," I tell him. Damon laughs, "I am not. I just want to hold you." I narrow my eyes and wait for him to confess.
"Okay, fine. I want you," he says. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Later," I promise him. Damon moves closer to me. "I don't want later," he says. I start to giggle when his hands touch my hips again. "We are not gonna do this in front of my school!" I tell him. Damon grins, "we can always find a nice spot a bit further down."
I start to laugh and hit his shoulder playfully. Damon laughs with me. "I need to get going," I tell him. Damon nods and smiles. "Okay fine," he says. I smile proudly. I was kind of scared he wouldn't let me go that easily. I thought he would beg me to go somewhere with him instead. I am glad he doesn't. I don't know if I would be able to tell him no.
I lean in and kiss his lips one last time. "I love you," I tell him. Damon smiles, "I love you too." I get out of the car and wave before I walk to the entrance.
I smile when I see Emma, Macy and Luke standing near the entrance. They all smile when they see me. "There you are! We were almost scared you weren't coming," Emma says. I smile, "of course I am." "Well, you were pretty worried about Damon, the last days," Macy says.
Before I can answer her, I hear my name from behind me. I turn around and see Damon walking towards me. What is he doing?
"What is going on?" I ask him. Damon stops barely a foot away from me. "You forgot something," he says. "What did I forget?" I ask. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me against his body. He presses his lips on mine.
I know what he is doing. He is claiming me. I wants everyone - especially Luke - to know I am taken by him. I actually want to push him away and tell him not to do this, but I know I will only make it worse. So I just kiss him back and put my hands in his neck. I swear I feel how his lips form a smile.
We move away again and let go of each other. "Thanks for reminding me," I joke. Damon winks, "anytime, baby." He says a quick hi to Emma, Macy and Luke - he is just making everything worse by smiling at him like an idiot - and looks back to me.
"See you later. I love you, baby," he says. I smile, "I love you too. See yah." With a proud smile he walks back to his car. I just roll my eyes and look back to Macy, Emma and Luke. "Sorry about that," I say.
"So, you made up, I assume?" Emma laughs while we walk into the school. "We did," I smile. "I never thought I would say this, but you guys look really cute together," Macy laughs. "Thanks. I don't know if Damon will ever look cute, but I'll take it," I laugh.
"Was I the only one who got a bit of a dangerous fibe?" Luke asks. I have to stop myself from laughing. "Yeah, a lot of people get that," I tell him. "It's his thing," Emma smiles. "I never knew you were into badboys," Luke says. I start to laugh, "neither did I!"
Luke laughs with me, but stops and turns serious. "Isn't that guy like... a bit older?" He asks carefully. I smile and look down. "He is, actually," I say. I look back to him and see a worried look in his eyes. "Are you happy with him?" He asks. I smile and feel my cheeks heat up. "I am, I really am," I tell him.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...