I open my eyes. I am all alone in my bedroom, with my clothes still on. I remember I fell asleep with Damon by my side, but he is gone now, obviously.
I get out of my bed and stretch my legs and arms. I feel better than I did last night, that's for sure! I slept the entire night and didn't need to puke, which is a good thing.
I change my clothes, but then I notice the time. Half past eleven? I should be in school by now! I walk downstairs and hear someone in the kitchen. When I walk in, I can't believe my eyes.
"Damon?" I ask. He looks up to me, pretending he didn't hear me coming - which I know he did - and smiles. "Good morning," he says. I walk towards him and am even more confused when I see he is making breakfast. "Good morning," I say.
"How do you feel?" He asks and he turns around to me. I smile wide, "I feel good. Just hungry, because my stomach is empty." Damon laughs, "good thing I made you breakfast. Take a seat." I walk over to the table and take a seat. Damon follows me with two plates and puts them on the table.
He takes a seat across from the table from me. I look at the plate and smile even wider. Damon made eggs with bacon, toast and he even put orange juice on the table. I look over at him and see the proud smile on his face. "I hope you can keep it in," he jokes.
I laugh with him, "don't even start! I can't promise you I will." "I guess we will find out, won't we?" He laughs.
I start to eat. The eggs and bacon taste amazing on the toast. Luckily, I don't feel sick at all! So I finish my entire plate including a lot of orange juice. "You can do that more often," I joke. Damon grins, "watch out, because I will!" I laugh and nod, "fine with me!"
When we are both done with eating, I help Damon clean up the mess he made. "I got it, Abby. Why don't you just lay down?" Damon suggests. I shake my head, "I am fine!" Damon's hands grab my arms and pulls me out of the kitchen. "Couch! Now!" he says.
He literally drags me to the couch and lets me sit there. "I can handle myself, thank you!" I say, but I can't keep a straight face. "No, you clearly can not!" He laughs.
When he wants to walk away, I grab his wrist and pull him back to me. He loses his balance and falls on the couch next to me. When he looks back at me with a - pretended - mad face, I smile proudly.
"Are you happy now?" he asks. "Well, everyone is gone, for the entire day and I am here alone with you," I tell him. Damon grins, "it would be even better if you weren't sick." He wants to stand up again, but I grab his arm and won't let him. "Abby, I need to clean the kitchen," he says with a grin.
"Can't you do that later? Let's just enjoy this day," I say. Damon turns serious. His hand moves to my chin. "Why don't I clean the kitchen and then we can enjoy the rest of the day, okay?" he asks. I smile wide and nod. I let his arm go and he stands up.
A few minutes later, he comes back into the living room. "What do you wanna do?" he asks. "Well, first..." I say. I lean towards him and press my lips on his. He moves back for a moment, but then he puts his hand on the back of my head and keeps me close to him.
When I let go of him again, he smiles wide. "Let's do that for the rest of the day," he says. He leans in and kisses me gently again. I smile wide. "Good thing you can't get sick," I tell him. Damon laughs and stands up. "It is indeed, now why don't we watch a movie?" he says. I smile and nod, "but which one?"
Damon doubts for a second. "Will I regret it if I'll let you pick?" he asks. I start to laugh, "yes!" Damon starts to laugh as well. "Okay, fine. But I'll pick the second one!" He says and walks away.
Not long after, he comes back with a lot of movies. I get confused. "Where did you get these? We don't have that much movies!" I say. Damon puts all of the movies at the coffee table. I move closer and stat looking around.
When I see 'Notting Hill', I grab it as fast as I can and put it into Damon's hands. "This one please!" I tell him. Damon laughs, "of course you would pick this one!"
He stands up and puts it in the DVD-player. He turns it on and takes a seat on the couch next to me. I move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. I hear Damon grin and he puts his arm around me.
An hour later, I lay down on the couch with my feet on Damon's lap. We're not even halfway through the movie, but Damon is already bored. I understand it's not his kind of movie, I was even surprised I agreed to watch it with me!
But because he is bored, I can't enjoy the movie either. Damon tickles my feet the entire time!
"If you want to watch another movie, just say so," I tell him with a laugh. Damon laughs with me, "why do you think I want that?" He tickles my feet again. It tickles so much, I almost kick him in the face out of reflex.
"Just change the movie, for god's sake!" I laugh. Damon laughs as well and stands up. "Fine! Which one?" He asks. I shake my head. "No, you pick!" I tell him. A smirk forms on his face and he turns around to all the movies.
Before I can tell him not to pick a too scary movie, the doorbell rings. At the same time Damon and I look at each other with a confused look on our faces. "Are you expecting someone?" He asks me. I shake my head, "maybe it's Stefan?"
Damon shakes his head as well, "no, it sounds like... Elena?" He walks over to the door and opens it.
"I can still pass for her, can't I?" I hear Elena say. But when I look at Damon's face, I see it's not Elena... It's Katherine...
"Katherine, what are you doing here?" Damon asks, already tense. "I am here to pick up my necklace," she says. "It's not here. Now leave," Damon says. Katherine smiles wide. "I am not gonna leave. So you better just invite me in," Katherine says, "oh wait. I already have been invited in!"
She smiles proudly and walks around Damon into the house. Her eyes find me and I can swear his smile grows. "Hey Abby, so nice to see you," Katherine says. Her smile is evil and all I feel when I look at her is disgust.
"Nice to see you and Damon finally shared the bed. He is good isn't he? You know who is even better?" She asks, "Stefan." My jaw drops. She dated Damon and Stefan?
"So, you're making a mistake missy. Run and go for Stefan right now," Katherine says with a huge, evil smile. Damon moves closer to her, grabs her arm and throat and pushes her against the wall. He stands barely two feet away from her.
"You need to leave, now!" he says. His voice is slow and hateful. "Awh, poor Damon! Are you scared she is gonna leave you too? Just like everyone else?" She says with a smirk. Damon gets even more angry. "Stop. Talking." he says.
Katherine starts to laugh and puts her hands on Damon's arms. Very easily - well that's what it looks like - Katherine pushes Damon away from her. Within a second they turn around and Damon gets with his back against the wall. Katherine stands in front of him with her hands on his throat.
"Did you really think you were stronger than me?" Katherine smiles. Damon sighs, "it was worth a shot" I stand up from the couch and walk towards them. "Abby, don't," Damon says. With Katherine's hand on his throat, it sounds crunchy.
I stop walking and get scared. I don't trust Katherine at all... And she is a lot stronger than Damon, obviously... Even though I have no idea how! Damon is pretty strong. Not just because he is a vampire, but also because he works out a lot.
"Awh, how cute? I would almost think you care about her, you know, more than just using her like you are doing this whole time?" Katherine asks. Damon closes his eyes. "Abby, get out of here, right now!" Damon says.
"You are way more fun when you stop talking!" Katherine says. In a quick move, she puts both her hands on his neck and breaks it.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...