For a few minutes, Damon stays quiet. "Where do you want me to start?" he asks. "I need to know if everything Jack told me is real," I tell him. Damon nods, "shoot." "You are a vampire, just like Stefan and Caroline?" I ask him. Damon nods, so I go on. "And you got vampires when you died when you drank vampire blood?" I ask. Damon nods again.
"And Vervain is like a poison to you?" I ask. "Well, kind of. If somebody wears it, our compulsion won't work. The same is as they have it in their system, and then we also can't drink from them. Other than that we can't touch Vervain," he says. I would've never thought I would get such a big explanation from him.
"So, you live on blood?" I ask him. Damon nods, "we need to drink blood to stay alive." "But I've seen Stefan eat normal food," I say, thinking out loud. "We can eat and drink normal food as long as we drink enough blood. Human food doesn't keep us alive," he tells me. I nod understanding.
"Is there anything else you want to know?" Damon asks. "Do you kill people?" I ask. Damon stays quiet for a moment. "I do, sometimes," he says. "Like mister Miller?" I ask. Damon looks at me and nods, "he had it coming, tho. He deserved it."
"It's still murder," I tell him. Damon smiles, "yes it is." My mouth drops, "why are you smiling right now?!" "Because you sound the same as your sister," he says. I cross my arms. "Because we are right," I tell him.
Damon smiles even bigger. "What about Vicki?" I ask him. The smile disappears from his face. "That's a different story," he says. "What is different about it? You killed her, didn't you?" I ask him. "Tecnically, Stefan killed her," he says. My jaw drops again. "Stefan?" I ask. "But that was all different. She turned into a vampire but lost it. She wanted to kill Jeremy and Elena. So we had to kill her," he says.
I look down. Vicki was a vampire? And she wanted to kill Jeremy? Out of all people?! "Why did she tried to kill Jer?" I ask Damon. "Because she couldn't control herself. She was a new vampire, so she wanted to feed on him," Damon explains.
I try to understand what Damon is telling me. "How did she get vampire blood in her system when she died?" I ask him. Damon stays quiet again.
"Damon," I push him. "I turned her," he finally spills. I am confused, "why?" Damon sighs, "because I was bored." My jaw drops, again! "Bored? Vicki died because you were bored?" I ask. Damon nods, "I know how that sounds. I was a real dick. But I didn't mean it. I wanted to have fun, so I got drunk with Vicki and we had a great time. But then I got bored and I fed her my blood and I killed her."
I look at the road in front of us. "I know what you're thinking," Damon says, "he's a dick." I look at him, "you are." "I know. I don't mean to be," he says. "Yes, you do," I tell him. I cross my arms, "you always are."
Damon looks at me with an offended look in his eyes. "Go ahead, prove me wrong. You can't compel me now," I tell him. Damon grins, "no, I can't." I wait for him to prove me wrong, but he won't.
"So? Are you gonna say something?" I ask. "Nope," he says. I am confused, "why not?" "Because you're right. I am a dick. No excuses," he says. I look at him and try to fight a smile, but a small one breaks through. Damon looks at me and catches me.
"So, where do you wanna go?" he asks, changing the subject. I sigh, "I don't wanna go home. I don't wanna face Jeremy and Elena." Damon nods, "if you want I can take you to your friends?" I try to think straight, but I can't.
"No," I say, but I don't know what else to say. "I can drive you to my place? Stefan is probably staying over at Elena's, we have like ten bedrooms to spare, so a lot of space," he says. I look over at him and sigh. I have no idea what I should do. But, at least I feel safe around him, even with I know what I know, which is super crazy.
"Fine," I finally say. Damon nods and I see a small smile on his face, what makes me smile a little as well.
A few minutes later, we arrive at Damon's house. Damon parks the car and we both get out. I look at the house. It is huge! No wonder why Damon said he had bedrooms to spare! This place is like a mansion!
"Are you coming?" Damon asks. He is almost at the front door. I smile and walk after him. "Are there also some extra skills you have as a vampire?" I ask him. Damon laughs while he opens the door. "Of course. We can run at some kind of high speed, we are increadibly strong," he says. We walk in.
The inside is just like you would imagine. It's old-fashioned, but stylish. I walk over to the living room and look around. When I turn around to Damon, he is standing barely a few feet away from me. Immediatelly, my breathing quickens.
"Other than that, everything is hightened, every emotion, every sound, every touch..." he says. His hand reaches out and touches my cheek. His other hand, touches my hand. It cares it softly and then goes up, over my arm, to my shouder. Then to my neck. His head is a few inches away from mine. "Every smell..." he says. His head moves closer to mine. Then his nose touches mine.
"Every taste..." I wait while my heart beats like it's gonna explode. All my nerves are spitting with fire while I try not to move. Damon moves his head closer. Our lips are just one inch away from each other.
I can't hold it any longer and break down the inch. My lips touch his. Immediatelly they start dancing together, like they are used to it. I put my hands in his neck and try to pull him closer than he already is. His body fully connects with mine. His hands move to my back and holds me in place.
When his lips move away from mine, for just a single second, Damon moans. I push my lips on his again and my whole body starts to shake. Damon opens his mouth and without hesitation - and thinking - and let our tungs dance with each other. It feels so safe, being here, inside his arms. This close to him...
We walk over to the couch. My legs bump into the couch and I fall backwards onto the couch. Damon lands on top of me, but puts his hands beside me on the couch so he is not crushing on me.
Damon's lips leave mine and move to my neck. When he kisses me in my neck, I feel some kind of excitement rusthing through my body. A moan rolls off my lips. My hands search for Damons chin. When they find it, I gently pull him back up to me. His face appears in front of mine again and I kiss his lips.
We both almost jump off the couch when a loud noise interups us. Damon and I are on our feet in seconds. "What is that?" I ask him, still breathing heavy from the last few minutes. Damon laughs, "my phone."
He reaches for his pocket and grabs his phone. "It's Elena," he says, with a worried tone. "Answer it!" I tell him. Damon nods and puts it on speaker.
"Damon?" Elena's worried voice sounds. "Yes, I am here," he says. "Where are you? Where is Abby?" Elena asks. Damon looks at me, but I shake my head. I don't want to talk to her, at least not now. I first need to process everything.
"Abby is safe," Damon says. I hear a relieved sigh from Elena. "Where is she?" she asks. "She is a sleep," Damon says. He looks at me and winks. I smile and try not to laugh. "Where is she, Damon?" Elena asks.
"Elena, don't worry. She is safe. She is a sleep," he says. "Damon, what are you not telling me?" Elena asks. Damon sighs, "she doesn't want to come home just now." Elena is quiet for a moment. "Does she know?" she asks. Damon looks at me, "she does."
I look from his blue - still kind of wild - eyes to his phone. I hear a scared sigh coming from Elena. "Did you compel her?" Elena asks. I roll my eyes, getting annoyed. "No, I didn't. But I think it's time for her to know too," Damon defends me.
I look at him again. His eyes are all worried now, what makes me smile at him. "I don't know Damon..." Elena says. "Look, Elena. Jack gave her Vervain. So how much I wanted to compel her to forget, I can't. So we have no choice than to be honest with her from now on," Damon says.
"I know, but I don't want her to know yet," Elena says. I sigh and start to walk around. "Why don't we talk about this another time?" Damon asks her. "Okay, but you need to keep an eye on her," Elena says. Damon looks at me the same time I look at him. Our eyes are tangled into each other.
"No problem," Damon says. His eyes aren't letting go of mine, but I don't want them to either. "Damon, we need to talk about all this," Elena says. "We will, but not now," Damon says and he hangs up the phone.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...