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I sit with Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Jeremy and Bonnie on the couch in the Gilbert house. Well, they are all sitting, I am walking around in the room.

I can't believe what is happening! Katherine is back and took Abby...

"How could this happen?" Elena asks. She just stopped crying. I get it though, it's not nothing to hear your evil doppelganger took your sister.

Man, I want to kill Katherine! For a few weeks, she disappeared. We were finally freed from her, but now she is back.

This woman makes me so sick! I can't believe I ever loved her! But I did... I loved Katherine. I loved her with everything I had. Hell, a few months ago, I was ready to bring her back to life and spend the rest of my life with her.

Thank god I found out who she really was before that! Now, I am ready to end her all over again. How dares she come back to Mystic Falls and kidnap Abby?

"Can you find out where Abby is?" Jeremy asks Bonnie. "I can, but if Katherine is with her, how can we ever save Abby?" Bonnie asks.

Thank god, we have a witch on our side. I never liked Bonnie, but her spells are really handy now and then. At least, when she doesn't use them against me. But now, Bonnie can find Abby, which is a great thing.

"Do you think she will take Abby with her when she is gonna meet Stefan?" Jeremy asks. I sigh, "who knows?"

"Someone needs to go to the place where Katherine is keeping Abby. If Katherine leaves to meet Stefan without Abby, that person can save Abby," Caroline suggests.

"But what if she notices?" Elena asks. I sigh, "we need to be careful..." "And we don't know what she told Abby or what she did to her," Jeremy says.

We all get tense. "What do you mean?" Elena asks. "Well, Abby went with her, Katherine must have said something, right? Or Katherine compelled her..." Jeremy explains.

We all nod, but stay silent. Everyone thinks about the best and safest way to save Abby.

"What if we wait till Katherine is with me and then someone goes to Abby?" Stefan suggests, "if she compelled Abby or something, will be clear when that person finds her. But we need to get to her first."

Everyone nods. "But who?" Elena asks, "if she sees me, she is gonna lose her mind." "I can do it," Jeremy says. Elena shakes her head, "what if Katherine comes back? Or what if Abby is compelled?"

"I'll do it," I say. Everyone seems surprised. "What? I can compel Abby to come with me and I am not afraid to fight Katherine. I can do it," I explain. "Abby doesn't trust you," Jeremy says.

"Did you not hear the part where I said I could compel her?" I ask him. Jeremy sighs, "fine, but don't say I didn't warn you!" I roll my eyes, "calm down, little Gilbert."

"So, I just need something that belongs to Abby," Bonnie says. Elena nods and stands up. She grabs something from the table and gives it to Bonnie. When Bonnie holds it, I can see it's a shirt. "Is that good enough?" Jeremy asks. Bonnie nods, "it's easier with a bracelet or necklace, but this will do."

We all stand up and walk to the kitchen. Bonnie put a map on the table and ligts a few candles. "I just need some blood," she says. I laugh, "same here, but we are kind of in the middle of something." Everyone rolls their eyes at me, but I just smile at them.

"I am her twin, so my blood will work the best," Jeremy says. Bonnie nods and takes Jeremy's hand. With a knife she cuts his hand open, just a little bit. Drops op Jeremy's blood falls on the middle of the map.

Before Bonnie does anything else, she looks around. "Is everyone okay?" She asks, meaning Stefan, Caroline and me. We all nod. "It's just a little blood, we can handle it," I tell her. Bonnie looks at me and narrows her eyes. "Can you?" She asks.

I roll my eyes at her, "just do your hocus pocus." Bonnie grins and closes her eyes. She says a few Latin words and within a few seconds all the fire in the candles grow big. I take a step back, before Bonnie 'accidentally' hurts me. I know she wants to.

"Look!" Jeremy says. We all look at the map and see the drops of blood form one big drop. They start to move over the map. "You're doing great, Bonnie," Caroline tells her friend. Bonnie continues the Latin talk and the drop of blood moves even further.

All of a sudden, it stops. Bonnie opens her eyes and all the fires in the candles turn to normal again. We all stare at the map. "She's in Pennsylvania?" Elena asks. "Apperently," Bonnie says. "That's a long ride..." I sigh. "Well, I guess I am meeting Katherine somewhere in Pennsylvania as well," Stefan says.

"In that case, I'll start driving today," I tell them. "I'll get my car. Let's go in an hour, okay?" Stefan asks. I nod, "two cars I assume?" "Yes, if Abby is in a totally different part as Katherine, we need our own cars," Stefan says.

So that's what we did. An hour later, I am standing outside, besides my car. Stefan takes his time to say goodbye to Elena while I wait for him. "I will get another map to find out where Abby is precisly," Bonnie says. "We will call you if we know more," Jeremy assures. I nod, "great!"

I look over to Stefan, "let's roll, shall we?" Stefan nods. "Make sure you compelled her before she gets home, okay?" Elena asks. "What? Why?" Jeremy asks. "She won't understand if she gets home and sees me," Elena explains.

"But still, is compultion really necisarry?" Jeremy asks. "Do you have a better idea?" I ask him. He stays quiet. "Right, so let the big people handle it," I tell him. He shoots me a mad look, but I ignore him and look back at Stefan. "Let's go!"


The next day, I sit in my car, waiting for Stefan to tell me he is with Katherine. Luckily, Bonnie found out that Abby is in a motel and they sent me the address. So, I sit in my car a few minutes away from it. It was way to dangerous to sit and wait close by. Katherine could easily see my car and find out.

I look at my phone once again and see I got a text from Elena.

Elena: We all called and texted her, but she won't respond to anyone. Katherine must have done something.

Stefan: Maybe Katherine took her phone.

Me: I wouldn't be surprised!

Stefan: I see Katherine!

I sit up and wait patiently. If Katherine took Abby with her, we have a huge problem. In that case, we can't save her that easily, because we don't know what Katherine wants. But if Abby is not with her, I have to go to the motel and convince Abby to come with me...

Bonnie: I will try to find Abby's location!

I wait and wait, but Stefan won't send another text. I get impatient.

Me: C'mon, Stef!

I stare at my phone, but Stefan won't send anything. I swear, if Stefan won't send something within the next minute, I will go to the hotel and find out if Abby is there myself!

Stefan: Katherine is alone. Hurry Damon!

I sigh relieved. Finally! I start my car and drive to the motel. When I park my car, I get another text from Bonnie.

Bonnie: Abby has to be in this room! I will check again to be sure.

Me: Call me when you find anything, I am going in!

I put my phone in my pocket and run to the motel.

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