It's been over a month. How is it over a month since we got here? And why are we still in here? Why didn't anyone find us yet?
Over a month... That means Abby hasn't eaten something since then as well... I've been giving her my blood every day to keep her hydrated, but it doesn't work... It's keeping her alive, for now, but it won't stop her hunger...
I don't know how much longer she can take... Hell, I don't even know how much I can take! I mean, I've been without blood for a while before, but I am so weak, I won't even be able to protect Abby when I need to.
This shitty doctor Martin did a lot of tests with her in the past month. We're both not even trying to fight him anymore. We're both way too weak...
When I look over to Abby, I have a hard time recognizing her. Abby isn't the confident, hopeful, powerful, passioned girl she has been. I mean, it's not that crazy, looking at the fact she has been tortured for over a month.
But still, I can't take this... The worst thing of being in here, is not being hungry all the time, but it's seeing her like this...
Why has nobody come for us? They'd understand something is wrong by now, wouldn't they? Well, apparently they wouldn't!
I hear Abby move, so I look over at her. "You okay?" I ask her. We both lay on the ground, not wanting to stand up or move at all. "Besides the fact that I am slowly dying? I'm great," she says. She smiles, but I know part of her is being serious.
I want to tell her it will be okay. I want to tell her that help is on its way and we will be out of here in no-time... but I can't. I told her the first weeks we came here, but we both understand that we might stay here for a while...
I reach for her and she grabs my hand. "I love you," I tell her. Abby smiles, "I love you too."
These are the only words that keep me alive. Honestly, if she wasn't here, I would've giving up a long time ago. I would probably switch off my humanity and go to the sweet land of 'not feeling a damn thing' if it wasn't for her.
That damn switch is the best and worst thing of being a vampire. You know it's there, but you are scared as hell for it, yet you can't wait to flip it. Everyone has done it at least once. So have I. Again, it was the best and worst thing.
The beauty of the switch - and the one thing why you want to use it in the first place - is that you don't feel a single emotion. You don't feel the shame when you suck the blood out of a random person you just met or when you set something on fire. You don't feel pain or loneliness. Not a damn thing.
But the worst thing about it, is that you hurt every single person who cares about you. When you flip the switch, you don't care about them. Not even if you were so madly in love. Hell, you would even kill your entire family without a single regret.
But do you really want that? Of course not! Not even me. If I would flip my switch now, I wouldn't feel this bad. I would go through the days one by one, like it is nothing. But on the other side, I would probably kill Abby, just to be able to feed. No way in hell will take that risk.
When Abby moves again, I know I need to distract her from her pain and worry. "Baby," I say. She looks over at me, her hand still in mine. "What do you think we would be doing right now if we didn't have that crash?" I ask her. She laughs for a single second. "Are you trying to make me feel worse thinking about where we could have been?" she asks.
I laugh, "no, I want you to think about happy things. Use your imagination. It will distract you from the pain." She doubts, but nods after a moment of silence.
She stares at the roof. "We would be in our tenth hotel, sitting in the bathtub," she says, "I would tell you how ridiculous you were the night before in the bar." I laugh, "I would tell you I wasn't nearly as bad as you were. You were drinking so much, you would nearly pass out."
Abby laughs with me, "but I didn't pass out." "No, you didn't, but you sang in front of everyone and danced to the most crazy songs," I tell her. "Well, at least I wasn't the one who compelled the barkeeper to drink along with us! She probably lost her job!" Abby says. "Well, at least she had an amazing last night," I laugh, "I have never seen someone dance so dirty to a Micheal Jackson song!"
Abby looks at me again, "maybe you liked it a little too much." I grin back at her, "only because I pictured it to be you." She chuckles, like actually chuckles of happiness. The sound of it brings me back to life more than anything ever did the last month.
"I would try to push you out of the bathtub after that comment," she tells me. "You won't be able to, because I would grab you thighs and hold you close to me," I tell her, "and then I would kiss you." I see how she bites her lip. If I would be more alive than I am now, I would actually be turned on by just that simple bite.
"And then what?" she asks. When her big, brown eyes look into mine again, I see the innocent girl I saw when I kissed her for the first time. Ever since our second kiss, that innocent girl disappeared. But now, she is back. "You know what would happen next," I tell her.
A door opens. "Well, how cute is that?" Doctor Martin says. Abby and I both look up, but none of us stand up. "Did we ever tell you how inappropriate it is of you to listen to us like that?" Damon asks. Doctor Martin laughs, "says the guy with the super hearing who could hear any sound from miles away."
I laugh, "well, not miles away, just a few blocks, actually." Doctor Martin laughs with me. It looks like that is the only thing he is able to do, aside from torturing my girl. I am wondering why he only wants Abby. I mean, I am the real vampire here!
Doctor Martin walks to Abby's cell again. I sigh, not this again... "I have to congratulate you, Abby, you are gonna be part of the history," he says. Abby looks at me, scared yet confused.
"Where are you talking about..?" I ask doctor Martin. He just smiles and opens the door to Abby's cell. "Let me take you back to a lot of years ago, around 1850. A few professors studied vampires. In that same year, they found something incredible," he tells us.
He walks into Abby's cell and stands at a few foot away from her. "What incredible thing did they discover?" I ask him, not really interested in the story, but just want to get it over with.
"A cure," he says, "to vampirism." My eyes go big. "That exists?" I ask him. He smiles and grabs a necklace out of his pocket. The hanger of the necklace is big and has a small, red diamond in the middle.
Doctor Martin grabs the diamond and opens it. Then he kneels down next to Abby and grabs her head. "Don't be afraid, it will only help you," he says. Against Abby's will, doctor Martin opens her mouth and pours the liquid of the diamond in her mouth.
I freeze by what I see. I have no idea what is going on, let alone know how to stop him. But if the cure heals you from vampirism and Abby is not a vampire, it can't hurt her, can it?
I sure hope not...
When Abby takes the whole thing in, I see she is getting dizzy. "Abby?" I ask her, "are you okay?" I squeeze her hand, but then I feel all her muscles relax. Her eyes close and her head falls on the ground. "Abby!" I shout. I try to pull her closer to me, but I can't. I touch her face with my hand, but she is unconscious.
I look up to doctor Martin. "What did you do?" I ask him. "You should thank me, if this works out like I expect it to, she will be freed of her vampirism!" He says. I get nervous, "if it works out? You are not even sure?!"
"Of course not. I do experiments. I am never sure, but if you never try, you will never know!" He says. With a huge smile he walks out of Abby's cell, closes it and leaves the room.
I stay close to Abby and hold her hand the entire time. I can hear her breathing, so I know she is not dead, but I have know idea what that cure will do to her...
She is not that strong either. Her body is really, really weak. It might not be strong enough to survive the cure...
So I just hold her hand and pray that she will survive whatever thing this dude pour inside of her beautiful body...

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...