I put my bag on the floor in my room. I sigh when I take a seat on my bed. Finally it's Wednesday! It already feels like a really long week, so it's great that we are already halfway through. All the attention and trying not to break down and cry, even if I wanted it so badly.
I grab my phone and unlock it. I see it's almost one A.M. I need to get ready to leave for the hospital. Like dealing with the death of my parents wasn't enough, I also have heart problems...
My heart doesn't function like it should. Long story short, it works fine, but sometimes it stops or speeds up, randomly. It isn't such a big deal, now, but the doctors are scared that it will do something crazy someday. So, once in a while I need to go back to the hospital to check.
Today is that day. I need to go to the hospital, do a few checks and in a few weeks I need to go back for the results. It's no big deal, except this time it is the first time without my parents... The last time I went was a few weeks before the accident... And now, I need to go by myself.
But, luckily, Elena promised me to go with me. She promised me to be there with me as much as she could, so I wouldn't go through it alone.
When I walk down the stairs, Elena and Jenna are in the living room. "Shall we leave in five minutes, Elena?" I ask. Elena nods, "yes, I will get ready." Then her face turns serious. "I only need to tell you something" she says. I nod so she can go on. "I can't be there with you, today. I can drop you off and stay before you'll start the tests, but then I need to leave" she says.
I feel the anxiety rushing through my body. "Wh-Why not?" I ask her. "I'm sorry, I know I promised. But I need to help Bonnie with something really important" she says. I feel offended, "what can be more important?"
Elena sighs, "don't take it personally! Today it's just the tests. You can do that by yourself! I will make sure to be there when you get the results." I cross my arms, "you didn't answer me."
Elena smiles, "it's just a school-thing." I get angry, "a school-thing? It's Friday! Can't it wait till tomorrow?" Elena shakes her head, "no it can't. Just trust me on this."
I raise my eyebrow, "trust? This has nothing to do with 'trust'!" Elena sighs, "don't get mad. I promise you, I will be there the next time, okay? It's not that scary today! You've done it a thousand times. You don't need me for it."
She looks annoyed, yet she wants to motivate me. I stare at her for a moment, and sigh. "Fine. But who will pick me up then?" I ask. "Stefan. I already told him where he needs to be, so he will be right outside the door," she says. I sigh and nod. I want to tell her how much I hate this idea and how much I need her there with me, but that wouldn't change a bit. She doesn't want to be there with me, so she won't.
A few minutes later I'm sitting in the waiting room in the hospital with Elena. I am still mad at her, so I keep my mouth shut, just like I did the entire ride here. She tried to talk to me but gave up when she realized I was not in the mood and wouldn't talk back.
A door opens and I see a doctor with a familiar face walk towards me. "Abby, good to see you again!" He says. I smile and stand up, "good to see you too, doctor Williams."
I shake his hand and walk with him to his office. "I'm leaving now, Abby. Good luck and I will see you tonight" Elena says. I look back at her and nod, "see you tonight."
"So, how are you doing, Abby?" Doctor Williams asks as we take a seat in his office. "I'm doing okay," I answer honestly.
Doctor Williams smiles, "that's good to hear. I assume you don't want to talk about everything that happened since the last time I saw you?" I nod, so he continues. "So, let's get started!"

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}
Fanfiction--Vampire Diaries Fanfiction-- We're all born and one day we all die. But the world isn't that simple. We all know the stories our parents told us before we went to bed. You know, the stories about the vampires and werewolves who would come get you...