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I put my bag on the floor in my room. I sigh when I take a seat on my bed. Finally it's Wednesday! It already feels like a really long week, so it's great that we are already halfway through. All the attention and trying not to break down and cry, even if I wanted it so badly.

I grab my phone and unlock it. I see it's almost one A.M. I need to get ready to leave for the hospital. Like dealing with the death of my parents wasn't enough, I also have heart problems...

My heart doesn't function like it should. Long story short, it works fine, but sometimes it stops or speeds up, randomly. It isn't such a big deal, now, but the doctors are scared that it will do something crazy someday. So, once in a while I need to go back to the hospital to check.

Today is that day. I need to go to the hospital, do a few checks and in a few weeks I need to go back for the results. It's no big deal, except this time it is the first time without my parents... The last time I went was a few weeks before the accident... And now, I need to go by myself.

But, luckily, Elena promised me to go with me. She promised me to be there with me as much as she could, so I wouldn't go through it alone.

When I walk down the stairs, Elena and Jenna are in the living room. "Shall we leave in five minutes, Elena?" I ask. Elena nods, "yes, I will get ready." Then her face turns serious. "I only need to tell you something" she says. I nod so she can go on. "I can't be there with you, today. I can drop you off and stay before you'll start the tests, but then I need to leave" she says.

I feel the anxiety rushing through my body. "Wh-Why not?" I ask her. "I'm sorry, I know I promised. But I need to help Bonnie with something really important" she says. I feel offended, "what can be more important?"

Elena sighs, "don't take it personally! Today it's just the tests. You can do that by yourself! I will make sure to be there when you get the results." I cross my arms, "you didn't answer me."

Elena smiles, "it's just a school-thing." I get angry, "a school-thing? It's Friday! Can't it wait till tomorrow?" Elena shakes her head, "no it can't. Just trust me on this."

I raise my eyebrow, "trust? This has nothing to do with 'trust'!" Elena sighs, "don't get mad. I promise you, I will be there the next time, okay? It's not that scary today! You've done it a thousand times. You don't need me for it."

She looks annoyed, yet she wants to motivate me. I stare at her for a moment, and sigh. "Fine. But who will pick me up then?" I ask. "Stefan. I already told him where he needs to be, so he will be right outside the door," she says. I sigh and nod. I want to tell her how much I hate this idea and how much I need her there with me, but that wouldn't change a bit. She doesn't want to be there with me, so she won't.

A few minutes later I'm sitting in the waiting room in the hospital with Elena. I am still mad at her, so I keep my mouth shut, just like I did the entire ride here. She tried to talk to me but gave up when she realized I was not in the mood and wouldn't talk back.

A door opens and I see a doctor with a familiar face walk towards me. "Abby, good to see you again!" He says. I smile and stand up, "good to see you too, doctor Williams."

I shake his hand and walk with him to his office. "I'm leaving now, Abby. Good luck and I will see you tonight" Elena says. I look back at her and nod, "see you tonight."

"So, how are you doing, Abby?" Doctor Williams asks as we take a seat in his office. "I'm doing okay," I answer honestly.

Doctor Williams smiles, "that's good to hear. I assume you don't want to talk about everything that happened since the last time I saw you?" I nod, so he continues. "So, let's get started!"

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