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"i've chosen my first official proclamation. i've decided that the children of the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here, in auradon. every time i look out to the island i feel like they've been abandoned."

"the children of our sworn enemies? living among us?"

"we start of with a few at first, only the ones who really need our help most. i've already chosen them."

"have you!?"

anger arose in king beast, grumpy little thing ain't he?

"cruella de vil, jafar, the evil queen, and maleficent."

"maleficent?! shes the worst villain in the land! no i won't have it. they're guilty of unspeakable crimes."

die mad about it beastie.

"dad their children are innocent. don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?"

"i suppose their children are innocent."

what ben failed mention was that he actually invited five villain kids instead of four, so the when their arrivals came all of auradon would be in for a surprise. five wasn't too much, was it? ben is being a little rebellious before the vk's even arrived? you hate to see it.

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