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valentin's p.o.v

"are you sure you have everything?" mother asked me as she followed me through the house. i don't have much so what could i possibly be leaving behind? i stopped walking and turned around to face her, she really doesn't have to worry so much.

"mother please, relax. i have everything, and i'm sure that if i am missing something the people in auradon will just give it to me." she let out a sigh and shook her head. "i know, i'm sorry. i just can't believe you're getting off of this garbage island. make sure to thank the prince when you meet him." woah mom, you sure you're a villain? i thought there were no thank you's or please.

"i will, now i have to go say my fair wells to some friends before i leave." mother grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug, no it's more like a bear hug actually.

"you be good when you get there, don't do anything that will get you sent back. you deserve to live there just as much as  anyone else. no stealing, no fighting, don't be evil. i know it's tempting, but don't. i never want to see you here ever again, find yourself a princess and live your life as a prince. and please make sure to eat." if i didn't know any better she was crying. i get where she's coming from, i'm getting off the isle finally. i'm going to auradon, and that's better than being here right?

"i promise i'll be as good as those princes. i won't let you down." i really don't want to leave, as much as i hate the island, i rather stay here than go with mal and the others. if they leave, well then i get the isle.

"okay now you better go, go before that horned wench gets angry. mistress of evil my ass..." mother pulled away and began to mumble about how much she hated maleficent, and hey i don't blame her. maybe that's why i despise mal so much, because mother hates maleficent. who am i kidding, mal is a brat. i don't have much of a problem with the three, it's just mal who i do not like.

"bye mother, take care and be rotten." i kissed her cheek as she handed me my bag. before i was out the door she kissed my forehead and then proceeded to push me out the door. it feels unreal to be actually leaving the isle. is the real world as good as they promised it is?

i made my way down the dirty streets to say goodbye to my friends. who knows when i'll see them again... as soon as the smell of fish became too strong, i knew i was at my destination. i made my way inside ursula's place one last time, did i have time to eat something before i left?

"ah look who's here, our very own golden ticket winner! so how does it feel to be one of the lucky ones to get off this rat infested island?" uma got off of her little shell covered thrown and walked towards me. not to sound sappy but i was gonna miss her, and the two knuckleheads of course.

"well my dear, it feels like a dream come true. leaving behind my free will to be a snobby preppy, it's what dreams are made of." harry and gil came out from the back and walked towards me, i won't forget my first time stepping in here and being intimidated by harry. seems like it was just yesterday.

"ah here to say farewell huh? well be gone now, we won't miss ya." i didn't quite believe harry so i paid no attention to him. i turned to gil and hugged him, he's gonna have to put up with him without me. after i pulled away i went to hug uma, harry watching waiting for his hug i guess.

"it should've been us four." uma nodded in agreement, but it wasn't like we had the power to make those decisions. "just make sure you don't forget us, and keep an eye out for that little seahorse. don't trust her."

"i promise that she and i will never become friends. now, i must go. be mischievous in my honor please! hook, no goodbye?" harry tried to ignore me but he gave in and hugged me. you don't really see hugging here on the isle, but we were all close so it felt normal.

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