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"hey val," i looked up and saw princey enter the room. "we figured out how to undo the spell. and then evie and i discussed what you mentioned." i pulled the covers over my face and just let him talk. i'm not necessarily upset or anything, but i've been thinking about the isle since i left the girls room. mostly i've been picturing what auradon would look like if we brought over the kids. it's a beautiful picture honestly.

"i've decided to pick five new kids to bring over, evie suggested the first kid chosen should be dizzy daughter of-" i took off the covers and sat up. "daughter of drizella. well if you bring dizzy you should totally chose celia, daughter of dr. facilier. they're like inseparable." princey came over and sat in front of me. "okay so that's two kids, who else do you have in mind?" who else do i have in mind?

"uma, harry and gil." i know he won't like that answer, but he has to consider it. "val..." i knew it, he's probably going to say no because of auradon's safety. "i can't, i mean i have to think about the -" let me stop you right there babe. "the safety of the people, yeah i know. i just thought that maybe after your encounter with them you'd be more considerate. i mean not even gil? he's like a big muscular teddy bear, he's not like gaston honestly. he's goofy, smart and kind." he gave me a weird look.

"sounds like you're into him, we sure he won't be a threat to me if he comes over? i'll fight for you hand m'lady." i punched his arm playfully. "don't be like that. trust me, bringing over gil would be okay. we should also consider cj hook or freddie, celia's older sister." hopefully he doesn't have a problem with the hook children. "i guess we have three kids in mind, but what about the applications?" he's right, and maybe we should consider bringing over another boy. to make it fair.

"okay, how about maddie and zachary, twins to mother gothel?" i didn't know zach that well, but i did know his sister. she was very down to earth, but a very persuasive. she knows how to get what she wants. "wait applications?" they're going to apply to come to auradon? "yeah, evie and i thought about it. it's basically a lottery, but they can't cheat. if gil, maddie, zach, and celia apply then maybe they'll get lucky." wait a minute..

"so evie gets to pick dizzy, but i can't pick a kid?" that's totally unfair. "okay who would you pick?" he asked as he pulled me closer to him. "celia, like i said she and dizzy are the best of friends, or at least that's what they say. personally i think they're dating." he laughed, "what makes you think that?" well, what friends just hold hands and stare at each other passionately? "freddie told me." and also that.

"okay so we've chosen celia and dizzy, now the rest is up to the gods. of course we're gonna review their applications, and see who needs our help the most." i've never entered a lottery so is this how it's supposed to go? "is that how a lottery works?" i asked as he basically dragged me on to his lap. "no, i guess it's not really a lottery. that's what mal called it and we didn't bother correcting her i guess." woah.

"well hopefully everything goes well, i can't wait to help the kids." just imagine all the little kids running around, being friends with the auradon kids, living in paradise basically. "do you like children?" he asked as he played with my hair, i actually like when he plays with my hair it's so cute. "well yeah i guess but not really. like i'm okay with my friends having children, but i don't ever want to have children." like i'll be an uncle or a godfather but not an actual father.

"what about us? let me put some babies in you v." is this boy serious right now? "i can't have babies you fool, and what makes you think i'd carry the children?" he laughed and buried his face in the bird nest i call my hair . "we'll adopt, but we can try." i don't like where this is going. he moved his head down from my hair to my face. he placed a soft kiss on my forehead before attacking my lips. okay maybe i do like where this is going.

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