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i was getting ready to leave remedial goodness when fairy godmother stopped us. ugh can't this day be over with already? i spent all night learning a dance number i didn't even want to perform. and i still have to practice tonight, gods dancing is so tiring. how do people do it and make it seem like it's nothing, those people must not have souls. i won't deny the fact that it was fun, but it was just really tiring.

"children excuse me, as you know this saturday is family day here at auradon prep. since your parents can't be here due to um, due to distance, we've arranged a little something. a special treat if you may." so family day is basically us and our families? that's it's? why make a big fuss about it then?

fairy godmother brought over a cart with a tv screen and a keyboard. we're going to watch a movie? gods fairy godmother seems really excited about this. well then i hope it's a good movie. i'm kidding, don't tell me we're going to video chat with our parents. how is that even possible? we don't have wifi on the isle and don't you typically need wifi for that?

with the press of a key fairy godmother had our parents on the screen in no time. maleficent was hogging up the screen, typical. i could kind of see the other parents, hopefully mom was there too. i really miss her, yeah i'm a mommas boy go ahead and make fun of me.

"i don't see anything, nor do i hear." maleficent didn't seem to know how to work the damn thing, well what else is new? "kids." fairy godmother ushered us to move closer and so we did. "press enter." ah jay's dad, jafar. yeah i recognize his voice from all the times i stole from his shop, but don't tell jay because they never caught me.

"can i see a remote? is this thing on?" oh my gods what is taking them so long to figure out the screen? after a few more seconds of them trying to figure shit out they finally got it. there now they can see us right? maleficent backed up and there i saw mother.

"evie! it's mommy! look how beautiful! oh you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." literally no one ever says that, i don't think anyone ever has said that. the evil queen is on her own little planet isn't she? "don't you mean the roots." i see both mal and her mother seen to lack a sense of humor as they're both equally bad at making people laugh.

"oh, who's the old bat?" cruella asked, oh my gods can't they shut up and let mother speak? "this is fairy godmother." the parents all looked at each other before laughing, well except mother. she just kept looking at me and smiling. i wish she was here with me, i really do.

"still doing tricks with eggplants?" maleficent asked laughing. this seemed to tick fairy godmother off as she approached the screen. "i turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" okay fairy godmother don't try to stoop down to their level, they're just trying to upset you to get a kick out of it.

"you really couldn't give cinderella until one a.m.? i mean really, what did the hamsters have to be back on their little wheels?" fairy godmother only got angrier. "they were mice! they were not-" fairy godmother cut herself off and stepped away from the screen. good call fgm.

"how long till mommy see's you? i m-m-miss you." i'm sure she didn't really mean it, maleficent just doesn't seem like the type to like children. "there's a big coronation coming up. i think some time after that." how did fairy godmother not get suspicious by that? "when?" "sunday! 10 am."

i don't know how it happened but the parents started arguing out of nowhere. something about who's kid was better, who was the better parent and whatnot. this whole thing was just pissing me off. jay was about to turn the screen off when i said something.

"enough! you're acting like children! now move aside and let me speak to my mother you washed up good for nothing villains!" the parents went quiet, fairy godmother gasped and the others chuckled a bit. maleficent got close to the camera again and it felt like she was looking right into my eyes.

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