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all throughout my english class with princey he kept his eyes on me, also english wasn't learning english. it was reading and writing, boring. but yeah he kept his eyes on me and he would look away as soon as i looked over at him. my guess was it's because of last night. we just sat there for a while, he was hugging me and it took me a while to hug back. when we pulled away he wiped away my tears and walked me over to my bed. it was all weird, but it felt nice. is this how friendship works in auradon? on the isle friendship was more like, you mess with me you mess with my whole gang.

"will i see you at the game today?" he asked as we began to pack up our stuff. wasn't watching their practice enough? "yeah, think of me as your own personal cheerleader." i joked at i swung my bag over my shoulder. obviously i wasn't going to be his little cheerleader, he had audrey for that. speaking of audrey, i can't wait for class with her. i haven't seen her yet and i'm dying to see what she chose to wear.

i have study hall next, i'm suppose to study during it but i don't as i'm quite the learner. i have a great brain, i remember almost everything and anything. i was in study hall when evie appeared out of no where next to me. right, i forget vk's are taught how to sneak around without being caught.

"we were looking for you last night, ben told us you were napping. how cute, nice to see your boyfriend really cares about you. well we made cookies last night, love potion cookies. we're giving them to ben before the game." love spell cookies? i can't wait to see how that turns out for them.

"well that's interesting, so who's giving him the cookie? you, the flirt, or mal, the wicked witch of the east?" she laughed and shook her head. "mal, but you don't need to give her such a nasty name. she's actually pretty sweet once you get to know her better." yeah as if. "well i'm sure you know her much better than us." she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"aren't you guys like dating?" i asked in a whisper, she shook her in no and that's when i began to question everything i know. "well are carlos and jay dating?" she shook her head yet again. "but mal and i are pretty sure they're dying to ask each other out." oh okay so i'm not the only one that sees it, thank gods.

"so if you and mal aren't dating, why does she get upset when someone is friendly towards you?" evie's cheeks went redder than they already were as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "does she? i've never noticed, i mean it's probably because we're friends and all." i think someone's crushing on mal. yikes, gross.

"wait no, we're not here for me to go all gaga for some girl. mal and i are just friends, that's all we'll ever be." i don't think she's talking to me anymore but rather to herself. "i have to go... think about stuff. i'll see you at the game hearts." with that evie got up and rushed out of here as if she were being chased. oh woah i think there's more to her feelings for mal than she leads to believe.

before i could even move on to something else, another person arrived and sat next to me. it was audrey, and she was wearing... well she was wearing a black skirt with a hot pink top and stockings. i see she stuck to her pink princess aesthetic but the look still seems punk in a way.

"hello my pretty pink princess, how are you this morning?" she sighed and laid her head on the desk. "ben broke up with me." i'm sorry what? i was not expecting that, and i don't really know what to do with it either. did they already give him the cookie? no evie said it would be given to him before the game. so he did this on his own? "when?"

"last night after dinner. he said he was confused about his feelings right now, and that he started to like someone else. he thought it was best we ended things now before anyone got hurt." he liked someone else? who? it was probably evie, after all she did turn on the charm for him on our first day. "how do you feel?"

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