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"princey why are you in such a rush? where are we even going? i'm tired, can't we just go to the room and sleep?" i asked as princey was practically running down the hall as he dragged me behind. geez people, what am i? a rag doll? at the same time, what am i doing to stop this? nothing really. are we going on a date? i mean we're in front of the school and there's a car waiting for us.

"come on get in." princey practically shoved me inside as soon as the driver opened the door. christ what's so important that he's rushing me out and about? as soon as princey closed the door the driver took off, did we have reservations or something? if so, let me take a quick nap before we reach out destination. i rested my head on princeys shoulder and closed my eyes, his hand was on top of mine as he massaged my hand with his thumb. this felt nice.

"val, wake up val. we're here, val come on." what? was i asleep for a while or was the car ride just that short? i rubbed my eyes as i saw the door open. princey stepped out and held his hand out for me to grab. i let him help me out as i was still a bit sleepy. where were we? my eyes adjusted to the light and i was able to read the letters on the building. "auradon hospital?" i asked myself, what type of fucked up date was this?

"come on, they're waiting for us." who's waiting for us? sick children? i am so confused, what's going? princey and i walked in, everyone stopped and turned their attention to us. many said hi to us, or well mostly princey, or they would bow their heads. i don't think that was all necessary actually, it was a tad bit weird. a nurse walked up to us and shook our hands. "this way your majesty."

the nurse led us up to a room, the room had the curtains closed and it seemed liked no one was there. the nurse opened the door and princey thanked him before he left us alone. "princey, what are we doing in a hospital?" i asked as i walked in, not noticing someone else was in there.

"val?" i turned my head to the voice, no. it can't be... is it really? "mother?" it was! they found her! oh mother! i rushed to her side and embraced her in a hug. she tried to hug me back but i stopped her. "no don't, stay put. you need all the rest you can get. when did you arrive?" i asked mother as i took a seat next to her. "not so long ago, i've been here a day or two i think. i've been sleeping so much i've lost track of time."

i'll admit, seeing mother hooked up to all these machines hurt my soul. "do they know what's wrong?" mother shook her head, how can they not know though? "they're still running tests, but whatever happens i know there's nothing i can do. facilier might not be a doctor like the ones here, but the cards never lie. valentin, whatever happens just know how lucky i am to have been your mother." i leaned forward and wiped away her tears.

"mother please, you're not dying. i'm sure the doctors here will find a way to cure you, and you'll be back on your feet soon enough." she just shook her head before staring at the wall for awhile. "is he going to just stand there or what?" mother asked not even looking at princey. i looked over at princey who was just standing there with his hands in his pocket. "princey get over here, she won't bite i promise." princey walked over to us and took a seat next to me.

"um hi, i'm ben." princey extended his arm and mother shook it. "so i've heard, did val ever thank you like i told him to?" princey held my hand and smiled. "yeah he has." stop looking at me like that, you're going to make me blush. "and how is he? is he being a good boy? he tells me he has but i can't always trust his word." mother joked, or at least i hope she's joking. i have never told a lie, to her at least.

"oh no, val has been on his best behavior. he's passing his classes and making friends left and right, he's a good kid." well not to toot my own horn, but toot toot! okay fine maybe i haven't been perfectly good but i'm trying. "well that's good to hear. and so are you two friends or just roommates?" i'm sure mother already knows the answer though. "well he's my roommate, and my boyfriend. two for the price of one." princey and mother laughed, and i felt my heart do a flip as i watched them get along so well.

"i'm glad you're in my sons life, i can rest peacefully knowing he's in good hands. you got lucky, my val is one of a kind. one can't do better than him." mother please! keep going if you want though, i won't stop you. "and i'm glad he's in my life. i don't ever want to lose him, so i'll make sure i never do." now he and mother were staring at me at the same time. well now look away! don't look at me when i'm blushing.

"thank you for everything. for rescuing my boy from that island of evil, for protecting him and for helping me. i haven't had a breath of fresh air in a while, nor have i seen so many roses. thank you." princey looked from mother to me. "you're welcome, and i promise i will continue to help and be there for you two, and for the isle." before mother could say anything a nurse walked in. "ms. hearts, are you ready?" ready for what? "oh of course darling, well my val i must say goodbye for now. off to do some more testing. take care of each other okay? i'll see you my boy." the other nurses began to push us out of the room as i waved goodbye to mother, though i wish i had gotten the chance to give her a hug too.

princey and i walked back to the car to head back to auradon prep. it definitely feels weird seeing mother outside of the crappy little shack we had. i looked down at princey and my hand intertwined then up at him, i still can't believe he actually helped mother. i really owe him one. the driver was waiting for us and soon we were on our way back.

"thank you princey, thank you." i leaned into his side as he wrapped his arm around me. "i love you v." i heard myself say the words back, but all noise seemed to be drowning out as i saw the black cloud again. it went from the side of the car to the other, and then it was in front of the car. i thought we were about to crash when it split it half. what is it and why is it here? why is it wherever i am?

the words from before were replaying in my head at top volume as the cloud grew darker. how am i the only one noticing this? i felt like screaming as it only got louder, the evil laughter echoing in my head. i felt like blood was about to come out of my ears until it finally stopped. i blinked a couple of times and realized we were still on the road, it was clear and there were no traces of black clouds....

i'm not going crazy right? right?!

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