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i was leaving audreys dorm when i ran into carlos. he had a dog with him for whatever reason. he smiled at me and put the dog down before speaking to me.

"hey i was just gonna go to the girls dorm, wanna come along?" i honestly didn't want to but again my mouth spoke before my brain had a chance to interject. "sure why not." great going val, great going. we walked down to the girls dorm in silence with the dog running back and fourth between my legs and carlos' legs. you don't really see dogs on the isle, or pets really. i guess that's because cruella lives on the isle and we all know about her and dogs.

carlos opened the door to the girls dorm without knocking, are they all just comfortable walking in on each other without knocking? yeah i'm not like that, i didn't have a door back home just a curtain but even then i made sure people made their presence aware to me before entering the room. mal didn't say anything to us, but was pretty obvious about her eye rolling. obviously this was aimed towards me and not carlos. evie however did great us. how kind.

i didn't know what to do as i wasn't exactly friends with them, which is why i'm confused as to why carlos invited me to just hang with them. mal was on her bed, carlos on the floor next to mal's bed and evie was doing homework.

"so i see you've made friends with the popular kid, well aren't you quite the catch." evie motioned at the chair next to her as a sign for me to sit down. okay i shall sit then. "how'd it happen?" a miracle i guess i don't know. i didn't think they would be fawn of me.

"i don't know, fairy godmother sat me down next to audrey and we just started talking. we bonded and then she's inviting me to hang out with her." i could've sworn i heard an 'ugh' from somewhere in the room, hmm whoever could it be from. before evie could ask me anymore questions jay burst in strutting like a model. ah a tourney jersey, just like the one princey has.

"did your plan work with jane?" jay asked mal, what plan? we're making plans now? mal closed her book rather aggressively and shot daggers into jay's skull. "do you think i would be going through every single spell in this book if i hadn't completely struck out?" a spell book you say? i am now interested in whatever they're discussing.

"oh someone's in a bad mood. so hearts, hows it going with becoming buddies with ben? any intel on the wand?" hmm? what now? do they think i'm being friendly to princey for them? hey that has nothing to do with the plan. mal looked at me and smirked. no please don't do that.

"hearts you sly dog, become friends with ben to get close to the wand? why didn't i think of that, great planning. mal likes. my moms counting on me, and i can't let her down. if i knew you were as mischievous as us you could've been rolling with us this whole time." i do not like this. i do not like mal being, in anyway, proud of me. yuck. ew. get away from me spawn of maleficent.

"we can do this! if we stick together. five heads are better than one." jay don't encourage this! "and we don't go back until we do, because we're rotten." woah i didn't know the isle taught us how to be motivational speakers. "to the core." everyone except me replied. ah they have their little catchphrases huh? can't relate sadly. actually not sadly, i don't think i want that. seems kinda cringey. well i can see the appeal, it does seem rather catchy.

"hey fyi, at coronation fairy godmother uses the wand to bless ben or whatever. we all get to go, but i of course have nothing to wear ugh." woah evie was assigned so much homework on the first day? unbelievable. before anyone could say anything there was a knock at the door. no one got up to answer it, i guess they were expecting whoever it was to just waltz in. the person knocked again and since no one moved i decided to open the door.

"oh hey valentin, i didn't expect to see you here." princey was at the door, oh and look his cheeks are all pink again. "well i was just wondering if any of you had any questions." i looked back at the four and they all shook their heads no. "okay well if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. i'll see you later val." with that princey waved goodbye and left.

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