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after the others left i debated whether or not to walk around and check out the halls of auradon prep. i was also starving so maybe going out would've been a good idea, but i'm a fucking idiot and instead decided to stay in. i ended up falling asleep on carlos' bed, and i know it's his because when i woke up he was right next to me. well no, he was spooning me. i'm sure the sight of us would be enough to make jay jealous, not that i'm implying anything.

since both boys are here i take it they didn't get to take the wand? who would've guessed. hopefully no one saw them, and hopefully they didn't leave anything behind that would lead back to them. always wear gloves if you're going to steal.

i don't want to stay in this position longer than i should so i decided to get up. well we have school so i must get ready. okay carlos has a strong grip on me, i do not like this. i try to push him off but he won't move. now i don't want to do anything drastic but he's not getting off of me. okay here goes, i'm gonna elbow him. i felt his grip on me loosen and then there was a thump on the ground. i really pushed him off didn't i?

"ouch what the fuck?" i looked over and saw carlos rubbing his hip, well the dude should've just slept with jay then. i rolled out of the bed, though i didn't really want to. it was a really warm and comfortable bed. i went into the bathroom and took my time to get ready. before i left the isle mother had made me some new clothes, and i'm ready to show them off.

after a quick shower, well maybe not a quick shower but a shower nonetheless, i was ready and fresh. i'm usually not a chippy person in the morning, or ever, but today felt different. maybe it's because back on the isle i didn't really get sunlight or anything really. i'm sure i don't have to fight over food with anyone, so that makes everything better.

"dude you took forever, we're gonna be late for class. don't wanna upset fairy godmother." jay tossed me my bag and pushed carlos out the door. exactly how long was my 'quick shower'? i followed jay and carlos out the door, though i probably could've walked by myself to class. look it's not that i don't like jay, carlos or even evie, i'm just use to always being around uma, hook and gil. mal and uma never got along and our gangs were enemies back home, i just thought that would continue here too.

"you were right, the wand was protected. there was a force feel around it and when jay touched it an alarm went off. when you see mal don't go 'i told you so' cause she's still pretty pissed off." carlos filled me in on what happened last night, though i would've loved to seen mal's face. i also would've liked to say 'i told you so.'

i don't know where exactly we're going but after a bit of walking evie and mal joined us. it's kinda weird that the prince or even fairy godmother herself didn't bother to walk us to class, after all we're new here and these kids don't seem to want to help. eventually we did get help, that boy what was his name? dog? doug? i don't remember, i just remember he's the son of dopey. yeah anyways he helped us get to class, at least someone is nice.

remedial goodness 101 with fairy godmother, what a big library. the most we had on the isle were a few books about the gods, some classics and like self published books by the villains. yeah those self published books weren't exactly good, but hey at least they taught me how to read.

i took a seat next to evie, as jay and carlos had already chosen their seats, and mal took a seat on evie's other side. fairy godmother began to scribble things on the board, things like the definition of good and evil, points on why evil is no bueno and other bull shit. yeah this is too much for a first day, villains have feelings too ya know? after a while i began to doodle on the notebook she had given us, i took some notes but everything else was pretty easy to just remember. hey look it's a little me.

"is someone hands you a crying baby: do you a, curse it, b, lock it in a tower, c, give it a bottle, or d, carve its heart out?" fairy godmother asked as she used a stick to point at the board? well now why would i want to carve a baby's heart out? what am i, a witch? evie raised her hand rather enthusiastically. so far only mar has been answering the questions.

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