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"what? what do i do? how do we stop this?" i wish i knew, i wish i knew. "get on tv, you can do that right?" please tell me he can, he is the king after all. oh my gods what if can't? what will do then? "yes i can, but would do i tell them?" well if we tell them dangers coming then they'll go into a panic, but if we don't then they won't listen to us. fuck fuck fuck!

"tell people to stay inside their houses, to cover all the cracks in their houses. all windows and door must remain close, cover their faces with anything they can. if they go outside tell them to not breath in the air. if the black smoke infects them, they will get possessed. it will control them and they'll do things against their will. go, tell the guards to give people masks, gas masks, anything that will protect their faces. go princey! go, i'll go get the others. hurry!" i pushed him to start moving, we don't know how long it'll take for the black cloud/smoke to get to auradon. we can't waste anytime whatsoever.

"i'm on it, just be careful please." don't worry about me you fool. "you too, please."


i called evie, audrey, jay and carlos. none of them answered their phones, my last resort was to call mal. she thankfully did answer the phone, i just hoped the others were with her. "what?" she asked in a tone that came off a bit rude if i'm being honest. that didn't matter though, it's not the time for this val.

"it's coming, the cloud smoke thing. the mist if you will, but it's coming. i saw it leaving the isle, so did princey. we have to tell the others, we're all at risk. we have to warn everyone." i heard her moving and whatnot before she said something. "shit, holy fuck okay. did you tell ben what to do?" did i tell ben, of course i fucking did. "yes, he's going to make calls and get on tv. look tell the others to meet at your place, to help anyone they see." "okay, i'll see you here." with that we hung up.

i ran to the locker rooms, the guys locker room obviously, and grabbed every towel that was in sight. thankfully there were only clean ones. i stuffed my bag with towels and carried as many as possible. i left some here in case anyone came here for shelter. i ran out and looked around for anyone that was outside. jane and lonnie were the first i saw.

"val what's going on? ben just called about having to stay inside and whatnot." jane asked, i handed them towels and they looked at me confused. "cover your mouths and nose, go to your rooms and stay inside. cover the bottom of the doors, the windows, anything that might let air in. if you see something that looks like a black cloud, call us immediately. please just do as i say." they didn't even question me and did as told. hopefully everyone will be as cooperative as them. "tell those you see to do the same, go to the girls locker room and take as many towels you can. anything that will cover ones face will work." they nodded and ran off.

i went into the school and looked inside the classrooms. most were empty, except for a few teachers in certain ones. i didn't have time to explain what was happening to every single one of them so i just walked in, tossed them a towel and said 'watch the news.' before using a towel to cover the open space at the bottom of the door. many classrooms had their tv's on so they already knew what i was talking about.

i was running out of towels so i went to my locker to see if i might have something that could help. sadly i didn't. i quickly stuffed my bag inside and checked my phone. mal texted and said the girls side of the dormitory's were all cleared, that jay and carlos were finishing up the guys side and that evie was making sure the kids were alright.

as i made sure the classrooms were either cleared or that the teachers inside them were safe, i called audrey. she didn't answer to my text and now she wasn't answering my calls. i texted princey asking if he's seen audrey, he said no but that gil was with him. i also told him to meet me and others back in the girls dorm.

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