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i had completely forgotten about the barrier until i realized we were about to crash straight into it. i closed my eyes and let out a scream realizing that if i crashed into it, i'd fall into the water and boom. i'm a goner. when i didn't feel myself fall into water i realized we got through the barrier. how? can this really take me anywhere? before we got any further into the isle i decided to hop off, once i did the broom fell down to the ground and became a broom once again.

do you smell that? yeah, i missed that isle smell. this is home, and it's good to be back. i began to walk in the direction of my old home, but stopped as i saw the posters all around. posters for the royal cotillion, posters with mal and princey. you've got to be kidding me. no, no i'm not having this. i ripped each and every single one i saw. they're in auradon, they can't come and take over the isle too.

as i made my way to see mother i made sure there were no more left, these were spread all over the isle weren't they? holy fuck, like why even? why add posters of an event the people of the isle can't attend? is it to rub it in their faces? is that what it is? whatever, i made it to mother's place in no time. hopefully she was alone, i don't want to see he who must not be named. i am not in the mood for his fake attitude towards me when mother's around.

instead of going through the front entrance like any normal person, i went through my little secret entrance. i climbed up the pole and went through the hole that was covered up, from both inside and outside. that way, no one could know it was there except me. and hey look, i still fit through it! well it's nice to see some things never change. i made sure not to make noise, i wanted to surprise mother.

i walked out of the room and looked around our shabby little home. the 'kitchen and living room' seemed to be empty, well she must be in her room. i walked over and saw her in there. she was laying down, though it didn't seem like she was sleeping. i tried not to make noise but the floor creaked. well so much for a surprise.

"who's there! i don't have anything, so be in your way." why did mother sound so weak? was she tired? "mother, it's me." mother raised her head and looked at me before dropping her head. she looked so weak, what happened while i was gone? i quickly rushed over and checked on her.

"val, what are you doing here? i thought i told you to never come back. what did you do to make them send you back?" oh mother please don't worry about me. "nothing, they don't even know i'm gone. enough about me. mother, what's wrong? are you okay?" she didn't answer me though, she just dismissed my question and moved on.

"why are you back? auradon is your home now, you should be there with your princess having the time of your life." i shook my head and took off my bag to grab her the nice soft pillow and big blanket i got for her. "here, i brought you some nice bedding." i lifted her head and put the pillow under her head. no more using ugly nasty cushions for support. i quickly put the cover of her as her body seemed to be shivering.

"and i have sweets, your favorite." i took out a little bag full of treats, of course i had more for her of course. i placed the bag next to her and held my hand in hers. "mother, are you okay?" she still wouldn't answer my question. "tell me, what's auradon like? how was your time there? and why are you back? please tell me, let me live through you." i smiled weakly before i said anything.

"alright, if you insist. auradon is amazing, the air is nice and clean. the streets are also clean. there's so many plants, trees and bushes covered in different types of fruits. apples on trees, berries on bushes. the food is amazing, they feed us three times a day. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. the rooms are big and pretty, they have these big beds with the softest blankets, mattresses and pillows. it feels like you're sleeping on a cloud. the classes are also very interesting, but kinda bias. they like to act as if some of the heroes didn't do bad things themselves." mother stroked my hand as i spoke, it felt nice. i missed this.

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