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i woke up to bright lights shining in my eye, princey's awake isn't he? well i don't blame him, it's his big day. i stretched as i got up so i could really wake myself up. music was playing and princey was dancing around in the room in his underwear. well isn't this something, waking up the see the future king of auradon dancing in his undies.

"good morning princey, you getting ready for a date or what?" i asked as i threw the covers off of me. princey turned around to look at me and laughed as he tossed a pillow my way. "it's coronation day." indeed it it my boy, indeed it is. princey lowered the volume a smidge and pulled me off of the bed. i get he's excited but what the hell?

"i'm going to be crowned king, can you believe that? i've been dreaming of this moment for so long, it feels like a fairy tale." i can believe that only because you're the kings son, if you were someone else i wouldn't believe it. "yes, and i love that for you! i'm sure you're going to be an amazing ruler." princey grabbed my hand and twirled me around, hey now i never agreed to this.

thankfully he stopped as there was a knock on the door. "come in!" hey no don't come in, isn't princey embarrassed about being seen in his underwear? this man is crazy. the door opened and in cane audrey, she was already dressed. make up and hair done and done. woah, what time did she wake up to do all that?

"good morning you two... uh ben, aren't you um going to change?" princey looked at audrey then down at himself before awkwardly using a pillow to hide his lower half. well the pillow isn't doing a very good job at protecting the rest so why bother. "v, have you showered yet?" i shook my head and looked at the time.

"we don't have to get ready until like what? 9? 9:30?" audrey laughed but stopped as she became very serious. "oh no, that's were you're wrong v. yes the coronation doesn't start until 10, however the carriages get here at 7:50. we have to start boarding at 7:55, since we're taking carriages and not cars there will be traffic as the horses are a bit slow, plus all the stopping for the people to get off. it's what? 8:30-8:45? then we get off and walk through the red carpet and snow white asks us about our outfits, how we feel about ben becoming king, and other questions she might have. then it's a little after 9 and we have to start heading inside to find our places. i will then have to go stand with my family while you go stand with the vk's. and then before you know it, it's 10am and ben is being crowned king. after that there's more interviews, more photo oops. a speech, blah blah blah and then it's tine to party! now no more wasting time and go shower, get dressed and call me when you're done so i can work on your hair and makeup. i'll be doing benny boo's makeup while you're in there. understood? i said, understood?" woah that's a lot, and it what's? almost 7:30! fuck.

"yes ma'am!" princey and i both said at the same time. i grabbed the outfit evie dropped off yesterday and ran into the bathroom while audrey began to boss princey around. hey that's his fault, he should've been dressed by now. after a very quick shower, and slipping into my outfit i was ready. i looked, weird. like a hot pirate?

"audrey, i'm ready for my makeup!" audrey wasted no time in coming in and plugging in a hair dryer. she as a great multitasker, she's blow drying my hair and doing my eye brows at the same time. not even i could do that. my hair was now dried and all puffy and curly, like it usually was but this time it looked neater. and the curls didn't look like dog shit either. she was finishing applying some eyeliner and blush before she was finally done.

"i am so proud of myself, let's go show ben." oh my gods, i look like a gay pirate. audrey opened the door and called princey. he turned around while fixing his little crown cufflinks. "what do you think?" audrey asked as i stood there awkwardly. princey didn't say anything at first, he just stood there with his mouth slightly opened and his eyes almost popping out.

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