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"what the fuck?" i walk in and toss my clothes on my bed. princey was in front of the mirror checking out his outfit. the mirror that was broken when i left. his desk was a mess, the tv was broken, the room was a mess. it's not anymore. what the fuck. am i not good enough to even destroy a room?

"hey val, what do you think?" i looked over at princey and sighed. he looked great, of course he did. when did he not look good? "nice, so um when did you get back?" i asked as i sat down at my bed. "a while ago, i needed to change for my date." of course he did. so the room, just went back to normal by itself. "what's wrong?" he asked as he stopped admiring himself.

"when you came back, how did the room look?" i asked, there's no way in hell that the room just magically fixed itself. "just like this, why? val is everything okay?" he asked, though it sounded like he was laughing. why was he laughing? did he fix the room? was he just trying to make me feel stupid? ugh whatever, i'll just let it go for now.

"hey quick question, what would i have to do to get sent back to the isle?" i asked, it was now or never i guess. "nothing." really? there's nothing that could get me sent back to the isle? "so let's say i killed your parents, they wouldn't send me back?" he shook his head and laughed. why the fuck is he laughing?

"no, i would be the one that decide if you got sent back or not. i know you well enough to know you'll never do that." oh fuck off princey, you do not know me. "why do you want to go back anyways?" can i tell him why? "i miss my mother, i just want to see her again." he let out a little 'aww.' don't do that. "i'm sure i can ask fairy godmother to arrange something for you to facetime her." is he serious?

"no, i want to see her. i want her to be physically in front of me." i did, i really did. "i'm sorry val, i can't send you back to the isle." is he being serious? not even to let me see my own mother? "you can't or you won't? i bet if i was mal you'd take me back yourself. if i were her you'd walk around with me and see the isle. but i'm not her, so you want. whatever."

"what's wrong with you today? is everything okay? val you know you can talk to me right?" really? can i? can i really princey? i grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. he moved aside and dodged it. no! let me hit you with something! let me hurt you physically because you've done nothing but hurt me emotionally. "val! what's wrong?"

"what's wrong? what's wrong? what's wrong is that you won't let me see my mother. you won't talk to me outside these walls. you won't even get mad at me for trashing this room! you walked in and saw it was trashed, and you somehow got it all cleaned up. now you're pretending nothing happened. but that's what you're good at right? pretending nothing happened?" i just kept throwing stuff at him, i couldn't bring myself to stop.

"val what are you talking about?" does he really not know? "don't you remember the empty promises you made? you promised you were here for me. you promised no one would ever hurt me here. you promised you'd work to help the isle. you've don't nothing since then! you're too busy with your little girlfriend to help anyone. you're a liar, and a horrible friend. a horrible king as well!" the words didn't seem to be stopping, i ran out of things to throw so now i was using words.

"val-" you don't get to talk now princey. "shut up! okay? shut up. i don't want to hear any of your excuses. why don't you just leave? love and go suck faces with your little girlfriend. ignore me like you've been doing so far. you're good at that. just, i hate you princey. i hate you. i hate you." i don't mean that, right?

"val, you don't mean that..." i don't know anymore. "how the fuck would you know? how would you know anything about me huh? where have you been these past months? i hate it here okay? i hate auradon and i hate you. i hate myself more than anything. it's all thanks to you! did you know that? no of course you didn't. you don't know shit!" okay val relax dude. i can't though, but i should. i have to relax.

he tried to walk over to me but i stopped him. "don't... just don't okay? just leave. go to your date with mal. go, go away! go!" don't cry val. don't let yourself cry in front of him. "no, no i'm not leaving. we obviously need to talk, val i'm sorry if i've been distant okay." he tried to get close to me again but i slapped him. i didn't mean to hit him, it was just a reflex.

"princey, i'm so sorry. i-i..." he looked so hurt and i felt so bad. princey didn't say anything, he just backed up and left. he left, and i don't blame him. how could i have hit him? ugh if i didn't mess things up before then i definitely did now. i'm going crazy here. i need to get out. not out of this room but out of this place. i need to get back to the isle, where i belong. i'm a mess and the isle of full of messes, it's perfect. i look around the room and grab my book bag. i stuff my new clothes in it, but i should be taking more. i need should bring 'gifts'.

i look through the photos i took of mal's spell book before finding the perfect spell. i need to make this bag big on the inside. "keep it tight, make it right. make this bag big inside." this spell could make anything big? like an obviously, i doubt you could turn a person big. i looked inside and the bag seemed the same. i guess i needed to put stuff inside to make sure i did it right. okay let's see, a pillow? yes a nice soft pillow for mother. it fits! maybe a blanket too. okay, i'm taking whatever i could.

as i headed to the door i began to question this again. maybe i should leave a note? no, he'd just read it and do nothing. there's no point. i'm leaving, if i stay i'll just stay sad and miserable. on the isle i won't be reminded of princey and mal, of everything i lost. i know that if i go back i'd have to deal with certain people, but right now this is for the best. my heart can't handle this pain. i wasn't cut out for this life anyways.

i left my room, or well princeys room now, and made sure no one saw me. if i left unnoticed then it'll be like i was never here. however, i should try to get some food for when i see mother and the others. i'm sure they'd appreciate it. i headed to the kitchen, the halls seemed quieter than usual. well this worked in my favor so i didn't question it.

i walked into the kitchen and thankfully the staff wasn't here yet. i opened the fridge and stuffed my bag with whatever i could. apples, grapes, oranges, cheese, ou yogurts. okay now where do they keep the cookies and the chocolate? in here? no not here, but don't mind me if i help myself to some other sweets. ah here they are, well i might as well take them all. they can restock the pantry anytime, i can't.

as i walked i looked through my phone to see what could get me across the water to the isle, and what i could use to get through the barrier. i heard there was a very small opening but i never found out where. well here's on. i just need something to carry me across. now i know this sounds weird but a broom could do the job. i don't know if people, or well witches, still or ever rode brooms but today i'm going to.

i looked through the supply closet by the kitchen before finding a nice broom. well auradon prep, thank you for everything but i should get going. there's nothing left for me here so i should be on my way. who's going to miss me anyways? audrey probably, but even then she has her other friends. the vk's have each other and princey has a whole kingdom. i have no one and that's okay.

i ran through the halls of auradon prep until i reached the outside. from there i ran to the edge where one wrong step and you'd fall into the sea. as much as i wanted to jump in and end it all, i knew i couldn't do that to mother. i looked down at my phone and the broom in my hand, here goes nothing.

"noble steel, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." the broom lifted up from the ground and i nervously got on it. as soon as i was on it, the broom took me off of the ground and soon we were above the water. oh my gods, one wrong move and i'm fish bait. i looked back at auradon and let a single tear slip. if things had stayed the way they were, if princey was still... into me, then i wouldn't feel this way.

why do emotions make me feel this way? i use to be proud of my looks, think i was handsome and perfect the way i was. now, i can't look at myself the same way. i hate it. i let my feelings for some boy ruin that, and i know it's not princeys fault. it just feels like it is because he started this. he made me fall for him, for being himself. with me gone, hopefully things go back to normal.

i'm sorry princey, but you won't miss me so it's fine.

(this was going to be so much more angstier(?) but i decided to save it for later, and also cause i like blanked out as i started writing and forgot most of what i had planned)

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