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two years later

it's princey's birthday today, he's turning 18! i already turned eighteen, i happen to be a few months older than princey here. mother always told me my birthday was on february fourteen, turns out it's like february thirteen actually. i thought she said the fourteen because of my name and who she was , valentin and hearts... no turns out it's the day she found me, which means that i didn't even last a day with my 'parents' before the ditched me. anyways, let's not dwell on the past and focus on the present.

like i said, it's princey's birthday today which meant we were celebrating. it's what? seven thirty? i looked over at the clock on his nightstand trying to read the time, it's about to me seven thirty actually. close enough. we are currently in his room, i say his room because this is the castle and not the auradon prep dorms. i still find it hard to believe that i actually got with the king, i mean i honestly never saw myself waking up in his bed in his castle. it's hard to believe, but i'm getting used to it.

we were at the castle and not the dorms because his parents were throwing a party, or well a ball. oh also, we're bringing the last few kids from the isle. the event starts at around one thirty, everyone will be gathered together to welcome the new and last vk's. as much as princey wanted to bring down the barrier, i had to remind him why opening it wouldn't be a good idea. we can't have the villain parents running around, they are not innocent and still have to pay for their crimes.

we also couldn't really bring all the kids over just like that, it was a lot of paperwork for princey but he had some help of course. there was the whole finding them homes since many of them were still too young to live on their own, we couldn't overcrowd the schools either so we had to cautious with that. of course we did fix up the isle here and there for the kids that were still living there, like we obviously cleaned the isle cause we can't have them living in poverty. we also had teachers there, we wanted to make sure the kids had a head start before coming to auradon. plus large monthly supplies of food because we can't have them malnourished, like how some of us were when we first came to auradon...

the ballroom was all decorated and the staff was coming at around nine or ten to begin preparing the food, and princey's parents were coming back from their trip at like noon. this meant that princey and i had a whole castle for ourselves. now i already have a present ready for him, but this present is just the beginning. yes my present for him is..... yeah anyways, so princey hasn't seen me naked yet. i have gotten more comfortable with my body though so he's seen in just briefs. we also haven't gone all the way, most of what we do is make out because he's waiting till marriage.

no i'm kidding, he just doesn't want to pressure me into doing anything yet. he said once i'm ready then we can go further, we'll i guess today is that that. i'm still kinda nervous, but i'm like one hundred percent sure this is what i want. i looked at the bag of stuff we will need, i did all the needed research and got my shit together. except for this, audrey, jay and carlos prepared the bag for me as i was too nervous to actually go out and look for this stuff myself. at the same time, they kept mocking me which like isn't fairy because audrey hasn't lost her v card either so hmm shut up.

"hey v, so do you wanna go out for breakfast or do you want cereal like last night?" i looked over and saw princey standing at the door of his bathroom, he's fucking shirtless... i still get all red in the face when i see him shirtless, he's gorgeous, we get it. "i'm not really hungry actually, i was thinking we could stay in until noon. if you're hungry we can totally go out if you want, it's up to you birthday boy." princey stretched a bit, more like flexed, before getting back in bed with me. "staying in with you seems better though." he said before kissing my cheek, what a cutie.

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