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audrey and i were on the red carpet, again why must they have one like who are they trying to impress? we kept posing for each photographer as they screamed at us how much they loved our outfits. well we do look amazing so i don't blame them. i was finally beginning to feel much better as we walked to the ship. haven't i been on enough ships today though?

music was already playing as we got on, everyone had arrived except princey and mal. go figure they're still introducing her as a lady of the court. okay don't think about that val, just be here for audrey. she's so excited for tonight and she's trying to make sure i'm happy too, and that's all that matters really. as the music continued to play, audrey and i began to dance like fools, though i couldn't help but notice how lonnie was looking at me. i forgot she was on the isle too. i should probably go explain.

"i'll be right back." i tell audrey and she nods as she continues to dance with the girls from the cheer squad that had joined us. i walk over to lonnie and she backs up. again, i do not blame her. "hey lonnie, i know what you're thinking. 'why is he back if he was ready to kill us all?' isle val is totally differently from auradon val. i was just caught up in the heat of the moment, plus i'd never hurt my friends." lonnie thought about it for a second before speaking.

"what about mal? you seemed ready to hurt her." well valid point. "well yeah but mal's not my friend, she hurt me and i was seeking revenge. don't worry though, i'm not going to hurt anyone. really, you can trust me. if you don't that's totally fine, i hope you can enjoy your evening without feeling like me being here ruins it." i smiled hoping she could understand.

"yeah evie told me what happened, i get why your mad. i guess i was just surprise to see that side of you, i'll see you out there though. save me a dance why don't you." we both laughed and quickly went back to our dates. as i reached audrey the music cut and everyone stopped dancing. trumpets began to blow as lumière stood at the top of the steps.

"the future lady mal." audrey and i walked closer as we knew princey was about to come out too. i looked down at my ring and wondered if what princey said on the isle was true. whatever happens now, i know it's not him. it's that stupid fucking cookie that was given to him by they fucking witch. as mal came down to join the rest of us, the trumpets began to play again. it's his time, princey is up.

"king benjamin." i couldn't help but applaud with the rest of the crowd as princey walked out. he looked amazing, my heart ached as he looked down at us. he began to walk down the steps and we all bowed our heads for his highness. "mal, i wish i had time to explain." princey said as he bowed in front of mal. what was that suppose to mean? everyone's attention went back to the top of the stairs and out came...

uma?! what? what is she doing here? how did she get here? how long has she been here? why didn't she come look for me? i have so many questions and my heart is just out of control right now. what is going on? what is about to happen? did she change her mind?

"sorry. it all happened so fast. something happened to me when i was on the isle with uma. a connection." what? a connection? i can't breath, why can't i breath? i felt audrey grab a hold of my hand and she squeezed it. i can't, no this can't be fucking happening again. i felt another hand on mine and saw that it was evie's. of course it was, she knows exactly what i'm feeling.

"it was love. it was. i just.. i realized how alike ben and i are, you know?" this isn't uma, she doesn't giggle and blush like a school girl. "it was." uma turned to look at me and smiled. "hey v." how could she? how? okay don't cry val, just leave. leave because what's the point of staying? princey doesn't want you, it's been made clear so many times.

instrumental music began to play and the happy couple started to waltz. as they danced jane rushed up to lumière and told him to reveal something. "and now, for the unveiling of king ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady." everyone turned to look at whatever his fucking masterpiece was. the curtain fell and revealed a stain glass window of princey and mal. great! could this day get any better? i'm so ready to jump off of this fucking ship.

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