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last night was something alright. i mean from start to finish, the day was just so chaotic. who knew i would go from being on the isle to being in the kings bed with him. it's not what you think though, we're just laying down together and nothing else. we just woke up and were laying here enjoying each other's presence. he was running his hand through my hair, which was now blue and i actually really dig it like this. this just felt so nice, this has to be the best i've ever felt in months.

"do you remember the first time we slept in the same bed?" princey asked as we just stared at the ceiling. "yes, you were right here talking about how ugly you were and i tried cheering you up." he scoffed and blew air at my face. "i did not call myself ugly, i just said i wasn't as good looking as i wish i was. are you trying to tell me something though?" i hit his chest playfully and rolled my eyes.

"you're just trying to trick me into calling you hot." he shook his head. "am not, but if you think i'm hot well who am i to deny it?" gods he's so, well adorable ha. "how did i get so lucky to score such a catch?" i joked as i sat up. he pulled me back down and pulled me closer to him, as if we weren't close enough as it is. "my thoughts exactly." he pressed his lips on mine but i quickly pushed him off. "go wash your mouth, i love you but not your morning breath."

he stuck his tongue out but got up to do so. i followed him into the bathroom and rubbed my eyes as i looked at myself in the mirror. "do you think i could turn into a dog if i concentrate hard enough?" i asked as i grabbed my toothbrush. "first of all, why would you want to turn into a dog? second of all, how can you transform? like i get hades is your dad and all, but does that mean you're immediately born with all the abilities of a god?" princey asked with a mouthful of toothpaste. i shrugged and made him scoot over.

"don't ask me, i just found out we're related." i began to brush my teeth as princey finished brushing his. "val, your uncle is zeus. that's so badass." i guess? "but also, who's your mom then? like who went and said, okay hades is gonna be my baby daddy." i chocked on the toothpaste, where did princey learn this lingo? i rinsed my mouth out and finished up.

"let's not worry about that okay? what do you want to do today? i mean, after all we are a couple. we should do couples stuff." princey picked me up and sat me on the sink counter. "well, we can walk to breakfast holding hands. then you have cheer practice, and i wouldn't mind staying and watching. after that we have an hour or so for ourselves, and then it's our weekly tourney scrimmage. i wouldn't mind having my own personal cheerleader." he had his face buried in my neck and kept leaving little kisses which were ticklish.

"i like that, but don't expect much. i don't wear a skirt like the girls." he looked up and smirked. "i am not going to borrow a skirt from them you weirdo." he pouted but i wouldn't give in. "benjamin put the pout away, we have to get dressed for the day." he wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me over his shoulder, darn me and my small figure. if i were bigger he would struggle, but of course i'm not so he does this with such ease.

"ben! stop carrying me everywhere, i have two legs and i know how to use them." he tossed me on to the bed and shook his head. "i love carrying you, and i love hearing you call me ben. it sounds nice." i rarely say his name, maybe i should say it more often. "fine but at least let me get changed."


we walked to the dining hall holding hands and the sensation in my stomach came back. butterflies in my stomach. people looked at us and would whisper amongst themselves, if it were anyone else i wouldn't mind. since it's princey i mind a lot. don't kings care a lot about their reputation and what their subjects have to say about them?

"what's wrong val?" he asked me, did i make it that obvious that i was in a way nervous? "nothing just... people are staring and i'm like confused? are the people of auradon not okay with this?" i asked referring to us. "maybe they're still all shook up about the events from yesterday. it's not everyday you see someone turn into a dragon." yeah maybe it's that. they're probably just scared i might do it here. right?

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