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my little chat with princey sidetracked me and i was almost late to class. i wasn't late but i wasn't early either. i didn't get to pick where i sat so my sitting arrangement was up to the teacher. yay.

"right, uh val i want you next to.... next to audrey! you remember audrey right?" fairy godmother pointed at the empty seat next to the little pink princess, who didn't seem too happy with the decision. i feel welcomed already!

fairy godmother began to write something on the board when a lady walked in and interrupted her. they whispered amongst themselves and the lady left. fairy godmother cleared her throat and got our attention. "now i had a lesson planned for us today, but an emergency has come up and i'm needed. i trust you all to behave in my absence, i won't take long. work on your other assignments if you wish." with that fairy godmother was out the door and we were left by ourselves. well then okay.

"so your mom is like the queen of hearts right?" am i tripping or is audrey speaking to me? "uh yeah she is." she let out a little 'hmm' as if i were lying. as if i would lie about who my mother was. "from what i heard she didn't really like children, so how come she had you?" should i take that as an insult or ?

"i don't know, i guess i was a mistake and she just kept me around for the sake of it. how does it feel to be the daughter of sleeping beauty?" i don't actually care but if she's going to ask about my mother then i should too. she didn't answer my question right away, she looked down at her hands and frowned.

"if she had stuck around i would have some great stories right now." i take it she meant to say it to herself and not out loud to me. wait okay but what did she mean by that? "what do you mean?" i asked, okay now i care because she seems sad and she seems to always be happy.

"my mom isn't always around, i didn't see much of her growing up. my grandmother raised me, i only saw mother when she stopped by for important gatherings with the other princesses. she stayed for my christening and then left. all she and father do is travel,
explore the world and send postcards. i know i don't have much to complain about... but growing up knowing your mother is alive but just doesn't want to be with you sucks. nana says she's exploring the world to make up for being trapped in a cottage her whole childhood." woah that was a lot... i take it she doesn't get to always unload on people huh?

"you'd think going through that she would want to provide a happy childhood for her child." well that seemed to make her chuckle, i guess i'm doing a good job at comforting her? "exactly! at this point i don't feel comfortable calling them my parents, my nana was more of a mother than she was." she wiped away the tears that were threatening to leave her eyes as she looked up at me. "ugh my mascara is definitely ruined and i don't have the strength to fix it." she had taken out a mirror from her bag and began to look over her eye makeup.

"here let me help you, i know a thing or two about makeup." she gave me shocked face before handing me her mascara. i took her head into my hand and pulled her close to inspecting her look. ah this brought back memories of the isle. well now it's not completely ruined but i can make it better. after i had done a fantastic job, if i do say so myself, she took her mirror and admired her eyes.

"why are you looking at me like that?" i asked as she looked at me through her mirror. she shook her head and laughed. "how do you know how to use makeup? ben can't even tell me the difference between the shades of lipstick i own." i shrugged and looked at the makeup she had in her bag.

"my friend uma, she always found the best items and so she taught me a thing or two. eventually i got the hand of it and began doing my own makeup. what?" audrey seemed amazed that i did my makeup. well is it not normal here or? "it's just nana always taught me that makeup was only for girls and that boys who wore makeup shouldn't be trusted." her nana taught her what now?

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