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i didn't want to come to the try outs but jay and carlos literally forced me here. they cornered me and when i tried to get away JAY CARRIED ME. they're insane! it doesn't help that jay is probably twice my size. carlos i could take because we're about the same height, but then again i'm used to using swords when fighting.

i was sitting on the stands watching the guys try out. after i bit jay, the lowest point of my life, he said i didn't have to try out but i should at least stay to watch. so i agreed and here i am now watching a bunch of guys tackling each other. the cheerleaders are also here, the preppy princess was also here. she's part of the cheer squad and dating the prince? what a life she's living.

carlos was on the field and the coach was yelling at him about a kill zone? sports are very weird. carlos seemed very lost and confused, but jay on the other hand was doing very good. jay was pushing down whoever got in his way and he was passing by swiftly. the coach seemed to be very impressed with jay, everyone seemed to be impressed with jay. well everyone except preppy prices over here. she wasn't cheering along with the other cheerleaders. oof.

jay was flipping through the air and a scared carlos trying to protect himself. hey i don't blame him, i too would be terrified if i saw jay coming at me like a fucking bull. i couldn't hear much but after jay scored a goal the coach called him to him. i couldn't tell what they were saying but the coach seemed happy.

i don't know why i didn't leave, something told me to stay and watch how everything played out. princey waved at me as the coach dismissed them, well i think just he was waving at me? i don't know his girlfriend was like standing near me so he was probably waving at her. to save myself from embarrassment i didn't wave back, but pretty pink princess did. maybe i should start calling them by their names, what was her name anyways? adriana? ariana? sarah? no it was audrey right?

everyone left and i was alone on the stands, or at least i thought i was alone. i felt weight being added to the bench as someone sat next to me. i thought it was jay or carlos as they told me to wait for them but it wasn't. to my surprise it was the prince.

"i waved at you, you didn't wave back." he stated simply and to the point. i didn't look at him and just continued staring at the empty field in front of us. "i didn't think you were waving at me, with your girlfriend being right there and all."

"who audrey? oh right, i see why'd you be confused. so how come you didn't try out?" why are people so interested on me joining the tourney team. i don't even understand the game. "look at me, i'm a scrawny mother fucker. it'd get torn to pieces out there." he simply laughed and then i felt his hand on my knee. oh?

"i could work with you, i told coach i'd work with carlos. i'm sure with some help you'll be great." why does he care if i do good? is he that nice? "i don't know, i'll think about it." i wasn't actually going to give it a try and join the team, no i'll just go along with it because he's being nice.

"great, i can't wait." i thought after i agreed he would leave and go shower, after all he's all sweaty and whatnot. he didn't leave, he stayed there next to me with his hand still on my knee. now i don't want to assume anything but this is quite odd.

"hearts! ready to go?" jay and carlos jogged over to us and princey finally took his hand off of my knee. "ben what are you still doing here? aren't you gonna go shower and change?" jay asked princey, i take it i'm the only one that doesn't call him by his name huh? whatever i'm still calling him princey.

"right yeah, great job today guys! and i'll see you later val." princey got up and used finger guns when he said 'see you later'. well okay. he walked away and the two boys in front of me made faces. not mean ones but like they were implying something.

"i see you already befriended ben. what were you two talking about?" jay asked as we began walking back to the classrooms. "nothing really. he was curious about why i didn't try out, and he insisted i join him and carlos when he works with him." jay didn't say anything else after that and we continued walking in silence.


i was leaving my safety rules for the internet class, which i may say seemed pointless at first but after growing up without wifi it's pretty helpful, when i bumped into mal and ben talking. it didn't help that i had to stop at my locker, which was right by mal's, all because the teachers gave me a bunch of materials. why can't i use one notebook for all my classes?

"you should consider taking this talent off the locker and into an art class." ben said to mal, i'm not eavesdropping or anything but they're not exactly whispering either. "fairy godmother could sign you up."

"way to take out all the fun out of it." with that mal walked away and began walking in the same direction jane had gone off too after she walked past us. again i wasn't eavesdropping or anything. me being the idiot that i am, i dropped my notebook. oh woah not just any notebook, the one with my doodles. how the fuck did i even drop it? wait princey what are you doing? he's picking it up... and now he's looking at it, though that's probably my fault as i fucking left it open.

"is this supposed to be you?" he asked as he looked at the page i doodled on in remedial goodness. "why those little devil horns?" princey please stop judging my chicken scratch. i didn't really have an answer for that, i guess i just wanted to add devil horns?

"woah when you said see you later i didn't think you meant this soon." why am i changing the subject? "well i'm a man of my word." princey joked and handed me the notebook back. i was quick to stuff it in my locker, not that i was embarrassed of my doodles but i make them for my eyes only.

"i wouldn't say man, boy of your word seems more fitting." i joked, hopefully he took it as a joke and didn't get offended. "well there goes my confidence." he joked, or at least i think he's joking. he's doing it again. he's staring at me again. i get it, i'm beautiful but is the staring necessary?

"well i'll see around, theres still classes to attend." princey stood there for a few more seconds before finally moving. "yeah see ya." i closed my locker and watched him walk away. he turned his head to look at me like what? three times? well okay then. i have class anyways, magical history with fairy godmother.

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