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"so you two lovebirds done?" uma was now standing in front of us, arms crossed and everything. i let go of princey, but i held on to his hand of course. "so who are we saving today?" i don't know why but it came off as if she does this everyday. "audrey." "auradon." i looked at mal, did someone else get hurt or something? last time i checked only a few guards were passed out. "audrey who?" uma asked ignoring mal's response.

"sleeping beauty's daughter, she got possessed by the darkness." that's her official name, but i feel stupid calling her that. so i go from calling it a black cloud/mist/fog, whatever you want to call it. the darkness just seems so edgy. "she left the isle? either she got tired of maleficent's weakass or maleficent was able to get rid of her. when did she leave?" i forgot maleficent was the last one to get possessed by it. "earlier today, but we don't know how she was able too. either there's a way to get out we don't know about, or she's just capable of leaving just like that." i mean it's not like anyone on the isle was able to help her.

"anything else i need to know before we start looking for that princess?" speaking of the mistress of all evil, "and she has maleficent's scepter." and that's all the information i have right now. i hope audrey's okay, i can only imagine the torture her mind is being put through. "woah okay, so basically if we don't beat her then everyone's screwed. great, just great. any idea where she might be?" none at all.

"then we split up, the guys and i will go to fairy cottage and you guys check her room and the school." princey isn't serious right? the first thing horror movies tell you not to do is split up, and what are we doing? splitting up. "fine, but val's coming with us." is everyone just going to make decisions for me? "it's only fair, five in each group." yeah i guess, i guess.... "okay, be careful okay? don't hurt yourself out there." yeah yeah, what can possibly hurt me as i look around a school? he kissed my forehead before joining the guys, didn't even let me say anything about him being safe. tisk tisk.

the girls and i made our way into the school. despite wanting me in her group uma wasn't talking to me. i wanted to say something to her but i didn't know what. hey sorry for spitting fire at you? sorry i got in the way of your plan to help the kids on the isle? i could just say, how have you been, but that would either earn me more silence or a sarcastic remark. you never know with uma. as we walked i felt like someone was staring at us, i hate that feeling. i looked around and took notice of the people standing around us. they were spread out so we wouldn't really see them at first, but when you stop and look you can see them.

"um guys, we have an audience." they weren't moving, and that's because they were turned to stone? they seemed harmless, so why would they be turned to stone?  i walked over to the one that seemed most familiar, it was doug? "christ buddy, who did you upset?" i walked over to the rest, some of these were even teachers. hey now that chemistry bitch deserves this though, he's a real ass. he failed me even though i was doing good in his class, i know because princey helps me with the homework.

"any reason why she picked audrey out of everyone? she goes for the weakest, the most vulnerable. what was this chick going through?" uma had a point, why did she go after audrey? i mean did she see her first or was she the easiest one to pick? "i don't know... she never mentioned if she was sad or upset..." or maybe i never asked. i was so busy with myself i never bothered checking in on audrey. i just figured she was okay, i'm such a shit friend. i really need to save her, oh my dear auds i'm so sorry.

"we should hurry before anyone else gets turned to stone, or worse." i felt a hand on my shoulder, i hoped it was uma's but it was mal's. i looked away and followed uma and evie, i don't care if i'm being too harsh or whatever. i'm not on good terms with her, i never have been. she didn't like me back then, why should being related change that now? like she said, i'm at the bottom of the food chain while she's at the top. let's keep it that way.

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