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princey had invited me over for breakfast with his parents, it went well honestly. i wasn't a nervous wreck, after all princey kept holding my hand under the table to calm me down. we were going to go pick up the new vk's today, and he said he had a special announcement before we left. he took me out to the patio terrace thing that all castles seem to have.

"why the long face?" princey asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist. i was looking out to the isle, i didn't even notice i was frowning. "just thinking, i mean i hope uma is there when we go pick the kids up. i miss her." i won't shut up about how much i miss her until i see her, i need to apologize about the cotillion. "val, uma's not on the isle. after the cotillion she went into hiding, but she didn't return to the isle. i mean, how would she get past the barrier anyways?" what? i mean if she's not on the isle where can she be? in auradon? or is she just somewhere in the ocean?

"oh... i just thought she was on the isle again. i mean, she's a powerful witch i thought she could get through it without problem. i mean i used a random spell and i got through. oh man you probably think i'm so stupid, this whole time i figured she was on the isle." he laughed which didn't make me feel any better. he turned me around and kissed my forehead, i love forehead kisses.

"val you're not stupid, you're just very innocent. how about we head down to join the others before we have to leave. it's almost time." i looked up at him, again he's not drastically taller than me, and planted a kiss on his lips. a quick kiss because we don't know if his parents can see us. "you're a cutie. let's go."


there was a crowd already waiting for us, a band began to play as we made our way to the center. there was a cute little stage set up and a microphone. was princey giving a speech before we left? of course he was, it's what a king should do after all. i wonder how's he's handling it all, he's too young to be a king if i'm being honest.all those eyes on him, i know i could never handle that well. his parents should've waited till he was either 18 or 21.

"bippity-boppity, one-two, one-two. can everyone hear me?" fairy godmother asked the crowd, they all got quite real quick because they obviously respect her and not because she's the most powerful fae around. she handed the microphone over to princey and he let go of my hand to speak to the crowd.

"thank you fairy godmother. what's up auradon! thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals, they'll be here pretty soon. it worked out pretty well the first time with our first bunch." yeah especially for you princey. okay and maybe me too but that doesn't matter, he's the one that said it first.

"val this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. i feel like i've known you my whole life. did i mention that i'm in love with you?" he's such a sap, it's adorable. i love it, and i love him of course. he walked over to me again and got down on one knee? now he's taking out a small box. oh my gods don't tell me he's going to propose.

"i... princey what are you doing?" i feel super nervous now, no please don't propose. "val this isn't what you think, it's a promise ring. i know we're too young for this to be a proposal, but don't worry. this ring is my promise to you that i will always love you, and that i won't let you get away. i promise that in the future, when we're ready, you'll be my king." oh thank the gods, if he was asking for my hand in marriage i would have to say no.

"oh okay, you scared me for a second. okay yeah i accept your promise ring? i don't know what i'm supposed to say here..." everyone's staring and i don't like it. he put the ring on my finger and the crowd began cheering again. he stood up and kissed my hand before kissing me. i'm starting to calm down a bit now, a bit. he pulled away and smiled at the crowd before we walked down to see our friends. audrey pulled me into a huge hug, is a promise ring as important as an engagement ring? they all seem so excited for something so small.

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