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(i realize this chapter is probably super basic but i really like it and i just hope you guys like it too, especially towards the middle with the it's going down scene)

"is she going to hurt me?" princey asked as i was tying him up. we were on hooks ship as we waited for the vk's to arrive, it was what? 11:30? "no, uma wouldn't hurt you physically. she prefers to torture one emotionally. it's the best way to do it after all. harry however will hurt you physically. he's got a good right hook, and a hook after all." i finished the job and walked around to face him. "but don't worry about me princey, i'd never hurt you." unless of course you hurt me.

"that's good to know." harry walked over and got up in princeys face. "coochy-coochy coo." he held his hook against princeys jaw, what are you doing harry? "how's it feel to be king now, eh?" princey was looking at him in a way i didn't like. not that i'm the jealous type of anything, but i have some trust issues so. "give it a rest harry, and you, eyes on me." i winked as i slapped his arm.

"don't leave any bruises, we don't want to damage the goods." uma came over and took a seat in front of us. "you said i could hook him!" excuse me? "i said at noon." harry got all up on princeys face again as he held a pocket watch in his face. "twenty more minutes." princey laughed, which i advice wasn't a good idea as the man has a hook. "that says 11:30." i grabbed the back of harry's jacket and pulled him back. harry held his hands up in defeat and backed away.

"you better hope your girlfriend comes through." eww uma please don't use the g word around me. "she's not my girlfriend anymore." i groaned and sat down next to uma. "she shouldn't have been your girlfriend in the first place." i whispered to myself, but i'm sure they heard me. ugh oh well.

"i get that you don't deserve this." oh princey please don't say anything that'll make them hurt you. "this. this island is a prison thanks to your father. and don't pretend to look out for me because no ones looking out for me. it's just me." well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, what the fuck am i then?

"so, this isn't your moms plan? isn't that her necklace?" princey please. uma scoffed and rolled her eyes. "my mom doesn't care about me either. well, unless she needs someone for the night shift." i really wish princey had chosen uma as one of the kids to leave the isle instead of me, if only. "i don't need your pity."

"no you certainly don't. you're very resourceful. i don't see you tied up." uma laughed and got up, now she's all up in his face. i get he's cute but please, i should be the only one that close to his face. "all right, so let's trash talk mal." oh yes please. i would really love that, seems like a fun party game. "i'd rather talk about you." well aren't you fun at party's princey. "funny and a gentleman. i really hope i don't have to feed you to the fishes, i know hearts over here wouldn't like that." hey woah, this is between y'all. don't drag me into this right now.

"you don't. set me free and we can go back together." hey that doesn't sound so bad! it could work. "oh so now i get an invite. gee i wonder why. when you brought mal, evie, carlos and jay to auradon, that's as mad as i've ever been in my life. and trust me, i've been plenty mad." now wait a second, why wasn't i included. she has every right to be mad at me for going, i should've fought to bring her over. why didn't i? gosh i'm such an idiot.

"i never thought of it like that before, that i could've hurt the people i didn't pick. the plan was to start with four kids and bring more people over. i guess i was busy being king. that sounds lame. i'm so sorry. you're a leader uma, so am i. come to auradon and be part of the solution." okay so when i fucking called him out in this bullshit he doesn't care? but when uma does it as she has him tied up against his will, he finally does? what gives!?

"me? part of your solution? nah. i don't need you. imma get there on my own." i stood up and walked up to uma. "uma, you're not doing this alone. please just consider what he's offering you. think of all the good you could do while you're there. yes evil gets the job done, but if there's an easier way then take it. please." uma shook her head.

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