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i spent the rest of the night awake, well mostly going in and out of sleep. in total i probably got thirty minutes of sleep. i was scared that if i fell asleep i'd end up getting a nightmare. with everything that's going on i don't know what's in store for my dreams, i however didn't want to risk it. the shower woke me up, and i quickly got changed. i was going to wear my regular clothes, i instead changed into some of princey's clothes. he's not fat, of course not he's in great shapes, but we're different sizes. again, that's because i'm starved. growing up in the isle meant many of us were malnourished, surviving on fish wasn't much. i went with my own pants, but the shirt and sweater were his. i look like i'm going to a family dinner.

audrey picked me up, she handed me a cup of coffee and we made our way to the car waiting for us. mal was already there, i don't see why she's coming with us but i didn't have the energy to care. all my energy is on princey and him coming back alive. the ride back to the hospital was painfully quiet, i just rested my head on audreys shoulder as i drank my coffee. i wonder if hades is already or they're still trying to bring him over. they're probably having trouble getting into his lair.

once we arrived we were lead up to princey's room, his parents weren't there yet. i took a seat next to princey, it looked like he sleeping but i knew he wasn't. i held his hand, i rubbed circles in his hand like he does to me. he can't feel it obviously, but doing it relaxes me. the door opened up after a few minutes of waiting there in the silence. it was belle and adam, mr. beast? mr. florian? king adam, king beast, don't know and don't care.

"what is she doing here? you did this to my son, i can't believe we almost let you into our family!" i quickly let go of princeys hand as i almost fell out of my chair. his fathers voice was loud and scary, i did not like it one bit. i thought he was talking to me, i mean who else would he be talking. i was wrong though, he was talking to audrey.

"sir, i-i had nothing to do with this, i would never hurt ben." audrey defended herself but he wouldn't listen. "i want you out of here, i don't want you near my son ever again!" his voice boomed all over the room, it was so loud i thought princey was going to wake up. "yes sir." audrey lowered her head and stood up to walk out. i stopped her though, i don't care who he is, no one talks to audrey like that.

"with all due respect sir, you have no right to speak to audrey in such way. she is one of ben's best friends,  he wouldn't allow you to speak to her like that either. audrey has nothing to do with this, what happened out there wasn't her fault. she was possessed by evilest force there is, the same ones that possessed maleficent. she wasn't herself when things happened, it isn't fair you blame her." the way that beast was looking down at me kinda frightened me not gonna lie, he could squash me if he wanted to. he has the power to do so after all.

"val is right, what happened out there isn't anyone's fault. audrey was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. this thing, the black fog ben warned everyone about, her name is eve. she's the mother of all, both evil and good, monsters and fallen souls. to roam the earth she needs a vessel, so she chose audrey just like she once chose my mother. she was created by the gods, but when she became too powerful they left her to roam free. only a god can destroy her, or she can take herself out by taking a human life with her. she took herself out by taking ben with her, and that was after she left audrey's body." mal was now defending audrey too, i'll be honest it was nice seeing her defend audrey.

"adam please, ben would never allow you to speak to his friends in such way. we're all hurt by these events but you can't just lash out at everyone like that. audrey dear, please excuse him he's not being himself right now. your parents are here to see you, i'll help you out." i don't know how belle can stay so calm around him like that. she walked over to audrey and helped her up, thankfully audrey allowed herself to be helped up instead of doing it herself.

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