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"lovers quarrel?" uma asked as i stepped out of the back. i stuck my tongue out and took a seat next to gil. the others were gone, it was just uma, harry, and gil left. well it's nice to see they waited for me. "how much of that did you hear?" i asked as i took some food out of my bag before tossing it on the table.

"everything, it's not like the curtain is sound proof. so, tell us everything that happened since you left. and i mean everything." they began to look through the items i brought them while i took a lollipop for myself. "where to begin? we arrived, we went to our rooms. mal said we were there to steal fairy godmothers wand. obviously they failed on their first attempt. rookie mistakes though, i warned them." uma looked up and laughed.

"miss perfect princess wanted to steal the wand? and she makes me seem like the bad guy for wanting it." why does uma want the wand though? "yeah well since they didn't succeed we had to stay. then mal gave princey a love spell cookie, thus him taking her to the coronation. ugh can you believe that i willingly put myself between her and maleficent. as if i'd ever die to protect her." this caused the three of them to laugh.

"and what have you done since you got there?"gil asked as he gulped down a bunch of shit. "well i made some friends, the 'cool' kids. i got into some school activities and whatnot." uma shook her head. "you befriended preppy kids? oh no, they got to you too." haha that's so funny. "you got to hold the wand right? i mean we were all watching, and when you took it out of her hand we were all excited. until you dropped it to the floor and screamed. what was that?" i looked down at my burn scar and it finally clicked on why it burned me, besides fairy godmothers explanation.

"well fairy godmother said it's because the wand was working against me instead of working with me. turns it i have dark magic and evil forces within me." they all looked at each other and didn't say anything. did they not believe me? whatever. "so, mind telling me why you have princey in here with you?"

"princey?" don't tell me they didn't know who i was talking about. "the king." harry and gil let out an 'ooh' as uma shook her head. "why do you call him princey?" cause i can. "that's his nickname." she raised an eyebrow in response.

"are you the only one that calls him that?"
"does he like it?"
"do you like it?"
"can anybody else call him that?"
"do you like him?"
"ye- no."

uma shook her head and laughed. "look at him, he's blushing. from what i heard, someone's got it bad for the king. well since you asked kindly, harry here brought him here. mal came to make a deal, the wand for the king. we meet tomorrow at noon to trade, so who's side are you on hearts?"

"what are your intentions with the wand?" i asked sitting up straight. "i'm going to use it to bring down the barrier and let the kids go. so who's side are you on?" well wasn't it obvious? "yours, always." "good, i'm tired of seeing these kids in pain because of those royal cunts." me too, me too.

"so, can we like untie princey for a bit? just so he can walk around and see the isle? maybe get a better understanding on why he should focus on us more." uma shook her head. "nope, i love you hearts but i can't let him go. he can get away and we don't want that." darn. "plus, i don't want you two fooling around in my establishment. nasty." hey! "those were not my intentions, i just wanted him to meet mother..." harry and uma looked at each and their expressions changed.

"hearts," uma and harry both reached for my hand. "your mother... she's-" oh they knew huh? "yeah i know." they squeezed my hands and gave me looks of sympathy. "we've been taking good care of her though, always making sure she eats and stays in bed. if she moves too much she losses energy. i wish we could've told you sooner, but we didn't know how to contact you." well that's nice to know.

"thank you...thank you." we were all quiet for a bit until i decided to switch the subject, we're finally reunited so we shouldn't be all sad and gloomy. i took out my phone and decided to introduce them to my friends. "look, this is audrey, sleeping beauty's girl. she and i clicked as soon as we met. you two already have something in common, you both don't like mal." uma looked at the picture and smirked. "she's hot." i smiled. "she also likes girls." uma rolled her eyes and looked the other way.

"this is chad charming, as you can already tell, cinderella's son. i'm pretty sure he has a crush on jay, but won't admit it. he's kinda full of himself, but he's a nice guy overall. he doesn't make the best first impressions though." both harry and gil nodded in approval as they looked at the picture.

"these two are jane and lonnie, jane being fairy godmothers daughter and lonnie being mulans girl. jane is real kind and smart, lonnie is competitive and super athletic. they're the jock and cheerleader stereotype, but lesbian edition." uma took the phone from my hand and zoomed out.

"valentin hearts, is that you in a cheer outfit? don't tell me you joined the squad!" uma showed harry and gil the photo and they all began laughing. i was trying so hard for them to not see that part. "yeah... it's a great way to stay in shape?" i took the phone back and they only continued laughing. well gee thanks a lot guys.

"okay anyways, this is doug son of dopey. he's really smart and funny, i think he has a crush on both evie and chad, but he doesn't talk a lot about his feelings so i'm not entirely sure. and as you know, this is evie. she's like in love with mal. jay and carlos there, they're in love with each other obviously. that's me and princey, another one of me and princey, don't look at that one... eww that's ally, i should crop her out of this picture." uma took my phone yet again and looked at the picture.

"she looks like-" i stopped her before she could even start. "she is, and she's a real bitch too. she won't leave me alone about how mother was so evil to her mother. like girl give it a rest, your moms alive isn't she? be thankful mother didn't take her out when she had the chance." uma laughed and kept looking at my phone. and look, she swiped back to the picture i tried not to show them.

"is that you and the king? oh my gods, you did not take a picture like that." before i could reach for the phone she handed it over to harry and gil who both studied the picture. "did he really leave you all those marks?" i groaned and hit my head against the table. i don't even remember taking the picture, but at last it was there. it was from those five days we spent together doing nothing but kissing. "didn't think he had it in him." harry laughed as my phone finally came back to me.

"yeah well neither did i..." uma laughed and slapped my back. ouch. "well catching up was fun, but we must prepare for tomorrow. you can stay back there with your king, just don't do anything. i have to get stuff ready. tomorrow is going to be an eventful day."

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