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so since my arrival here was unexpected, though i don't know why the prince lied to them, they only had prepared two rooms. one for jay and carlos, and one for evie and mal. until they find somewhere to put me i have to share a room with jay and carlos, or as i like to call them jaylos. the room was big, but apparently not big enough for three beds. at least it was better than on the isle. clean pillows, nice bed sheets, and whatever all that other stuff is.

"woah, woah, woah! this place is amazing!" carlos was rightfully thrilled, we don't have these luxuries back home. is this what growing up privileged felt like?

"i call this bed!" carlos jumped on one of the bed's, hopefully he didn't break one. what type of punishment do they have here? i bet for us it's 'throw them in a cell and throw away the key' but for them it's just a slap on the wrist and they call it a day.

"you wish, this one's mine!" jaylos began to fight as soon as jay jumped on the bed with carlos. well play fight as i doubt they'd ever really hurt one another on purpose. i didn't grow up being their friend, i watched them from the side because i was like a side character to them, but i saw how once they became friends they watched our for one another.

i sat down on one of the chairs by the table and just thought about the life i could have here. a good life, like the one that mother wants me to have. i mean it's auradon, nothing can go wrong here. i love mother and all, but maybe staying here was better than going back. no more having to deal with her boyfriend, what a fucking bum he was. i'm thinking too much, i should get used to being here first. what if end up hating it? maybe not, i mean comparing it to my first home...

"too bad we have to say goodbye to such a luxurious life when we steal fairy godmothers wand." jay's words brought me down from the cloud i was on. what was he talking about? stealing who's wand now?

"if i may ask, what on earth are you talking about?" i asked turning around in my chair to face the two. they looked at one another and began mumbling to one another. great that totally answers my question. instead of giving me an answer carlos went to check out the junk in the room and jay began to grab things in the room that caught his interest. thanks for explaining guys.

suddenly the door opened and in came the girls, great. well maybe they'll explain what this whole 'stealing fairy godmothers wand' ordeal was. evie waved at me and i simply smiled in return, though mal didn't like that very much. can't a guy be friendly to evie without her getting mad?

"jay, what are you doing?" mal asked as jay as she approached him though it's really none of her business. "it's called stealing." he replied with snark. "okay, what's the point?"

"well my dear, it's like buying whatever i want, except it's free." nice one i guess. "okay, so you could do that or you could leave this all here and come back for it when we take over the world." when we what now? who said anything about anyone taking over the world? did i miss a meeting or something?

"you sound just like your mom." i hadn't noticed evie standing next to me leaning against the table. "thank you." well now i wouldn't really think that's a compliment, i get people fear her for being the mistress of evil but maleficent isn't that scary. all she did was put people to sleep, my mom literally beheaded people.

"you do it your way and i'll do it mine." watching them bicker was like watching live theater. mal turned around and looked over at me. she glared yet again, obviously she didn't like me. what's not to like? don't hate me because i'm beautiful. she walked over and whispered something into evie's ear, though she made clear eye contact with me. evie simply looked at me and nodded, whatever could they be talking about?

"guys! do i have to remind you what we're all here for?" mal let out a frustrated groan as jay and carlos were enjoying the games in the room, well now it did look interesting... wait, what are we here for exactly? i thought for a new life, new opportunities, and all that other crap that came in the letter.

"fairy godmother. blah blah blah. magic wand. blah blah blah." jay's response made evie and carlos laugh, but it left me more confused than ever.

"this is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents," mal now sounded pissed off. whatever she meant by that clearly struck a chord with the others. they stopped laughing and payed her full attention. "to prove that we our evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel. yeah?" to prove ourself to our parents? look i know i might be slow sometimes, but i really don't know what's going on here.

"evie, carlos, use the mirror to see where the wand is at. jay and i have to talk to our friend over here." mal ordered them around and soon i was being carried to the bed and away from carlos and evie. what on earth is going on?

before jay and mal actually explained anything to me they huddled together and whispered amongst themselves. they kept looking at me then to each other. so far all i know is, fairy godmothers wand is involved and taking over the world. also proving themselves to their parents?

"look here hearts, we're gonna let you in on a little secret only because us vk's must stick together." jay said as they began walking towards me again. whatever could this little secret be that's got them all on edge.

"to put it in simple words, we're stealing fairy godmothers wand, releasing my mother and taking over the world. you in or out?" mal asked, though the look in her eyes told me i didn't have much of a choice. "what's in it for me?" i asked, i don't think maleficent is much of a team player. "whatever you want." jay answered for mal.

"it's in a museum! 2.3 miles from here!" evie and carlos interrupted our little chat with information on the wand. well that doesn't seem far right? mal snapped her fingers and pointed at the door. "let's go!" she's not serious right? they're doing this tonight?! they all got up and headed to the door, i stayed put. there's no way they could take the wand that easily.

"in or out?" jay asked me, well world domination doesn't seem so bad but still their plan is flawed. "fuck it, i'm in. however, you guys aren't going to steal the wand that easily. i mean think about it, it's fairy godmothers wand. it's probably protected with lasers and alarms. i don't think the people of auradon are stupid enough to leave it alone with easy access to it." by the looks of it they didn't want to take what i said into consideration, well may the gods be with you all.

"we'll take our chances. see you after we take over auradon." mal opened the door and left, leaving the others behind. they just stared at me, maybe they knew i was right but they probably didn't want to upset mal.

"don't say i didn't warn you."

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